XVIII Airborne Corps TOC Log: Truth has a Date-Time Group

The remains of the HQ of the Iraqi 45th Infantry Division on MSR Texas.

     The XVIII Airborne Corps was one of the two American army corps that were involved in the ground war during Operation Desert Storm (the other being VII Corps, who were deployed from Germany to fight in the war.) The XVIII Airborne Corps included the 82nd Airborne Division, the 24th Mechanized Infantry Division and the 101st Arborne Division (Air Assault) along with corps-level support units that included: aviation, artillery, signal, MI, logistical and medical support.

      The XVIII Airborne Corps was the “lighter” of the two corps, having fewer tanks and other armored vehicles than VII Corps, so the corps was given missions on the left flank of the Coalition attack were there were fewer heavily armed Iraqi Republican Guard units. These missions included engaging Iraqi army units in their zone of operation, seizing and securing key roads, towns and bridges- thus preventing the Iraqi army retreating from the VII Corps attack, or from reenforcing their units in southern Iraq and Kuwait.

     My unit, which was attached to the 2nd Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division was given the mission to secure a road known as Main Supply Route (MSR) Texas.  MSR Texas was located on the far western flank of the coalition attack and was important for two reasons. The first was that MSR Texas was intended to be a major logistics route to supply the Coalition attack in the East. The second was its location- MSR Texas ended at the town of AsSalman, Iraq which is just 100 miles from Bagdad. If the Coalition mission expanded to include capturing Baghdad, MSR Texas would play a key role in that operation.


     One thing I learned as an army officer is that “truth has a date-time group.” This phrase means that what is reported at the time is the best understanding of what was happening at the time of the report. Since conditions in war change rapidly, what is “true” one moment might be wrong the next.

     It is important to understand the concept of “truth has a date-time group” when reading this TOC log. A careful reading of this log will reveal that it contains contradictions, missing information and reports that were later proven to be incorrect. But that is the nature of the fog of war.

Historical Resources Branch

US Army Center of Military History

XVIII Airborne Corps in Operations


An Annotated Chronology


     These files consist of copies of the annotated chronology compiled by the Command Historian,(1) XVIII Airborne Corps, and are posted to the Center's web site with the permission of that office. The files were initiated during the DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM deployment and completed after redeployment by carefully cross-referencing the official corps records before they were retired. The preliminary draft of this chronology was submitted as the documentation in the package recommending XVIII Airborne Corps for the Presidential Unit Citation (Army). That award was never approved.

     The chronology is organized by month, with the exception of the months of January and February 1991. Each of those monthly files is divided into two sections. January is split between the DESERT SHIELD (1-15 January) and DESERT STORM (16-31 January) phases. February is split between the period of the air war (1-23 February) and the period of the 100-hour ground offensive (24-28 February).

     In format, each file consists of entries for a date placed in chronological order. Each date further identified by a "C" date (indicating the number of days elapsed from the Commencement of Operation DESERT SHIELD), and where appropriate "D" date (indicating the number of days elapsed since the beginning of Operation DESERT STORM) and "G" date (indicating the number of days elapsed since the beginning of the "100-hour Ground war"). The left-hand numbers for each entry represent the time of day expressed in military style on the 24-hour clock (e.g., 0100 is 1:00 A.M. while 1300 is 1 P.M.). Unless otherwise noted, times for events in the Southwest Asia Theater of Operations are "C" or "CHARLIE" time zone, which is the local time in the theater. Other time zones used occasionally are "Z" or "ZULU", which is Greenwich Mean Time, and is normally used by the military for world-wide communications; or "R" or "ROMEO" which was the local time for Fort Bragg, North Carolina (Eastern Daylight Savings Time or Eastern Standard Time depending upon the season).

     If the information in the entry was derived from the actual Daily Journals and Journal Files, no annotation appears. If other sources were consulted, they are listed in brackets at the end of the entry. If primary sources conflict, or if they contained inaccurate information, the Command Historian investigated the contradiction, made an on-the-spot determination based on that investigation, and provided an explanation in the bracketed materials to indicate which source was correct.

     Readers should be aware that initial reporting contained in the Journals and Journal Files or first daily situation reports (SITREPS) is rarely accurate in matters of detail. The need to pass information quickly takes precedence over the need to be 100% accurate. In cases where the reports were in conflict with each other or where they were in error, the chronology reflects all sources but makes a definitive statement that is based in each and every case by the on-the-ground investigation by the XVIII Airborne Corps History Office.

     Users of this chronology should also consult the original records of the corps and each of its subordinate units; the oral history collection (DSIT-AE) maintained by the Corps History Office at Fort Bragg, North Carolina (with copies on file at the Oral History Activity, US Army Center of Military History); and the rosters of key personnel.

     No XVIII Airborne Corps Command Report was compiled for Operations DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM. Instead, priority was given to the processing and retirement of the official records and this command chronology was prepared as a substitute.

updated 9 April 1998



16- 31 January 1991

16 January (C+159; D-1)

1825Z ARCENT issues guidance on rules of engagement during hostilities.

17 January (C+160) (D DAY)

-- Final vehicles (one M-577 and one M-113A3) for XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post unloaded from

American Condor. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 144 (19 Jan 91)]

-- Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery and 5th Battalion (-), 62d Air Defense Artillery, assume battle

stations. [Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery SITREP 72 (17 Jan 91)]

-- 18th Aviation Brigade reports all flyable aircraft dispersed from Dhahran West Heliport. [18th

Aviation Brigade SITREP 101 (17 Jan 91)]

-- 525th Military Intelligence Brigade detaches the 142d Military Intelligence Detachment (Utah Army

National Guard) for transfer to VII Corps. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 107 (17 Jan 91)]

-- 525th Military Intelligence Brigade implements brigade OPORD 91-01. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade

SITREP 107 (17 Jan 91)]

0001 VII Corps goes to Mission Oriented Protective Posture level 1 (MOPP-1).

0152 ARCENT orders OPLAN DESERT STORM put into effect on verbal orders of CINCCENT. ARCENT reports US Navy

launches 100 Tomahawk cruise missiles.

0130 XVIII Airborne Corps DESERT SHIELD FRAGO #69 issued announcing transfer of defense in sector

responsibilities to I Marine Expeditionary Force. [Also see 101st Airborne Division SITREP 162 (17 Jan 91) which adds that division's 1st Brigade Task Force immediately begins redeployment to Camp EAGLE II]

0200 ARCENT issues FRAGO #4 to OPLAN DESERT STORM 001.

0203 XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO #1 issued placing XVIII Airborne Corps Operations Plan DESERT STORM in

effect at 0152C [2252Z on 16 January], and announcing that COMUSARCENT DESERT STORM Operations Plan 001 went into effect at the same time. [Initially numbered FRAGO #70.] [NOTE: 101st Airborne Division SITREP 162 (17 Jan 91) states that Corps G-3 informed division at 0200]

0300 H-HOUR, D-DAY [162400Z February 1991]

0300 ARCENT headquarters goes to MOPP-1.

0001Z CINCCENT message to all troops announces initiation of hostilities.

0315 XVIII Airborne Corps Air Defense Warning and Status changed to YELLOW HOLD.

0410 XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO #3 [initially FRAGO #71] accepts tactical control (TACON) of the 6th Light

Armored Division (French) effective 0300Z; returns the 2d Brigade Task Force of the 101st Airborne Division to corps control effective 0900Z on 20 January 1991; and directs the establishment of Logistical Base CHARLIE. [Also see 101st Airborne Division SITREP 162 (17 Jan 91)]

0413 ARCENT reports possible Iraqi launch of three SCUDs.

0505 Iraqi ENDTRAY radar reported active southwest of Az Zubayan.

0524 Three Iraqi artillery rounds reported to have impacted vicinity Kafji.

0533 75th Field Artillery Brigade reports 25% of its strength has closed into VII Corps tactical

assembly area.

0600 Oil refinery at Kafji reported on fire.

0600 Desalinization plant near Khafji reported under artillery and rocket attack.

0300Z XVIII Airborne Corps receives 6th (French) Light Armored Division under tactical control (TACON).

[XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 0900Z 17 Jan 91<1>]

0330Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO #3 [initially FRAGO #72] specifies that D-Day was 16 January 1991 and that

H-Hour was 2400Z.

0430Z Advance detachment of XVIII Airborne Corps Main Command Post deploys to Rafha in four CH-47D Chinooks from

18th Aviation Brigade. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 0900Z 17 Jan 91; 18th Aviation Brigade SITREP 101 (17 Jan 91)]

0730Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO #4 renumbers FRAGOs #70-72, and relieves all corps units from DESERT SHIELD I

defense in sector responsibilities effective with the start of DESERT STORM.

1355 XVIII Airborne Corps (Forward) at Rafha reports arrival of 327th Signal Battalion and military police

battalion, and that the establishment of the new headquarters location has begun.

1400 1st Cavalry Division starts moving north across Tapline Road.

1100Z 35th Signal Brigade's ALPHA Package (Corps Main Command Post communications support) closes into Rafha and

begins setting up. [35th Signal Brigade SITREP, 17 Jan 91]

1100Z XVIII Airborne Corps strength: 105,342. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 2200Z 17 Jan 91]

1130Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO #5 assigns screening responsibilities along Phase Line RAZOR not later

than 1200C on 18 January 1991, and procedures for handing over responsibilities from the 6th (French) Light Armored Division to the 3d Armored Cavalry between 1200C on 19 January and 1200C on 20 January.

1226Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO #6 places XVIII Airborne Corps Fire Support Coordination Line #1 in effect

as of 1500C on 17 January 1991.

1800 3d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, partially relieved of mission to secure Camp EAGLE II by Task Force

TANT (the division's rear detachment). [101st Airborne Division SITREP 162 (17 Jan 91)]

2040 24th Infantry Division Tactical Command Post closes into Assembly Area WALNUT. [24th Infantry

Division SITREP, 17 Jan 91, says time was 1540]

2208 ARCENT G-2 sends a spot report to XVIII Airborne Corps G-2 passing information from human intelligence

sources that Iraq will fire short range ballistic missiles at Israel before 2300 hours, and that MARCENT had reported multiple launch rockets impacting near Al Kafji.

-- 390 M-998 cargo HMMWVs arrive in port of Dammam for distribution to XVIII Airborne Corps. [XVIII

Airborne Corps SITREP, 2200Z 17 Jan 91]

-- 82d Airborne Division strength (excluding 3d Brigade Task Force detached to ARCENT) is 10,869. [82d

Airborne Division SITREP 163 (17 Jan 91)]

-- In evening first serial of 82d Airborne Division quartering party departs King Khalid Military City

for Tactical Assembly Area PLUM. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 163 (17 Jan 91)]

-- 35th Signal Brigade deploys corps area signal center to Logistical Base CHARLIE. [35th Signal Brigade

SITREP, 17 Jan 91]

-- 525th Military Intelligence Brigade reports accomplishing the Army's first mid-level intensity

combat missions (one each) of the OV-1D SLAR, RV-1D QUICKLOOK, and RU--21 GUARDRAIL. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 107 (17 Jan 91)]

-- First twenty-seven personnel of 360th Civil Affairs Brigade arrive, starting flow of brigade into

theater. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 18 Jan 91]

-- 24th Infantry Division Tactical Command Post moves to Assembly Area WALNUT. [XVIII Airborne Corps

SITREP, 2200Z 17 Jan 91]

-- Troop B, 4th Squadron, 17th Cavalry, AH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopters attached to the USS Nicholas

(FFG-47) conduct night reconnaissance of Dorra offshore oil field; are denied permission to engage oil platforms. [Memorandum, 4th Squadron, 17th Cavalry, to 18th Aviation Brigade, subj.: Warrior OPSUM 1-91, 13-19 Jan 91, undated]

18 January (C+161) (D+1)

0030 Airborne Command and Control Center reports that Iraqi forces have achieved a major breakthrough five

minutes earlier at 290301N 463653E with follow-on forces positioned to the northeast. This report is later determined to be unconfirmed.

0300 Iraq launches SCUD missile. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 337 states that 0259-0327 eight SCUD

missiles were launched; at least three proceeding towards Israel, one falling short in Jordan, one having catastrophic failure one minute into flight, and at least one aimed towards Dhahran being intercepted]

0303 Iraq launches first of seven SCUD missiles southwest towards Israel.

0330 Iraq launches SCUD missile.

0340 Three SCUD missiles impact in Israel.

0435 Battery A, 2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery destroys SCUD with a Patriot missile. [Also

reported with a time of 0428; 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade SITREP 146 (18 Jan 91) reports that the 2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery expended one missile defending Dhahran on this day]

0500 101st Airborne Division begins air movement to Rafha; by 2000Z eighty-five C-130 sorties had landed at

Rafha. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 18 Jan 91]

0530 XVIII Airborne Corps NMIST reports a visual sighting of a SCUD missile heading south.

0532 XVIII Airborne Corps receives FLASH message that three SCUD missiles hit Al Khobar and the southeast

corner of the Dhahran Air Base.

0540 Nuclear-Biological-Chemical alarms go off at King Fahd International Airport; 101st Airborne Division

dons protective masks until all-clear sounded at 0600.

0540 ARCENT G-3 relays to XVIII Airborne Corps G-3 a FLASH message sent by the 513th Military Intelligence

Battalion at 0215Z confirming that two SCUD missiles were aimed at Dhahran, that one was engaged by a Patriot but that the other landed at Al Khobar, and that three large explosions were reported in Dhahran. The message also identified that Dhahran forces were at MOPP-4.

0600 Both 89th Military Police Brigade and ARCENT Support Command report no evidence of a SCUD missile


0600 101st Airborne Division movement from Camp EAGLE II begins with Rear Command Post remaining

operational while Main Command Post deploys. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 163 (18 Jan 91)]

0618 Two XM-93 Fox NBC reconnaissance vehicles depart CHAMPION MAIN for DRAGON MAIN. [Also see 82d

Airborne Division SITREP 168 (18 Jan 91; corrected copy) which states that these did reconnaissance of the vapor area of morning's SCUD engagement and therefore became the first XM-93 Fox vehicles used in combat]

0645 101st Airborne Division crosses its convoy start point.

0646 First XVIII Airborne Corps C-130 lands at Rafha.

0745 2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery reports possible SCUD launch.

0750 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade Tactical Command Post at King Khalid Military City projects the

impact point of the 0745 launch as being King Khalid Military City.

0822 Further information indicates that the SCUD launch reported at 0745 was a false alarm.

0830 3d Armored Cavalry crosses its convoy start point.

0944 XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post starts deployment to Assembly Area MAPLE (MT 473086) with

anticipation of arrival at 1000 on 19 January. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREPs, 2200Z 17 Jan and 18 Jan 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 144 (19 Jan 91) states time as 1222 and that movement of 32 officers, 2 warrant officers, and 237 enlisted personnel, plus 104 vehicles was accomplished in four serials, the first of which crossed the Corps Start Point for convoys at 1758 for a 373-mile motor march]

1200 Requirement for XVIII Airborne Corps to furnish guards for the Theater Ammunition Supply Point is


1200 Battery B, 2d Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery, drops readiness status. [Task Force 2-1 Air

Defense Artillery SITREP 73 (18 Jan 91)]

1345 3d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, relieved of ammunition supply point security mission and

begins movement. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 163 (18 Jan 91)]

1445 18th Aviation Brigade advance detachment departs for Assembly Area PALM. [18th Aviation Brigade SITREP

102 (18 Jan 91)]

1500 Company D, 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry (197th Infantry Brigade, 24th Infantry Division) closes into

Assembly Area WALNUT.

1520 101st Airborne Division Assault Command Post under BG Shelton (Assistant Division Commander for

Operations) assumes command and control of Tactical Assembly Area CAMPBELL. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 163 (18 Jan 91)]

1600 Company C, 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation (24th Infantry Division) closes into Assembly Area WALNUT.

1730 XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery Tactical Command Post departs for tactical assembly area. [XVIII

Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 18 Jan 91]

1745 2d Battalion, 52d Air Defense Artillery (11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade) reports detecting

multiple aircraft coming out of Talil Air Base.

1515Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO #7 announces the publication on 18 January 1991 of Change 2 to XVIII Airborne

Corps Operations Plan DESERT STORM with changes to Appendix 16 (Operations Overlay) to Annex C and Annex K (Command and Control Systems).

2026 Two AH-58D Kiowa Warriors from Troop B, 4th Squadron, 17th Cavalry, flying off the USS Nicholas (FFG-47)

under US Navy operational control engage the eleven platforms of the Dorra offshore oil field with HELLFIRE missiles and 2.75" high explosive and flechette rockets in several passes; Iraqi occupation of the oil field eliminated; final evaluation of results is that 5 Iraqis were killed and 23 captured (some severly wounded). [Journal entry states time as 2314 and results as 4 killed and 17 captured; Also see Memorandum, 4th Squadron, 17th Cavalry, to 18th Aviation Brigade, subj.: Warrior OPSUM 1-91, 13-19 Jan 91, undated. NOTE: Initial report claims that only US Navy SEALs were involved]

2138 Warning issued of SCUD launch; all-clear sounded at 2150 and alert cancelled at 2155.

2330Z Last elements of 6th (French) Light Armored Division close into Assembly Area OLIVE. [XVIII Airborne

Corps SITREP, 19 Jan 91]

-- 24th Infantry Division forms Task Force VICTORY under command of LTC Cabell at MT 72260522, consisting

of: the division Tactical Command Post; the division long-range surveillance detachment; one dismounted infantry company (73 personnel) from the 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry; one air cavalry troop; one AH-64 Apache company from the 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation; the 24th Military Police Company (-); two platoons of Vulcans; and combat service support "slices." Task Force with BG Scott provides command and control for movement into sector. A second AH-64 company will be added to the task force on 19 January. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 18 Jan 91]

-- 3d Battalion, 8th Field Artillery, completes guard duty at Ammunition Supply Point SKIBBIE. [XVIII

Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 18 Jan 91]

-- 519th Military Intelligence Battalion deploys one interrogation of prisoners of war team and one

AN/TLQ-17A(V3) jammer to support 3d Armored Cavalry. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 108 (18<2> Jan 91)]

-- 1st Cavalry Division reports all forces have closed

into locations north of the Trans-Arabian Pipeline Road. [1st Cavalry Division SITREP 115 (18 Jan 91)]

19 January (C+162) (D+2)

-- Nine-member 82d Airborne Division liaison team joins 6th (French) Light Armored Division. [82d

Airborne Division SITREP 165 (19 Jan 91)]

-- Quartering parties for the 82d Airborne Division Rear Command Post and all division major subordinate

commands arrive in Tactical Assembly Area PLUM, with the Rear Command Post starting site construction at LT 613594. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 165 (19 Jan 91)]

-- 82d Airborne Division intratheater C-130 flow from Ab Qaiq to Rafha is only able to launch 3 of 24

planned flights before bad weather at Rafha halts flow. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 165 (19 Jan 91)]

-- This evening 82d Airborne Division receives its first 167 replacements under the Combat Replacement

Center system. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 165 (19 Jan 91)]

-- All elements of the 12th Aviation Brigade except the 5th Squadron, 6th Cavalry, have closed into

Assembly Area SPRUCE. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 19 Jan 91]

-- Advance detachment of 18th Aviation Brigade arrives in Assembly Area PALM. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP,

19 Jan 91; 18th Aviation Brigade SITREP 103 (19 Jan 91)]

-- Advance detachment of 18th Field Artillery Brigade departs for Assembly Area OLIVE. [XVIII Airborne

Corps Artillery SITREP, 19 Jan 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 19 Jan 91]

-- First of two C-5s arrive in theater with 50 personnel and 11 vehicles of the advance detachment from the

196th Field Artillery Brigade. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 19 Jan 91]

-- 16th Military Police Brigade identifies the 759th Military Police Battalion as furnishing two

platoons to augment security at the XVIII Airborne Corps Main and Tactical Command Posts. [16th Military Police Brigade SITREP 124 (19 Jan 91)]

-- 519th Military Intelligence Battalion deploys one interrogation of prisoners of war platoon to 6th

(French) Light Armored Division. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP {109} (19 Jan 91)]

-- Headquarters Company, 360th Civil Affairs Brigade, closes into theater; lead elements of 422d Civil

Affairs Company begin arriving. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 19 Jan 91]

-- 422d Civil Affairs Company (Greensboro, North Carolina) attached to the 24th Infantry Division.

[Permanent Orders 248-10, XVIII Airborne Corps, 16 Jan 91 as amended by 250-04, 20 Jan 91]

0504 First XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post convoy arrives in Assembly Area MAPLE (MT 465086). [Also

see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 144 (19 Jan 91)]

0700 Batteries B and C, 2d Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery and Battery E, 3d Battalion, 43d Air

Defense Artillery, drop readiness status to prepare for movement. [Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery SITREP 74 (19 Jan 91)]

0750 Last XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post element closes into Assembly Area MAPLE (MT 473086).

[Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREPs 144 (19 Jan 91) and 145 (20 Jan 91) which also state that the command post augmented on 20 January by a Small Emplacement Excavator and two additional enlisted personnel]

0816- Iraq launches three SCUD missiles from the Wadi Amij 0829 fixed launch complex (FS 86855312) toward Israel.

[Also see XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 339 which says 0814 was launch time and that they impacted near Tel Aviv]

0821 Notification received that Iraq launched three SCUD missiles toward Israel.

1000 82d Airborne Division Rear Command Post reports closing into Assembly Area PLUM (LT 613594).

0815Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO #8 places the 96th and 644th Transportation Companies (received from USARCENT

SUPCOM) under the operational control of the 1st Support Command (Corps) effective 0900Z on 18 January 1991.

1300 3d Armored Cavalry makes contact with 6th (French) Light Armored Division.

1400 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, closed into Camp EAGLE II to prepare for further movement. [101st

Airborne Division SITREPS 164 (19 Jan 91) and 165 (20 Jan 91), giving corrected time; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 19 Jan 91, says 1130Z]

1548 Two unidentified individuals in SCUBA equipment are observed in the water near Warehouse #20 in the

Port of Dammam; they disappear after being engaged by military police.

1600 Main body of 525th Military Intelligence Brigade departs for north leaving brigade command and

control element at King Fahd International Airport. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP {109} (19 Jan 91)]

1305Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO #9 accepts Company B, 96th Civil Affairs Battalion, from USARCENT and

attaches it to the 6th (French) Light Division with the additional specification that it is to provide direct support civil affairs teams to the 46th and 171st Support Groups during Phase II of Operation DESERT STORM.

1330Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO #10 directs the transfer of part of the Phase Line RAZOR screening

responsibility from the 6th (French) Light Armored Division to the 3d Armored Cavalry effective 1200C on 21 January 1991.

1825 212th Field Artillery Brigade begins receiving jamming on the XVIII Airborne Corps Radio Teletype [RATT]

net which lasts past 2217.

2145 XVIII Airborne Corps Main Command Post receives notification from CINCCENT of SCUD launches

towards Dhahran from two points.

2155 XVIII Airborne Corps Main Command Post receives notification from CINCCENT of a third SCUD being


2259 20th Engineer Brigade reports that the 20th Engineer Battalion has closed into Logistical Base CHARLIE.

2100Z Intratheater airlift C-130 Hercules sorties to date: 2 for the 82d Airborne Division, 84 for the 101st

Airborne Division. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 19 Jan 91]

20 January (C+163) (D+3)

-- Six M-551 Sheridans from war reserve stocks are prepositioned at King Khalid Military City. [82d

Airborne Division SITREP 166 (20 Jan 91)]

-- 724th Support Battalion (-) and advance detachment of 327th Chemical Company close into Assembly Area

HINESVILLE. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 20 Jan 91]

-- Remainder of 196th Field Artillery Brigade advance detachment closes into theater and moves to SANG

Compound in Dammam. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 20 Jan 91]

-- 18th Aviation Brigade returns aircraft to centralized location at Dhahran West Heliport in preparation

for main body deployment to Assembly Area PALM on 22 and 23 January. [18th Aviation Brigade SITREP 104 (20 Jan 91)]

-- 35th Signal Brigade establishes communications with Logistical Base CHARLIE. [35th Signal Brigade

SITREP, 20 Jan 91]

-- 422d Civil Affairs Company closes into theater. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 20 Jan 91]

0645Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO #11 amends FRAGO #2 to make the release of the 2d Brigade Task Force of the

101st Airborne Division from the tactical control of VII Corps an on order mission. Also amends the boundaries of Assembly Area MAPLE.

1130Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO #12 assigns screening

responsibilities along Phase Line RAZOR to each major maneuver subordinate command as the element closes into its area of operations.

1520 One OH-58C Kiowa and one UH-1 Iroquois from Troop D, 4th Cavalry, join Task Force VICTORY. [24th

Infantry Division SITREP, 20 Jan 91]

1930 AH-64 from Company C, 3d Battalion, 227th Aviation (12th Aviation Brigade) has a hard landing in

Assembly Area SPRUCE (LT 708504) resulting in two minor injuries.

2145 Notification received from CINCCENT that Iraq launched two SCUD missiles toward Dhahran. [Also see XVIII

Airborne Corps INTSUM 342 which says that launch was 1845Z, that four probable Al Husseyn missiles were fired at Dhahran from southern Iraq, and that all were shot down]

2155 Notification received from CINCCENT that Iraq launched third SCUD toward Dhahran.

2157 XVIII Airborne Corps Main Command Post hears nearby explosions.

2211 Report received that one SCUD destroyed by air defense artillery.

2218 XVIII Airborne Corps Air Defense Element informed that Batteries A and B, 2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense

Artillery, fired three and two Patriot missiles (respectively), resulting in the destruction of all three SCUDs.

2250 XVIII Airborne Corps Air Defense Element reports that three Patriot missiles were fired, resulting in

the destruction of three SCUDs.

2254 All-clear given at XVIII Airborne Corps Main Command Post.

2100Z Intratheater airlift C-130 Hercules sorties to date: 2 for the 82d Airborne Division, 137 for the 101st

Airborne Division. Air flow is slowed by weather problems at Rafha. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 20 Jan 91]

21 January (C+164) (D+4)

·       -- Troop D, 4th Cavalry, joins Task Force VICTORY. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 21 Jan 91]

·       -- 24th Infantry Division elements closing into Assembly Area HINESVILLE are Companies A and B, 1st

Battalion, 24th Aviation; 327th Chemical Company; and the personnel of Company B (-), 3d Battalion, 7th Infantry. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 21 Jan 91]

-- Rear detachment of Headquarters, 18th Personnel Group, and the 425th Personnel Service Company begin

moving into Building 204, Khobar Towers. [18th Personnel Group SITREP 112 (21 Jan 91)]

-- 2d Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery (Headquarters and Headquarters Battery and Batteries B and

C),Battery E, 3d Battalion, 43d Air Defense Artillery, and 34th Ordnance Company complete Phase II movement. [Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery SITREPs 75<3> and 76 (20 and 21 Jan 91)]

0042 XVIII Airborne Corps receives notification that Iraq launched six SCUD missiles at Riyadh; subsequently

receive notification that Batteries C, D and F, 3d Battalion, 43d Air Defense Artillery engaged those missiles directed toward Riyadh with 8, 13 and 11 Patriot missiles, respectively, claiming 5, 3 and 6 "kills." Battery A, 2d Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery additionally fired three Patriots as two SCUDs heading toward Dhahran and "killed" both although debris fell on the runways and in Khobar. One remaining SCUD was not engaged as it was falling harmlessly into the sea between Dhahran and Bahrain. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUMs 342 and 343 which state a total of ten SCUDs were launched, five each against Dhahran and Riyadh, and that all were destroyed except one that landed off Bahrain; gives launch time as 2138Z on 20 January]

1000 525th Military Intelligence Brigade closes into Assembly Area APPLE (LT 597708). [Also see 525th

Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 111 (21 Jan 91)]

1200 XVIII Airborne Corps receives word that the 6th (French) Light Armored Division went to MOPP-4 at

0525Z due to the triggering of a detector alarm. It is assessed that this represented merely downwind traces from the destroyed storage site at As Salman. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 22 Jan 91]

0900Z 3d Armored Cavalry assumes responsibility for screening along part of Phase Line RAZOR from the 6th

(French) Light Armored Division. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 21 Jan 91]

1200 XVIII Airborne Corps elements assume guard responsibilities for Ammunition Supply Points

SKIBBIE (2d Battalion, 18th Field Artillery from Corps Artillery) and HEISER (3d Battalion, 15th Infantry from 24th Infantry Division). [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 21 Jan 91, which says that 2d Battalion, 18th Field Artillery, started movement at 0800; 24th Infantry Division SITREP, 21 Jan 91, which says that 2d Brigade assumed HEISER responsibility at 1200]

1220 Company A, 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation (24th Infantry

Division) departs its assembly area with six AH-64 and four OH-58C helicopters.

1230 2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, intratheater air flow from Ab Qaiq to Rafha resumes. [82d Airborne

Division SITREP 167 (21 Jan 91)]

1245 Company B, 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation (24th Infantry Division) departs its assembly area with six AH-64, four OH-58C, and three UH-60 helicopters.

1340 3d Battalion, 7th Infantry (24th Infantry Division)

has dismounted infantrymen depart its assembly area in four CH-47D helicopters.

1130Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO #13 detaches two XM-93 Fox NBC reconnaissance vehicles and crews from the

Reconnaissance Platoon, 92d Chemical Company, from the 82d Airborne Division and attaches them to Dragon Brigade effective 1500Z on 21 January 1991. [Also see 82d Airborne Division SITREP 167 (21 Jan 91)]

1435 Notification received (false track) of three hostile aircraft.

1230Z 18th Field Artillery Brigade closes into Assembly Area OLIVE (LT 666750). [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREPs,

21 and 24 Jan 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREPs, 21 and 22 Jan 91]

1700 Report of four to six transporter-erector-launchers (TELs) in fully erect position detected vicinity

of 30-59 North, 43-31 East. Rear Command Post directs that the northern units (Tactical Command Post and Logistical Base CHARLIE) place personnel in Mission Oriented Protective Posture Level 2 (MOPP-2); US Air Force dispatches A-10 aircraft to engage target.

1430Z 101st Airborne Division Main Command Post operational in Assembly Area PEAR. [XVIII Airborne Corps

SITREP, 21 Jan 91]

2218 Iraq launches one SCUD missile toward Eastern Province coastal area; impacts in water. [Also see XVIII

Airborne Corps INTSUM 344 which gives launch time as 1918Z and says the lone missile struck 50 kilometers east of Al Jubayl]

1945Z XVIII Airborne Corps Warning Order #1 directs major subordinate maneuver commands to plan deep

operations and to conduct those operations after coordination with Corps G-3 Plans directorate.

2100Z Intratheater airlift C-130 Hercules sorties to date: 15 for the 82d Airborne Division, 85 for the 101st

Airborne Division. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 21 Jan 91]

22 January (C+165) (D+5)

-- Five UH-60 Blackhawks and four OH-58D Kiowas from the 3d Battalion, 24th Aviation and Troops C and D, 2d

Squadron, 4th Cavalry, close on Task Force VICTORY. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 22 Jan 91]

-- Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, helicopters begin self-deployment to tactical assembly area.

[101st Airborne Division SITREP 167 (22 Jan 91)]

-- 264th Engineer Battalion and the 362d Engineer Company (both elements of the 36th Engineer Group) close

on Task Force VICTORY. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 21 Jan 91]

-- 35th Signal Brigade establishes tactical telephone communications to the tactical assembly area

locations of the 12th Aviation and 44th Medical Brigades. [35th Signal Brigade SITREP, 22 Jan 91]

0001- Iraqi forces destroy Saudi border post at Nisab (29-11 0400 North, 44-43 East) by indirect fire and machine

gun fire.

0021 Iraqi artillery begins firing twenty rounds at 29-05 North, 46-38 East.

0341 Iraq launches two SCUD missiles toward Riyadh. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 344 which says two

missiles launched at 0041Z towards Riyadh]

0047 Iraq SCUD missile impacts 25-10 North, 46-50 East.

0702 Iraq launches four SCUD missiles towards Dhahran.

0709 Iraq launches SCUD missiles from vicinity of Qurna

(31-04 North, 47-18 East). [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 345 which reports two missiles launched at 0709 and one at 0710]

0739 Battery A, 2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery reports one SCUD missile destroyed and that three

overflew area.

0920 Battery A, 2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery reports possible SCUD impact on back side of

Dhahran Air Base; nuclear-biological-chemical (NBC) team dispatched to vicinity of VK 147018.

0950 Nine Iraqi SCUD missiles located vicinity 32-12 North, 40-10 East. Air strikes initially destroy three.

1040 Unidentified Iraqi infantry element overruns Saudi border post at NT 840240.

0750Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO #14 directs the 18th Personnel Group to attach a postal detachment to

the 3d Armored Cavalry not later than 1500Z on 22 January 1991.

1114 Unidentified Iraqi infantry element crosses border vicinity NT 840240.

1248 First ground serial of 2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, departs Ab Qaiq. [82d Airborne Division

SITREP 168 (22 Jan 91)]

1200Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO #15 directs XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery to place one Multiple Launch

Rocket System battery in general support reinforcing to the 101st Airborne Division Artillery upon the closure of the unit into Area of Operations PEAR (but not later than 1800C on 26 January 1991).

1549 FROG (Free Rocket Over the Ground) site located vicinity MT 949272 and possible command post

vicinity MT 947285.

1600 Saudi Arabian guard post at QU 088281 reported under fire. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 346]

1620 100 Iraqi armored personnel carriers reported moving south vicinity 29-15 North, 45-45 East.

1815 Platoon-sized element of 3d Armored Cavalry engages platoon-sized Iraqi border patrol, resulting in

two American wounded in action and six Iraqi prisoners of war. [First ground combat by XVIII Airborne Corps element.] [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 346 which says that the 3d sent a troop which opened fire at 1830 from their Bradleys and then dismounted; reports American loss as three slightly wounded and that six Iraqis were from border guards]

1900 Lead serial of advance detachment of XVIII Airborne Corps Main Command Post departs Dragon City for

Assembly Area OAK (New terminal at Rafha Airport). [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 22 Jan 91]

1630Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO #16 assigns XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery, the 6th (French) Light Armored

Division, and the 12th Aviation Brigade the on order mission to conduct an artillery raid on an Iraqi electronic warfare and direction finding site at 29-52 North, 43-57 East.

1827Z Two SCUDs launched towards Israel; one intercepted, other impacted five miles south of Tel Aviv.

[Also see XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 346]

2100Z Intratheater airlift C-130 Hercules sorties to date:

45 for the 82d Airborne Division, 202 for the 101st Airborne Division. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 22 Jan 91]

-- 1st Battalion, 3d Aviation (1st Cavalry Division) is

at the forward operating base at Al Qaysumah where the 2d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division is located. [1st Cavalry Division SITREP 119 (22 Jan 91)]

23 January (C+166) (D+6)

-- Team 130, XVIII Airborne Corps History Office, departs Dragon City to provide historical support to the

82d Airborne Division, with on-order mission to provide historical support to the 6th (French) Light Armored Division. [XVIII Airborne Corps History Office Files]

-- Company D, 3d Battalion, 69th Armor, joins 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 23

Jan 91]

-- Aviation Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, tactical operations center established in Assembly Area

GINGER (MT 367111). [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 23 Jan 91]

-- 1st Battalion (-), 18th Infantry, closes into Area of Operations TEAK. [24th Infantry Division SITREP,

23 Jan 91]

-- 82d Airborne Division informed that the 6th (French) Light Armored Division assesses Iraqi forces along

Main Supply Route TEXAS as being larger than templated in the XVIII Airborne Corps plan. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 169 (23 Jan 91)]

-- 1st Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, receives 1044th Transportation Company, raising the total of

light/medium truck companies under the operational control of the division to four. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 169 (23 Jan 91)]

-- 3d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division closed into tactical assembly area. [101st Airborne Division

SITREP 168 (23 Jan 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 23 Jan 91]

-- 759th Military Police Battalion accepts six enemy prisoners of war (one noncommissioned officer and

five enlisted men) from the 3d Armored Cavalry in temporary battalion facility at NR 582765. [16th Military Police Brigade SITREP 128 (23<4> Jan 91)]

-- 35th Signal Brigade establishes tactical telephone communications to the tactical assembly area

locations of the 101st Airborne Division, 3d Armored Cavalry, 525th Military Intelligence Brigade, 20th Engineer Brigade, and the 46th and 101st Support Groups; also establishes communications to the XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post. [35th Signal Brigade SITREP, 23 Jan 91]

-- First flight (72 personnel) of 489th Civil Affairs Company arrives in theater. [XVIII Airborne Corps

SITREP, 23 Jan 91]

-- 489th Civil Affairs Company (Knoxville, Tennessee) attached to the 101st Airborne Division effective

upon arrival in theater. [Permanent Orders 248-11, XVIII Airborne Corps, 16 Jan 91]

0700 Last 2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, ground element departs Ab Qaiq. [82d Airborne Division SITREP

169 (23 Jan 91)]

1630 Final (third) serial of the XVIII Airborne Corps Main Command Post advance detachment closes into Rafah.

1800 2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, placed under the operational control of the 6th (French) Light

Armored Division by 82d Airborne Division FRAGO 3 to OPORD 1-91 (AJAX); by this effective time the brigade commander and two of his three battalion task force commanders are in the forward assembly area). [82d Airborne Division SITREP 169 (23 Jan 91)]

2257 SCUD alert after six missiles launched; no damage.

[XVIII Airborne Corps Main Command Post Significan Activities Chart]

2100Z Intratheater airlift C-130 Hercules sorties to date: 85 for the 82d Airborne Division, 285 for the

101st Airborne Division. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 23 Jan 91]

24 January (C+167) (D+7)

-- Team BRAVO, XVIII Airborne Corps History Office, organized at Dragon City to provide historical

coverage to corps troops. [XVIII Airborne Corps History Office Files]

-- Aviation Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, closes completely into Assembly Area TEAK. [24th

Infantry Division SITREP, 24 Jan 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 24 Jan 91]

-- 101st Airborne Division Artillery fully operational in tactical assembly area with arrival of 2d

Battalion, 320th Field Artillery, and operational mission status of two AN/TPQ-36 and two AN/TPQ-37 radars. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 169 (24 Jan 91)]

-- Last aircraft of 2d Squadron, 17th Cavalry, arrive in tactical assembly area; only Aviation Brigade,

101st Airborne Division, major elements still with 2d Brigade task force are 9th Battalion, 101st Aviation, and 2d Battalion, 229th Aviation. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 169 (24 Jan 91)]

-- CW3 Dudley Carver with two AH-58D Kiowa Warriors from Troop B, 4th Squadron, 17th Cavalry, flying off

USS Curts (FFG-38) under operational control of US Navy engages Qaruh Island off Kuwaiti coast with 2.75" rockets and .50-cal. machine gun fire, then lands to accept surrender of 51-man Iraqi garrison; this is liberation of first Kuwaiti territory in war. [Memorandum, 4th Squadron, 17th Cavalry, to 18th Aviation Brigade, subj.: Warrior OPSUM 2-91, 20-26 Jan 91, undated]

-- 15th Evacuation Hospital arrives in Logistical Base

CHARLIE. [1st Support Command SITREP 177 (24 Jan 91)]

-- Last elements of 12th Aviation Brigade close into Assembly Area SPRUCE (Brigade Command Post at LT

790573. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 24 Jan 91]

-- 759th Military Police Battalion transfers six enemy prisoners of war to 400th Military Police

Battalion. [16th Military Police Brigade SITREP 129 (24 Jan 91)]

-- 20th Engineer Brigade reports that brigade Jump Tactical Operations Center is in Assembly Area

WILLOW, that two companies of the 46th Engineer Battalion are in Assembly Area WALNUT and two companies of the 62d Engineer Battalion are in Assembly Area ELM, and that the 937th Engineer Group is working on Logistical Base CHARLIE. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 24 Jan 91]

-- 129th Postal Company (-) moves into Building 203, Khobar Towers. [18th Personnel Group SITREP 115

(24 Jan 91)]

0515 Logistical Task Force PROVIDER (82d Airborne Division) departs CHAMPION MAIN with 465 personnel and 174

vehicles, including elements of the 21st Chemical Company and 307th Engineer Battalion. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 170 (24 Jan 91)]

0729Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO #17 assigns to all major subordinate maneuver commands the on order mission

to conduct deep operations in zone from the Line of Departure to Phase Line SMASH using primarily aviation assets to deny the enemy indirect fires and to attrit mobile forces.

1234 Unknown number of Iraqi fighters flew southeast along the Baghdad-Basrah corridor; some turned south at

the coastline and attempted to penetrate. CENTCOM raised theater air defense status to threat RED and weapons TIGHT. Four F-15s engaged them, shooting down two MiG-23 FLOGGERS and forcing the others to break contact vicinity 2804N 4852E.

1800 24th Infantry Division Support Command relieves 2d Brigade of security mission at Ammunition Supply

Point HEISER. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 24 Jan 91]

1822 SCUD alert called when launch from southern Iraq detected but subsequently cancelled as erroneous.

2100Z Intratheater airlift C-130 Hercules sorties to date: 120 for the 82d Airborne Division, 361 for the

101st Airborne Division. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 24 Jan 91]

25 January (C+168) (D+8)

-- 24th Infantry Division Jump Tactical Operations Center in Assembly Area TEAK (MT 751166); tactical

command post of 2d Brigade en route and tactical command post of 197th Infantry Brigade initiates movement. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 25 Jan 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 Jan 91]

-- 2d and 3d Battalions, 327th Infantry, and 4th Battalion, 101st Aviation, close into Tactical

Assembly Area. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 170 (25 Jan 91)]

-- 3d Armored Cavalry completely closed into Assembly Area CACTUS. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post

SITREP, 25 Jan 91]

-- 507th Support Group establishes operations in Logistical Base CHARLIE. [1st Support Command

SITREP 178 (25 Jan 91)]

-- 229th and 347th Medical Detachments (Air Ambulance) close into Logistical Base CHARLIE. [1st Support

Command SITREP 178 (25 Jan 91)]

-- 846th Transportation Company (Heavy) begins unloading equipment at Dammam port. [1st Support Command

SITREP 178 (25 Jan 91)]

·       -- 18th Aviation Brigade closed into Assembly Area PALM. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 Jan 91]

·       -- Five of the eight battalions in XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery closed into tactical assembly areas.

[XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 Jan 91]

-- Battery A, 2d Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery, assumes mission status in new location. [Task

Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery SITREP, 25 Jan 91]

-- 20th Engineer Brigade Jump Tactical Operations Center

is located at Assembly Area WILLOW, but three of the brigade's subordinate battalions are still moving; brigade requests earliest possible movement from Fort Bragg of the 844th Engineer Battalion, noting that the personnel can be used effectively even before their organic equipment arrives. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 25 Jan 91]

-- 265th Engineer Group is moving into Assembly Area

WALNUT: 46th Engineer Battalion has all line companies in WALNUT; 52d Engineer Battalion is working; and the 62d Engineer Battalion is working with all line companies closed into Assembly Area ELM. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 25 Jan 91]

-- 937th Engineer Group is moving into Assembly Area ELM:

20th Engineer Battalion is in Logistical Base CHARLIE; 27th Engineer Battalion is moving into ELM; and 37th Engineer Battalion has completed 75% of the Forward Landing Strip. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 25 Jan 91]

-- 35th Signal Brigade establishes communications to the 24th Infantry Division Support Command, the XVIII

Airborne Corps Artillery, and the 18th and 212th Field Artillery Brigades. [35th Signal Brigade SITREP, 25 Jan 91]

-- Four C-5 aircraft arrive in theater with passengers and equipment for Company B, 1st Military Intelligence

Battalion. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 115 (25 Jan 91)]

-- 10th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, 93d Evacuation Hospital, and advance detachment of 2d Mobile Army

Surgical Hospital arrive at King Khalid Military City. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 26 Jan 91]

0700 46th Support Group convoy of 50 vehicles departs Camp GRADY. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 171 (25 Jan


0430Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 18 returns the 2d Brigade Task Force from ARCENT control to 101st Airborne

Division control effective at 0900Z on 25 January.

1045 2d Brigade (-), 82d Airborne Division, closed into Assembly Area OLIVE; 135 intratheater airlift

sorties moved 268 vehicles and 1,901 personnel to Rafha; brigade assumes screen responsibilities this day along Phase Line RAZOR with 1st Battalion, 325th Infantry on the left and 2d Battalion, 325th Infantry, on the right. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 171 (25 Jan 91)]

0800ZLocations of 20th Engineer Brigade: Main Command Post

NR 425730 and Jump Tactical Operations Center at MT 654964; 265th Engineer Group (NR 450840), 46th Engineer Battalion (MT 631026), 52d Engineer Battalion (no location given), 62d Engineer Battalion (MT 090580), 844th Engineer Battalion (delayed, but advance detachment at UK 989035); 937th Engineer Group (LT 850610), 20th Engineer Battalion (LT 820621), 27th Engineer Battalion (LT 738690, with one company in Logistical Base CHARLIE), and 37th Engineer Battalion (LT 717178). [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 25 Jan 91]

1200 2d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, task force released from tactical control of the 1st Cavalry Division and begins deployment. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 170 (25 Jan 91)]

1200 101st Airborne Division begins screening along Phase Line RAZOR (MT 002798 to MT 270560); 1st Brigade is responsible for MT 002798 to MT 074722; 3d Brigade for MT 074722 to MT 270560. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 170 (25 Jan 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 Jan 91, gives time as 0900Z]

1420 Battery A, 5th Battalion, 62d Air Defense Artillery, departs for Assembly Area OLIVE. [Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery SITREP, 25 Jan 91]

1500 Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 5th Battalion, 62d Air Defense Artillery, departs for Assembly Area PINE. [Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery SITREP, 25 Jan 91]

1857 SCUD alert called after six missiles launched toward Tel Aviv; all intercepted by Patriot missiles. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUMs 352 and 353 which say eight missiles launched at 1555Z towards Israel]

2245 SCUD alert called after two missiles launched toward Riyadh; both intercepted by Patriot missiles. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUMs 352 and 354 which say two were launched at 1922Z towards Riyadh and that both were intercepted and INTSUM 354 which says three were launched at 2258 towards Israel]

26 January (C+169) (D+9)

·       -- 24th Infantry Division assumes screen responsibilities in sector with 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 26 Jan 91; 3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 26 Jan 91]

·       -- Tactical command posts of the 2d Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, and 197th Infantry Brigade have closed into Assembly Area TEAK. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 26 Jan 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 26 Jan 91]

·       -- 124th Military Intelligence Battalion closes at TL 666030. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 26 Jan 91]

·       -- 2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, closed into Assembly Area OLIVE; Aviation Brigade, 82d Airborne Division begins deploying from Ab Qaiq. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 26 Jan 91; 82d Airborne Division SITREP 172 (26 Jan 91)]

·       -- Logistical Task Force PROVIDER begins establishing division support area for the 82d Airborne Division in Tactical Assembly Area PLUM. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 172 (26 Jan 91)]

·       -- 3d Battalion, 73d Armor, deploys six M-551A1 Sheridans and eight LAV-25s from King Fahd International Airport to Rafha. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 172 (26 Jan 91)]

·       -- All separate battalions (except 3d Battalion, 73d Armor) of 82d Airborne Division complete air movement from King Fahd International Airport to Rafha; leaves only the Main Command Post, 1st Brigade, and separate battalion trail parties at CHAMPION MAIN. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 172 (26 Jan 91)]

·       -- Major subordinate commanders of the 101st Airborne

Division conduct backbriefing of MG Peay on their concepts of operations for OPLAN 90-5. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 174 (29 Jan 91)]

·       -- 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, closed into Tactical Assembly Area CAMPBELL; also closing are 2d Brigade elements (1st Battalion, 502d Infantry; 1st Battalion, 320th Field Artillery; Company D, 2d Battalion, 502d Infantry; Company C, 3d Battalion, 502d Infantry; and the task force engineers) and the 9th Battalion, 101st Aviation. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 171 (26 Jan 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 26 Jan 91]

·       -- 3d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, carries out screening responsibilities along Phase Line RAZOR (by the 2d and 3d Battalions of the 327th Infantry); daylight patrols working out to line of departure discover three targets which XVIII Airborne Corps G-3 orders not to be engaged: an S-60 antiaircraft artillery gun at MT 176766; a bunker at MT 200758; and a bunker at MT 230735. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 171 (26 Jan 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 26 Jan 91]

·       -- 6th Battalion (MLRS/ATACMS)(-), 27th Field Artillery, closed into Assembly Area PINE; Battery C (MLRS) into 101st Airborne Division tactical assembly area with a general support reinforcing (GSR) mission. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 26 Jan 91]

·       -- Headquarters and Headquarters Battery and Battery A

(-), 5th Battalion, 62d Air Defense Artillery, close into assembly area forward positions. [Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery SITREP, 26 Jan 91]

·       -- Final element of Company B, 1st Military Intelligence Battalion, closes into theater. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 116 (26 Jan 91)]

·       -- Final element of 18th Personnel Group (336th Postal

Company) moves into Khobar Towers, ending group's operations at the SANG Compound. [18th Personnel Group SITREP 117 (26 Jan 91)]

0330 101st Airborne Division completes intratheater airlift portion of deployment utilizing C-130 Hercules aircraft; a total of 383 sorties from Camp EAGLE II to Rafha used. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 171 (26 Jan 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 26 Jan 91, says 0030Z]

0335 SCUD alert called after missile launched from southern Iraq; subsequently intercepted and destroyed by Patriot. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 353 which says launch at 0308 was one missile that impacted ten nautical miles west of Dhahran]

0600Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 19 detaches the Unmanned

Aerial Vehicle Platoon from the 525th Military Intelligence Brigade effective 0900Z on 30 January for attachment to VII Corps.

0900Augmentation arrives at the XVIII Airborne Corps

Tactical Command Post. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 151 (26 Jan 91)]

1300BG(P) Edson Scholes (Deputy Commanding General) arrives

at the XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post by helicopter. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 151 (26 Jan 91)]

1445LTG Gary Luck (Commanding General), COL(P) Frank Akers

(G-3), and CSM Trivett Lloyd arrive at the XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post by UH-60 Blackhawk. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 151 (26 Jan 91)]

1453BG(P) Scholes departs from the XVIII Airborne Corps

Tactical Command Post. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 151 (26 Jan 91)]

2249SCUD alert called after three missiles are launched

toward Israel and two toward Riyadh. [XVIII Airborne Corps Main Command Post Significant Activities Briefing Chart]

27 January (C+170) (D+10)

·       -- Rafha SCA operational. [18th Aviation Brigade SITREP 27 Jan 91]

·       -- Aviation Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, completes intratheater movement from Ab Qaiq; 1st Brigade begins air flow from King Fahd International Airport. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 173 (27 Jan 91)]

·       -- LTG Luck awards first two Purple Hearts to Troop I, 3d Armored Cavalry. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 26 Jan 91]

·       -- 62d Engineer Battalion completes Main Supply Route MONTANA as far as Phase Line RAZOR. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 27 Jan 91]

·       -- 489th Civil Affairs Company deploys to 101st Airborne Division DESERT STORM area of operations. [360th Civil Affairs Brigade SITREP, 9 (27 Jan 91)]

0600Z 24th Infantry Division Main Command Post begins deploying to Tactical Assembly Area. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 27 Jan 91 (giving no time); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 27 Jan 91]

0930Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 20 directs the 360th Civil

Affairs Brigade to detach six civil affairs support teams effective 1800Z on 28 January. One team each is attached to the XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery, 20th Engineer Brigade, and 16th Military Police Brigade; one team each is placed in direct support of the 82d Airborne Division, 3d Armored Cavalry, and 1st Support Command (Corps). The teams in a direct support mode will revert to brigade control upon the arrival of the 407th and 450th Civil Affairs Companies.

1555 LTG Luck arrives at Rear Command Post in King Khalid Military City and remains overnight. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 27 Jan 91]

1900 As of this time, the 3d Battalion, 73d Armor, has moved by air twelve LAV-25s and 31 of its 54 M-551A1 Sheridans. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 173 (27 Jan 91)]

28 January<5> (C+171) (D+11)

·       -- 82d Airborne Division issues FRAGO 12 directing the 3d Brigade to be prepared in Phases III-A and III-B to conduct an air assault with one or two battalions. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 174 (28 Jan 91)]

·       -- First ground convoy of 1st Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, departs CHAMPION MAIN. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 174 (28 Jan 91)]

·       -- 2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, combat power deployed in Tactical Assembly Area OLIVE includes 60 TOW systems, 14 M-551A1 Sheridans, and 18 M-102 105mm howitzers. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 174 (28 Jan 91)]

·       -- Aviation Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, received two more AH-1F transition by turning in ten AH-1S Cobras in theater and two more at Fort Bragg; received two additional aircraft by C-5 from Fort Bragg; additionally its first ground convoy closed into Assembly Area PLUM. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 174 (28 Jan 91)]

·       -- Company B, 1st Battalion, 187th Infantry, closes into tactical assembly area from Logistical Base ROMEO. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 173 (28 Jan 91)]

·       -- 12th Aviation Brigade briefs OPLAN GRIFFIN STRIKE III to XVIII Airborne Corps. [12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 28 Jan 91]

·       -- 52d Engineer Battalion completed two lanes of Main Supply Route GEORGIA as far as Phase Line RAZOR. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 28 Jan 91]

·       -- 360th Civil Affairs Brigade's team to provide support to XVIII Airborne Corps' Main Command Post moves to Dragon City to deploy forward with the corps. [360th Civil Affairs Brigade SITREP, 10 (28 Jan 91)]

0900Z Command and control of XVIII Airborne Corps passes from Main Command Post to Rear Command Post to allow Main to displace from Dragon City to Assembly Area OAK (New airport terminal at Rafha). [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 27 Jan 91]

1110Z 360th Civil Affairs Brigade's Team ZULU (providing

direct support to the 1st Support Command) departs Dhahran for King Khalid Military City. [360th Civil Affairs Brigade SITREP, 10 (28 Jan 91)]

29 January<6> (C+172) (D+12)

·       -- 24th Infantry Division Main Command Post closes into Assembly Area TEAK but command and control of the division remains with the Rear Command Post. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 29 Jan 91]

·       -- Final Aviation Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, ground assets close into Forward Operating Base ASHEVILLE; aircraft will move tomorrow. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 175 (29 Jan 91)]

·       -- 3d Battalion, 73d Armor, closes into Tactical Assembly PLUM; strength includes 55 M-551A1 Sheridans and 11 LAV-25s. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 175 (29 Jan 91)]

·       -- Arrival of last 147 soldiers of 2d Battalion, 502d Infantry, from Gaysumah completes closure of 101st Airborne Division's combat power into tactical assembly area. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 174 (29 Jan 91)]

·       -- Battery A (Patriot), 3d Battalion, 43d Air Defense Artillery, of Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery, closes into 101st Airborne Division tactical assembly area (MT 091364). [101st Airborne Division SITREP 174 (29 Jan 91)]

·       -- 326th Engineer Battalion completes construction of

30-pad rapid refuel point in Logistical Base CHARLIE. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 174 (29 Jan 91)]

·       -- 212th Field Artillery Brigade begins movement to its tactical assembly area. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 29 Jan 91]

·       -- 3d Battalion, 27th Field Artillery closes into forward positions. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 29 Jan 91]

·       -- 27th Engineer Battalion closes into Assembly Area ELM. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 29 Jan 91]

·       -- 37th Engineer Battalion completes forward landing strip in Logistical Base CHARLIE. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 29 Jan 91]

·       -- 62d Engineer Battalion starts construction of Main Supply Route NEW GEORGIA. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 29 Jan 91]

1200 82d Airborne Division Main Command Post passes command and control of the division to the Rear Command Post to allow for deployment at 0530 on 30 January; planning at this point assumes that the Tactical Command Post at Thumama will close down at 0600 on 31 January to deploy. [82d Airborne Division SITREPs 174 (28 Jan 91), 175 (29 Jan 91) and 176 (30 Jan 91)]

1700Z 3d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, returns to the

operational control of the division. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 29 Jan 91; 82d Airborne Division SITREP 175 (29 Jan 91) says that effective time is 1800C and that ARCENT retains a one-company Quick Reaction Force at Riyadh Airport]

-- To date XVIII Airborne Corps has moved 269 convoys into the DESERT STORM assembly areas, along with 958 flights, for a total of 18,404 vehicles moved. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 29 Jan 91]

30 January<7> (C+173) (D+13)

--82d Airborne Division's 1st Brigade air movement has

been completed and the last ground convoy departs CHAMPION MAIN this morning. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 176 (30 Jan 91)]

--82d Airborne Division's Aviation Brigade has all assets

closed into the Tactical Assembly Area, except for a support package of nine UH-60 Blackhawks and one OH-58 Kiowa with the 3d Brigade [at Thumama]. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 176 (30 Jan 91)]

--Task Force 2-1 ADA has Battery A, 5th Battalion, 62d

Air Defense Artillery conducting coordination with the 6th (French) Light Armored Division and Battery C, 5th Battalion, 62d Air Defense Artillery preparing for movement while continuing to defend Assembly Area BARBARA. [Task Force 2-1 ADA SITREP, 30 Jan 91]

--265th Engineer Group: 46th Engineer Battalion is

supporting the 24th Infantry Division, 46th Support Group, and 519th Military Intelligence Battalion; 52d Engineer Battalion is supporting the Aviation Brigade of the 24th Infantry Division, the 3d Armored Cavalry, and the 212th Field Artillery Brigade, and finishing Main Supply Route GEORGIA as a two-lane road north to Phase Line RAZOR; and the 62d Engineer Battalion is extending Main Supply Route MONTANA north to Phase Line RAZOR as a six-lane road and has completed ten kilometers of the new six-lane Main Supply Route GEORGIA. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 30 Jan 91]

-- 937th Engineer Group completes closure into tactical

assembly areas: 20th Engineer Battalion is located in Logistical Base CHARLIE; 27th Engineer Battalion is constructing Main Supply Route TEXAS as a two-lane road north to Phase Line RAZOR and has started work on the base for the 93d Evacuation Hospital; and 37th Engineer Battalion is closing into Logistical Base CHARLIE and finishing the Forward Landing Strip. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 30 Jan 91]

·       -- First serial of Company A (Corps Tactical Operations Center Support Element), 319th Military Intelligence Battalion, departs for Rafha. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 120 (30 Jan 91)]

·       -- Company D, 522d Military Intelligence Battalion, conducts two insertions to conduct target surveillance; employs UH-60 Blackhawks with CH-47 and AH-64 route reconnaissance escort. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 120 (30 Jan 91)]

072082d Airborne Division Main Command Post departs from

CHAMPION MAIN. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 176 (30 Jan 91) and 177 (31 Jan 91) which specifies estimated time of arrival in Assembly Area PLUM at 2000 on 31 January]

1000 LTC Thomas J. Leney assumes command of 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry, at squadron tactical operations center (MT 550283). [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 30 Jan 91]

0745Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 21 attaches the 253d, 1058th, 1112th and 1244th Transportation Companies (from ARCENT) to the 82d Airborne Division retroactively to 0600Z on 26 January.

1411 LTG Gary E. Luck arrives at the XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post in Assembly Area MAPLE. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 155 (30 Jan 91)]

1750Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 22 directs the 24th Infantry Division to run over two sets of palletized M-19 matting to the 20th Engineer Brigade at Logistical Base CHARLIE not later than 1800C on 1 February. This materiel will be used to construct two half-sized helipads each for the 12th and 18th Aviation Brigades.

31 January (C+174) (D+14)

--XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post strength

is 43 officers, 4 warrant officers, 253 enlisted. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 156 (31 Jan 91)]

·       -- 24th Infantry Division continues screening Phase Line RAZOR. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 31 Jan 91]

·       -- 3d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, returned to operational control of the division. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 31 Jan 91]

·       -- 101st Airborne Division closed into Assembly Area PEAR. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 31 Jan 91]

·       --101st Airborne Division elements are located along

Phase Line ZIPPER from MT 058852 to MT 130790. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 176 (31 Jan 91)]

--1st Battalion, 101st Aviation (101st Airborne Division)

conducts reconnaissance along Phase Line RAZOR at first light. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 176 (31 Jan 91)]

--3d Battalion, 101st Aviation (101st Airborne Division)

conducts reconnaissance along Phase Line RAZOR at last light. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 176 (31 Jan 91)]

--18th Aviation Brigade still has one CH-47 remaining at

Dhahran, but that it is to undergo its test flight on this day and will depart for Rafha on 1 February. [18th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 31 Jan 91]

--XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery reports that the 2d

Battalion, 17th Field Artillery and 2d Battalion, 18th Field Artillery are waiting for heavy equipment transporters to make their move to Assembly Area TEAK. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 30 Jan 91]

--18th Field Artillery Brigade repositions some elements

to provide better support to the 6th (French) Light Armored Division: Headquarters and Headquarters Battery moves to LT 738531 and the 3d Battalion, 8th Field Artillery to LT 915762. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 30 Jan 91]

--Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 212th Field

Artillery Brigade occupies MT 353119 and the 3d Battalion, 27th Field Artillery occupies MT 193105. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 30 Jan 91]

--Battery C, 5th Battalion, 62d Air Defense Artillery

completes movement to the 212th Field Artillery Brigade assembly area and emplaces. [Task Force 2-1 ADA SITREP, 31 Jan 91]

--18th Finance Group continues movement into Camp BREDE

with estimated completion of relocation on 1 February. [18th Finance Group SITREP, 31 Jan 91]

060082d Airborne Division Tactical Command Post closes its

operations at Thumama. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 176 (30 Jan 91)]

0500Z Forward Landing Strip operational in Logistical Base CHARLIE. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 31 Jan 91]

0630Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 23 attaches a provisional platoon of thirty-one Kuwaiti Land Forces soldiers to the 360th Civil Affairs Brigade effective 0930C on 31 January to act as interpreters.

0900Z Main Command Post resumes command and control of XVIII Airborne Corps at new location at Rafha (LT 735780). [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 31 Jan 91]

1100Z XVIII Airborne Corps strength: 109,453. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 31 Jan 91]

2005Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 24 detaches on order one platoon of six OH-58D helicopters from the 82d Airborne Division for attachment to the 101st Airborne Division.


<1> XVIII Airborne Corps issued two SITREPS from the Main Command Post for 17 January 1991, one with a time of 0900Z and the other with a time of 2200Z.

<2> Source document typographical error in date as 17 Jan.

<3> Original document contains typographical error misidentifying it as SITREP 74.

<4> Typographical error in original source document misdates it as 22 January.

<5> XVIII Airborne Corps Main Command Post displacing to Rafha and did not issue SITREP. Primary SITREP for this date issued by Rear Command Post.

<6> XVIII Airborne Corps Main Command Post displacing to Rafha and did not issue SITREP. Primary SITREP for this date issued by Rear Command Post.

<7> XVIII Airborne Corps Main Command Post displacing to Rafha and did not issue SITREP. Primary SITREP for this date issued by Rear Command Post.



1-23 February 1991

1 February (C+178; D+15)

-- 3d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, begins deployment from Thumama to Rafha; ten C-130 Hercules intratheater

sorties flown. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 1 Feb 91; 82d Airborne Division SITREP 178 (1 Feb 91)]

-- Headquarters and Headquarters Company (-), 360th Civil Affairs Brigade deploys for Logistical Base

CHARLIE. [360th Civil Affairs Brigade SITREP, 13 (1 Feb 91)]

-- Fifteen-vehicle convoy from the 18th Personnel Group and

XVIII Airborne Corps G-1 section departs DRAGON CITY, with estimated time of arrival at the Rear Command Post on 2 February. [18th Personnel Group SITREP 123 (1 Feb 91)]

1000- 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation, flies photographic

1340 reconnaissance of border with three AH-64 Apaches and four OH-58C Kiowas. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 1 Feb 91]

1500 82d Airborne Division Main Command Post resumes command

and control of division in Assembly Area PLUM, having arrived during the night of 31 January/1 June. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 1 Feb 91; 82d Airborne Division SITREP 178 (1 Feb 91)]

2215 82d Airborne Division patrol engages Iraqi patrol of

two vehicles and twenty men at LT 878968 with machine guns and small arms; no casualties. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

2 February (C+179; D+16)

-- All combat power of XVIII Airborne Corps (except the 3d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division) has closed into

forward locations. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 2 Feb 91]

-- 197th Infantry Brigade's tactical operations center resumes command and control of the brigade from the

tactical command post. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 2 Feb 91]

-- 82d Airborne Division trail party ground convoy departs CHAMPION MAIN. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 2 Feb


-- 101st Airborne Division's share of XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery consists of Battery C (M-198 155mm towed

howitzers), 5th Battalion, 8th Field Artillery, in general support and Battery C (M-270 MLRS), 6th Battalion, 27th Field Artillery, in general support reinforcing. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 178 (2 Feb 91)]

-- Platoon-sized elements of the 21st, 65th and 108th Military Police Companies and Headquarters of the

503d Military Police Battalion close into Logistical Base CHARLIE. [16th Military Police Brigade SITREP 138 (2 Feb 91)]

-- 844th Engineer Battalion equipment begins arriving at port; personnel arrive by air into theater and are

quartered at MABCO Compound. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREPs, 2 and 3 Feb 91]

-- 35th Signal Brigade establishes record communications to

XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery, the 3d Armored Cavalry, and the 24th Infantry Division. [35th Signal Brigade SITREP, 2 Feb 91]

-- Company D, 522d Military Intelligence Battalion extracts both long-range surveillance teams from named area

of interest target surveillance missions employing UH-60 Blackhawks. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 123 (2 Feb 91)]

-- Headquarters and Headquarters Company (-), 360th Civil Affairs Brigade, closes into Logistical Base

CHARLIE (MT 21073431). [360th Civil Affairs Brigade SITREPs, 14 (2 Feb 91) and 35 (23 Feb 91)]

-- Advance detachment (11 personnel and 5 vehicles) of 450th Civil Affairs Company arrives in theater. [360th

Civil Affairs Brigade SITREP, 14 (2 Feb 91)]

0845 First of two serials of VICTORY STATION (24th Infantry Division rear support operations element) departs

Ad Dammam to set up Division Support Area at MT 733028. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 2 Feb 91]

0945 Second VICTORY STATION serial departs Ad Dammam. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 2 Feb 91]

1000Z 1st Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, tactical command post closes into assembly area. [24th Infantry

Division SITREP, 2 Feb 91]

1835Z Reconnaissance section of 2d Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment (6th [French] Light Armored Division)

makes contact with Iraqi patrol of 10-12 personnel near the Saudi Arabian frontier post at Markez al Batin (LU 8711); 11th Marine Artillery Regiment support with fires; firing ceases at 1855Z. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 2 Feb 91]

3 February (C+180; D+17)

-- Commanding generals of the 6th (French) Light Armored and 82d Airborne Divisions confer. [82d Airborne

Division SITREP 180 (3 Feb 91)]

-- 3d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, begins air movement; Task Force 3-505 leads. [82d Airborne Division

SITREP 180 (3 Feb 91); NOTE: XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 3 Feb 91, says bad weather forced cancellation of 70 planned C-130 Hercules sorties to move 82d elements to Rafha]

-- 251st Rear Area Operations Center closes into Logistical Base CHARLIE (location of Rear Command Post

tactical command post). [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 3 Feb 91]

-- 12th Aviation Brigade briefs BG Scholes on brigade's deep operations, and conducts briefback by subordinate

battalion commanders on OPLAN GRIFFIN STRIKE III. [12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 3 Feb 91]

-- 16th Military Police Brigade reports that the 503d and 519th Military Police Battalions have begun to

transition from Phase II to Phase III operations. [16th Military Police Brigade SITREP 139 (3 Feb 91)]

·       -- 52d Engineer Battalion completes Combat Trail YANKEE. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 3 Feb 91]

·       -- Headquarters Detachment (-), 18th Personnel Group, switches to Building 202, Khobar Towers. [18th

Personnel Group SITREP 125 (3 Feb 91)]

-- Final element of 129th Postal Company closes into Logistical Base BRAVO. [18th Personnel Group

SITREP 125 (3 Feb 91)]

-- 360th Civil Affairs Brigade receives six additional Kuwaiti linguists (raising total to 31). [360th

Civil Affairs Brigade SITREP, 15 (3 Feb 91)]

-- Second increment of 450th Civil Affairs Company arrives at Khobar Towers (raising in-theater strength of

company to 77). [360th Civil Affairs Brigade SITREP, 15 (3 Feb 91)]

0130Z VICTORY STATION convoy closes into 24th Infantry Division's division support area in Area of

Operations TEAK. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 3 Feb 91]

1500Z 24th Infantry Division Rear Command Post begins deployment in three serials to the division support

area (MT 733028). [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 3 Feb 91]

4 February (C+181; D+18)

-- Ground control approach equipment at the Forward Landing Strip in Logistical Base CHARLIE becomes fully

operational. [18th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 4 Feb 91]

-- French Minister of Defense and Chief of Staff of the Army visit 6th (French) Light Armored Division. [6th

(French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 4 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 4 Feb 91]

-- 82d Airborne Division reports that 92% has closed into their tactical assembly areas; the division trail

party left CHAMPION MAIN in the morning; Task Force 3-505 closed in the morning and during the day most of Task Force 2-505 (3d Brigade) closed; Aviation Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, completed closure of all aircraft into Forward Operating Base ASHEVILLE with the arrival of the last UH-60 Blackhawk and OH-58 Kiowa helicopters, and ground convoys from brigade elements closed all day long. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 181 (4 Feb 91)]

-- All 24th Infantry Division Artillery howitzers are in assembly areas. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 4

Feb 91]

-- 197th Infantry Brigade completes occupation of Assembly Area SLEDGEHAMMER. [24th Infantry Division SITREP,

4 Feb 91]

-- Final element (Headquarters and Headquarters Battery) of the 1st Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery,

closes into Area of Operations TEAK. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 4 Feb 91]

-- 101st Airborne Division's ground convoy team (181 personnel) moves to Camp EAGLE II to pick up new M-998-series HMMWVs at port. [101st Airborne

Division SITREP 180 (4 Feb 91)]

-- Advance detachments of the 196th Field Artillery Brigade and its subordinate battalions arrive in theater.

[XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 4 Feb 91]

-- 299th Engineer Battalion (36th Engineer Group) closes into Area of Operations TEAK. [24th Infantry

Division SITREP, 4 Feb 91]

-- 360th Civil Affairs Brigade operational in tactical assembly area. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 4 Feb


-- FAST team from 107th Finance Support Unit sets up operations in Logistical Base CHARLIE. [18th

Finance Group SITREP, Feb 91]

0700 24th Infantry Division Rear Command Post closes into Area of Operations TEAK. [24th Infantry Division

SITREP, 4 Feb 91]

0500Z VICTORY STATION (24th Finance and 24th Personnel Service Companies) operational. [24th Infantry Division

SITREP, 4 Feb 91]

0900 COL Barry Baer (Commander, 18th Finance Group) departs

King Khalid Military City. [18th Finance Group SITREP, 4 Feb 91]

1400 BG(P) Edison Scholes, Deputy Commanding General, arrives at XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post (King

Khalid Military City). [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 4 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals give time as 1506]

1522Z 24th Infantry Division Rear Command Post's last element close into tactical assembly area. [XVIII Airborne

Corps SITREP, 4 Feb 91]

1700Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 25 to OPORD DESERT STORM detaches Company K (Aviation Intermediate

Maintenance), 158th Aviation from 1st Support Command for attachment to VII Corps effective 1500Z on 5 February.

5 February (C+182; D+19)

-- LTG Yeosock visits 82d Airborne Division Main Command Post. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 182 (5 Feb


-- LTG Yeosock is briefed at 101st Airborne Division Main Command Post. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 180

(4 Feb 91)]

-- 724th Support Battalion (Main) establishes Division Support Area #1. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 5

Feb 91]

-- Task Force 1-505 (3d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division) begins air movement. [82d Airborne Division SITREP

182 (5 Feb 91)]

-- 2d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, coordinates with XVIII Airborne Corps Deputy Chief of Staff on

tactical combat force mission. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 180 (4 Feb 91)]

-- Main body of 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery (196th Field Artillery Brigade) arrives in theater.

[XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 5 Feb 91]

-- 16th Military Police Brigade Jump Tactical Operations Center displaces to Logistical Base CHARLIE (MT

270316) from the corps Rear Command Post. [16th Military Police Brigade SITREP 141 (5 Feb 91); also see XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 5 Feb 91, which specifies that it left a platoon behind as a security element for the Rear Command Post]

-- 251st Support Center (Rear Area Operations) closes into

Logistical Base CHARLIE, leaving the 116th Support Center (Rear Area Operations) responsible for the King Khalid Military City area. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 5 Feb 91]

0001 503d and 519th Military Police Battalions terminate Phase II battlefield circulation control and main supply

route security missions. [16th Military Police Brigade SITREP 141 (5 Feb 91)]

0015 COL Darling (Commander, 196th Field Artillery Brigade)

arrives in theater. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0930 AH-1F (Tail # 222) of 3d Armored Cavalry has brownout while hovering and crashes; six TOWs and twelve

2.75" rockets lost in crash; both crew members evacuated with injuries to the 86th Evacuation Hospital at King Khalid Military City. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 5 Feb 91]

1300 Company A, 319th Military Intelligence Battalion, departs DRAGON CITY. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade

SITREP 126 (5 Feb 91)]

1832Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 26 to OPORD DESERT STORM directs the 16th Military Police Brigade to detach

the 210th Military Police Company to the Operational Control of the 101st Airborne Division and the 810th Military Police Company to the Operational Control of the 82d Airborne Division effective 0900Z on 9 February.

6 February (C+183; D+20)

·       -- 101st Airborne Division reports harassing mortar fire in sector. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 6 Feb 91]

·       -- BG Le Pichon, Chief of Staff of DAGUET Force, visits 6th (French) Light Armored Division. [XVIII Airborne

Corps SITREP, 6 Feb 91]

-- 1st ship carrying equipment of 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, begins unloading. [XVIII Airborne Corps

SITREP, 6 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 6 Feb 91]

1700 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports receiving artillery or mortar fire at three different

locations between Phase Line RAZOR and the Line of Departure. [6th (French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 6 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 6 Feb 91]

2241 3d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, completes closure into Tactical Assembly Area PLUM with the exception of

Company C, 1st Battalion, 505th Infantry, remaining at Riyadh; this completes Phase II closure of combat power of XVIII Airborne Corps. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 184 (7 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 6 Feb 91, which cites time as 1941Z]

7 February (C+184; D+21)

-- GEN Schwarzkopf visits XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post and the 2d Squadron, 3d Armored

Cavalry. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 7 Feb 91]

-- MG Mouscardes (Commanding General, 6th [French] Light

Armored Division) medically evacuated to France; COL Lusque becomes acting Commanding General until BG Janvier can arrive from France [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

-- BG Gazeau, Deputy Commanding General for ground forces, visits 6th (French) Light Armored Division. [6th

(French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 7 Feb 91]

-- 503d and 519th Military Police Battalions (16th Military

Police Brigade) begin movement to Phase III areas of responsibility. [16th Miltiary Police Brigade SITREP 143 (7 Feb 91), noting that they will continue moving on 8 February, as will the 759th Military Police Battalion, and that on completion of the movement the 519th will take over the area security mission for Logistical Base CHARLIE from the 160th Military Police Battalion]

-- First increment of 431st Civil Affairs Company arrives in theater. [360th Civil Affairs Brigade SITREP,

19 (7 Feb 91)]

-- 1st Battalion, 502d Infantry, assumes tactical combat force mission. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 183

[7 Feb 91)]

-- 3d Battalion, 502d Infantry, assumes 101st Airborne Division reserve mission. [101st Airborne Division

SITREP 183 [7 Feb 91)]

-- Final 101st Airborne Division Support Command elements clear Logistical Site ROMEO and Forward Operating

Base BASTOGNE. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 183 [7 Feb 91)]

0001-0230 101st Airborne Division reports Iraqi jamming. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 377]

0210 UH-1V from 229th Medical Detachment crashes at LT 923539; five casualties transported to 15th Evacuation

Hospital by the 326th Medical Battalion. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 183 [7 Feb 91)]

1640 LTG Gary E. Luck arrives at XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post for overnight visit. [XVIII Airborne

Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 6 Feb 91]

8 February (C+185; D+22)

-- XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post completes antifratricide marking of all vehicles. [XVIII

Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 162 (8 Feb 91)]

-- Logistical Base CHARLIE identified as having 38 bases organized into 10 base clusters. [XVIII Airborne

Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 8 Feb 91]

-- XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery hosts artillery commanders' conference. [XVIII Airborne Corps

Artillery SITREP, 8 Feb 91]

-- Two French soldiers slightly injured in traffic accident in 6th (French) Light Armored Division rear area.

[6th (French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 8 Feb 91]

-- 326th Engineer Battalion completes construction of Main Supply Route NEWMARKET from Main Supply Route DODGE

to Phase Line RAZOR. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 184 [8 Feb 91)]

-- 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, completes unloading of equipment. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 8 Feb


-- Main body of the 25th Rear Area Operations Center arrives in theater at Dhahran. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear

Command Post SITREP, 8 Feb 91]

·       -- 12th Aviation Brigade completes air movement plan. [12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 8 Feb 91]

·       -- 35th Signal Brigade establishes tactical telephone communications to the 18th Personnel Group at King

Khalid Military City. [35th Signal Brigade SITREP, 8 Feb 91]

-- Company A (Interrogation), 519th Military Intelligence Battalion, deploys advance detachment to Corps

Interrogation Facility. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 129 (8 Feb 91)]

-- 1st Support Command (Corps) strength in theater is

20,313 personnel. 46th Support Group is providing support on the Southern Route; 101st Support Group is improving its tactical assembly area; the 171st Support Group is moving into its tactical assembly area; and the 507th Support Group is in Logistical Base CHARLIE. [1st Support Command SITREP 190 (8 Feb 91)]

-- Detachment of 450th Civil Affairs Company departs Khobar Towers to begin direct support of 3d Armored

Cavalry. [360th Civil Affairs Brigade SITREP, 20 (8 Feb 91)]

-- ARCENT informs 360th Civil Affairs Brigade that the 431st Civil Affairs Company will become part of the 352d

Civil Affairs Command (supporting ARCENT). [360th Civil Affairs Brigade SITREP, 20 (8 Feb 91)]

0155 SCUD missile fired from within five nautical miles of QU 727416 against Riyadh. [XVIII Airborne Corps


0930- 24th Infantry Division conducts friendly aircraft

1200 identification exercise involving a French Puma and a French Gazelle helicopter, escorted by a United States Army UH-1 Iroquois. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 8 Feb 91]

0945 3d Armored Cavalry reports that 1st Squadron cargo Heavy Expanded-Mobility Tactical Truck catches fire at NS

030956 with cargo of 155mm howitzer ammunition; explosive ordnance disposal assets respond at 1006; lost in resulting fire were 128 DPICM rounds, 10 COPPERHEAD rounds, and assorted charges, primers and fuses. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREPs, 8 and 9 Feb 91]

1000 LTG Yeosock holds pre-brief in Riyadh; MG McCaffrey attends. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 8 Feb 91]

1435 All 16th Military Police Brigade elements complete

closure into Phase III locations. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

9 February (C+186; D+23)

-- BG Bernard Janvier assumes command of the 6th (French) Light Armored Division. [6th (French) Light

Armored Division SITREP, 8 Feb 91]

-- MG McCaffrey briefs operations plan to Secretary of Defense Cheney and GEN Colin Powell at ARCENT

Headquarters. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 9 Feb 91]

-- Company A, 1st Battalion, 505th Infantry, replaces Company C of the same battalion as the Quick

Reaction Force in Riyadh. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 186 (9 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 9 Feb 91]

-- 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, conducts tactical exercise without troops of its mission to occupy

Forward Operating Base COBRA, with support from the Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 185 [9 Feb 91)]

-- 3d Armored Cavalry staff and commanders are working on

a contingency plan for the capture of Objective PURPLE. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 9 Feb 91]

-- 3d Armored Cavalry receives ten M-1A1 Heavy Armor tanks allowing 2d Squadron to begin exchange. [3d

Armored Cavalry SITREP, 9 Feb 91, which also reports that the regiment will receive a total of 108 M-3A2 and fourteen M-2A2 Bradley Fighting Vehicles as part of the equipment exchange]

-- 3d Armored Cavalry support elements in the Regimental

Support Area are working on installing nine Mine Plow and four Mine Roller sets on regimental tanks. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 9 Feb 91]

-- 3d Armored Cavalry direct support detachment of 450th Civil Affairs Company arrives in Assembly Area

CACTUS; advance detachment of 450th Civil Affairs Company (-) arrives at 82d Airborne Division. [360th Civil Affairs Brigade SITREP, 21 (9 Feb 91)]

-- 196th Field Artillery Brigade reports that it has 1,140

personnel in country: HHB has 153 personnel in country and all equipment; the 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery has 459 personnel in country and all equipment (45 tracked and 87 wheeled vehicles); the 1st Battalion, 181st Field Artillery has 448 personnel in country, but only 33 wheeled vehicles; and that the 1st Battalion, 623d Field Artillery has only 80 personnel and 33 wheeled vehicles in country. Remaining ships and due-i dates are Chappelle (13 Feb), Hauge (16 Feb), Arcade Falcon (18 Feb), Cygnus (21 Feb), Noxus Pride (23 Feb), and Jupiter (23 Feb). [196th Field Artillery Brigade SITREP, 9 Feb 91]

-- 937th Engineer Group begin emplacing half-set of

M-19 matting for 12th Aviation Brigade logistical pad. [12th Aviation Brigade SITREPs, 9 and 10 Feb 91]

-- 107th Finance Support Unit is at Logistical Base CHARLIE.

[18th Finance Group SITREP, 9 Feb 91]

0336 One SCUD fired against Israel; impacts at 0344. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 381]

0900Z XVIII Airborne Corps advances to Threat Condition CHARLIE. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 10 Feb 91]

2235 450th Civil Affairs Company (-) arrives in Logistical Base CHARLIE. [360th Civil Affairs Brigade SITREP,

22 (10 Feb 91)]

10 February (C+187; D+24)

-- Company C, 3d Battalion, 7th Infantry, under the operational control of Company D, 3d Battalion,

69th Armor, conducts reconnaissance of berm. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 10 Feb 91]

·       -- 82d Airborne Division briefs LTG Luck. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 187 (10 Feb 91)]

·       -- 101st Airborne Division moves 80 of planned 215 personnel to Camp EAGLE II by C-130 Hercules to pick up

additional M-998-series HMMWVs from port. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 186 [10 Feb 91)]

·       -- BG Scholes visits XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 10 Feb 91]

·       -- 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery (196th Field Artillery Brigade), departs Dhahran for Assembly

Area PINE. [MFR, 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, subj.: 1-201 FA After Action Report, OPERATION DESERT SHIELD/STORM, 9 July 1991]

-- 810th Military Police Camp (Army Reserve, Tampa, Florida) and 450th Civil Affairs Company (Army Reserve,

Riverdale, Maryland) are attached to XVIII Airborne Corps.

-- 407th Civil Affairs Company begins arriving at Khobar Towers. [360th Civil Affairs Brigade SITREP, 22

(10 Feb 91)]

0800 3d Armored Cavalry regimental tactical operations center begins displacing from MT 977077 to MT 918135;

completes movement and assumes operational status by 1100. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREPs, 9 and 10 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 10 Feb 91]

0930 450th Civil Affairs Company (-) departs Logistical Base CHARLIE to join 82d Airborne Division. [360th

Civil Affairs Brigade SITREP, 22 (10 Feb 91)]

1330 BG(P) Scholes arrives at Rear Command Post. [XVIII

Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 10 Feb 91]

1515 BG Janvier makes first visit to LTG Luck at Rafha after assuming command of the 6th (French) Light Armored

Division; announces that the division is to be reinforced by MART (French remotely piloted vehicles) and 120-man CRAP (deep operations commandos). [6th (French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 10 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 10 Feb 91]

1330Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 27 to OPORD DESERT STORM gives the 101st Airborne Division the on order mission to

screen the left flank of the 6th (French) Light Armored Division if the French attack before the 101st Airborne Division.

11 February (C+188; D+25)

-- Logistical Base CHARLIE identified as having 40 bases organized into 11 base clusters. [XVIII Airborne

Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 11 Feb 91]

-- Rear detachment of the 116th Rear Area Operations Center arrives at King Khalid Military City. [XVIII

Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 11 Feb 91]

-- Liaison team from the 6th (French) Light Armored Division and part of the 450th Civil Affairs Company join

82d Airborne Division. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 188 (11 Feb 91)]

-- 2d Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, tactical command post moves to MT 787196. [24th Infantry Division

SITREP, 11 Feb 91]

-- 101st Airborne Division completes C-130 movement of

M-998-series HMMWV convoy personnel (raising two-day total to 211 drivers). [101st Airborne Division SITREP 187 [11 Feb 91)]

·       -- 12th Aviation Brigade logistical pad completed. [12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 11 Feb 91]

·       -- 15th Military Intelligence Battalion deploys Tactical Imagery Interpretation Facility to Corps Main

Command Post at Rafha. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 132 (11 Feb 91)]

-- Fuel stockage in Logistical Base CHARLIE reaches 90% of objective (5.21 million gallons of the 5.8 million

goal). [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 11 Feb 91]

0500 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, departs for Assembly Area OLIVE; later in day advance

detachment closes. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREPs, 10 and 11 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 11 Feb 91]

1422Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 28 to OPORD DESERT STORM directs the establishment of decontamination sites

and decontamination support between the line of departure and Objective WHITE on Main Supply Route TEXAS, and in the vicinity of Objective WHITE and Logistical Base OSCAR by the 6th (French) Light Armored Division with support from the 1st Support Command prior to the initiation of movement.

1835- 101st Airborne Division Jump Command Post and division 2036 deception cell conducts active communications

deception operations while division's Main Command Post maintains listening silence. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 187 [11 Feb 91)]

1645Z One probable Al Abbas fired from Al Jabariyah complex (FT 811916) against Israel, detonating east of Tel

Aviv at 1701Z. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 386 and 387, which gives time as 1954 and says that missile shot down]

2140 2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, reports that three Iraqi patrols might have crossed into 6th (French)

Light Armored Division sector (and that artillery has been fired at two of them): one at LT 914954 of approximately twenty five personnel; one at LT 912965 of a squad; and one of unknown size at LT 905973. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 387]

1902Z One probable Al Abbas fired from Safwan (QU 614478) against Riyadh; shot down. [XVIII Airborne Corps

INTSUMs 386 and 387, which gives time as 2220]

12 February (C+189; D+26)

-- 6th (French) Light Armored Division receives reinforcing MART (remotely piloted vehicle) element, CRAP (120

deep operations commandos), and two US psychological operations loudspeaker HMMWVs. [6th (French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 12 Feb 91]

-- Night of 12/13 February Company A, 2d Battalion, 7th Infantry, attached to the 4th Battalion, 64th

Armor, conducts border reconnaissance in conjunction with 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 12 Feb 91]

-- 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, closes into Assembly Area OLIVE and is attached to the 18th

Field Artillery Brigade. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREPs, 12 and 13 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREPS, 12 and 13 Feb 91]

-- 7th Transportation Battalion completes movement to Logistical Base CHARLIE. [1st Support Command

SITREP 194 (12 Feb 91)]

-- Main body of 844th Engineer Battalion arrives in forward location. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 12 Feb

91; SITREPs for 14 and 15 Feb indicate that only 75% of equipment has arrived with one more shipload still en route to theater]

-- Main body of Company A, 519th Military Intelligence Battalion, deploys to Corps Interrogation Facility

(LT 595812). [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 133 (12 Feb 91)]

-- XVIII Airborne Corps displaced civilian handover point location selected at Al Um Radmah (MS 700710).

[XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 12 Feb 91]

-- Due to heavy issues (568,000 gallons), fuel stockage in Logistical Base CHARLIE drops back to 80% of

objective. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 12 Feb 91]

0130 COL Barry Baer (Commander, 18th Finance Group) arrives

at Dhahran. [18th Finance Group SITREP, 12 Feb 91]

0234 Probable Al Abbas (60th SCUD-type missile fired in war) launched towards Tel Aviv with probable impact on

the West Bank. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP 387]

0710 Convoy of 108 101st Airborne Division vehicles (primarily new M-998-series HMMWVs) departs Camp EAGLE II.

[101st Airborne Division SITREP 188 [12 Feb 91)]

1800- 3d Armored Cavalry conducts psychological operations 2030 mission to broadcast surrender appeal to border

post at MT 95832862 with security provided by Troop E. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 12 Feb 91]

13 February (C+190; D+27)

-- 6th (French) Light Armored Division visited by the commanding general of COTAM (French equivalent of

the Military Airlift Command). [6th (French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 13 Feb 91]

-- BG Janvier visits MG Johnson at 82d Airborne Division Main Command Post. [82d Airborne Division SITREP

190 (13 Feb 91)]

-- 18th Aviation Brigade conducts DESERT STORM Phase III mission briefing for LTG Luck. [18th Aviation

Brigade SITREP, 13 Feb 91]

0230 One Iraqi defector apprehended in the 2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, sector. [6th (French) Light

Armored Division SITREP, 13 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals says that capture was made by Headquarters Battery, 5th Battalion, 8th Field Artillery, but gives no time]

1142 Probable Al Abbas launched from within five nautical miles of MC 613253; fragments impact near Hafar al

Batin. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 391]

1144 Probable Al Abbas launched from MC 644253; fragments impact near Hafar al Batin. [XVIII Airborne Corps


1050Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 29 to OPORD DESERT STORM detaches the 431st Civil Affairs Company from the

360th Civil Affairs Brigade for attachment to ARCENT effective 1200Z on 13 February. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 13 Feb 91]

2247 82d Airborne Division engages Iraqi patrol at LT 912969, firing six rounds of 105mm artillery at

it. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 391]

14 February (C+191; D+28)<1>

-- French Prime Minister and Minister of Defense visit 6th (French) Light Armored Division and 2d Brigade,

82d Airborne Division. [6th (French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 14 Feb 91; 82d Airborne Division SITREP 191 (14 Feb 91)]

-- 5th Battalion, 101st Aviation, conducts air mission briefing of plan for 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne

Division, air assault into Forward Operating Base COBRA. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 190 (14 Feb 91)]

-- 101st Airborne Division sends another 234 personnel back to Camp EAGLE II to pick up additional M-998-series HMMWVs from port. [101st Airborne Division

SITREP 190 (14 Feb 91)]

-- Company A, 519th Military Intelligence Battalion, establishes full operations at temporary Corps

Interrogation Facility at Rafha. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 135 (14 Feb 91)]

-- 19th Replacement Detachment processing to date during

deployment consists of 625 personnel for the 24th Infantry Division, 347 for the 82d Airborne Division, 619 for the 101st Airborne Division, 194 for the 3d Armored Cavalry, 541 for the XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery, 192 for the 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, 2 for the 12th Aviation Brigade, 81 for the 18th Aviation Brigade, 203 for the 20th Engineer Brigade, 58 for the 35th Signal Brigade, 39 for the 525th Military Intelligence Brigade, 9 for the 18th Finance Group, 22 for the 18th Personnel Group, 651 for the 1st Support Command, and 40 for Dragon Brigade; total replacements processed are 3,720 including 1,076 in a single week. [18th Personnel Group SITREP 136 (14 Feb 91)]

0900- 24th Infantry Division conducts first day of two-day 1700 map exercise at Division Main Command Post to

complete backbriefs of Phases I and II of operations plan. [24th Infantry Division SITREPs, 13 and 14 Feb 91]

0800Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 31 to OPORD DESERT STORM shifts the Corps Fire Support Coordination Line #1

north to coincide with Main Supply Route OHIO effective 0800Z on 14 February. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 14 Feb 91]

1210 6th (French) Light Armored Division has two SCUD

alerts. [6th (French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 14 Feb 91]

1900 Company B, 2d Battalion, 7th Infantry (1st Brigade, 24th Infantry Division), initiates combat patrol

into the town of Nisab (MT 726299) with mounted support from the remainder of the company, supported by the battalion's mortars and by Company D. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 4 Feb 91]

1600Z Task Force 2-7 Infantry establishes ambush in town of Nisab (MT 726299) to exploit Iraqi border guard

routine pattern. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 14 Feb 91]

1620Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 32 to OPORD DESERT STORM retroactively (due to late ARCENT notification)

relieves the 1st Support Command of responsibility for the operation and support of Convoy Support Center SIERRA effective 2100Z on 12 February.

2200- 1st Battalion, 101st Aviation, conducts aerial zone 0200 reconnaissance across the forward line of own

troops, employing one team on the east and one on the west of the division zone; each team consists of two AH-64 Apaches (joined in mid-mission by two additional Apaches) and two OH-58D Kiowas; initial observations reported no activity out to Phase Line CHARGER; post-mission review of gunsight videotape revealed an estimated infantry platoon on a ridge near Main Supply Route NEWMARKET (MU 526181). Battery C, 2d Battalion, 320th Field Artillery, had displaced forward of Phase Line RAZOR to provide fire support if needed, but returned prior to the beginning of mean nautical twilight. Electronic warfare support of this operation was provided from 2205 to 2350 by one EH-60 QUICKFIX operating behind Phase Line RAZOR and from 2130 to 0130 by US Air Force an EF-111 Raven. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 191 (15 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREPs, 14 and 15 Feb 91]

15 February (C+192; D+29)

·       -- 12th Aviation Brigade rapid refuel point completed. [12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 15 Feb 91]

·       -- 12th Aviation Brigade conducts long-range surveillance unit insertion with Task Force WARRIOR; 3d

Battalion, 227th Aviation; and 5th Squadron (Search and Rescue assets), 6th Cavalry. [12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 15 Feb 91]

-- 15th Military Intelligence Battalion with Company B,

1st Military Intelligence Battalion attached, reports total flying hours to date since start of combat as 2,121.5. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 136 (15 Feb 91)]

-- 338th Finance Support Unit will replace 106th Finance

Support Unit (-) in performing finance service mission at Khobar Towers. [18th Finance Group SITREP, 15 Feb 91]

0900- GEN Schmitt, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, visits 1300 the 6th (French) Light Armored Division. [6th

(French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 15 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 15 Feb 91, says also that he visited 2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, and 18th Field Artillery Brigade]

0930 Company B, 2d Battalion, 7th Infantry, returns from patrol of Nisab and conducts debriefing. [24th

Infantry Division SITREP, 15 Feb 91]

0830Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 33 to OPORD DESERT STORM directs the 101st Airborne Division to detach a

chemical smoke/decontamination platoon for attachment to the 82d Airborne Division during Phase III-B, and directs Dragon Brigade to detach a heavy decontamination platoon for attachment to the 3d Armored Cavalry not later than 1400Z on 17 February.

1330- GEN Schmidt pays office call on LTG Luck. [6th 1415 (French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 15 Feb 91]

1030Z Air strike (Mission Number 3015C) destroys three to six

vehicles at 30.08N, 44.11E. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1100Z Air strike (Mission Number 3065B) strikes two

buildings, communications equipment, and a radar at 30.02N, 44.15E with two buildings destroyed. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1100Z Air strike (Mission Number 3271K) strikes two bunkers

at 30.00N, 44.10E. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1153Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 34 to OPORD DESERT STORM is issued on limited distribution basis [deals with

Phase III deception operations].

1700 24th Infantry Division concludes second day of map exercise (backbriefing of Phases III and IV of

operations plan). [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 15 Feb 91]

1330Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 30 to OPORD DESERT STORM changes the "on order" boundary between the 24th

Infantry and 101st Airborne Divisions. Also tasks the 6th (French) Light Armored Division and 101st Airborne Division with the responsibility for clearing the proposed location for Logistical Base OSCAR not later than H+40, and the 24th Infantry Division for clearing the proposed location for Logistical Base ROMEO not later than H+72. [NOTE: This FRAGO was issued out of sequence.]

1345Z Air strike (Mission Number 3151C) destroys four

vehicles at 30.00N, 44.10E. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

-- Air strike (Mission Number 3261K) damages two hardened

shelters at 30.39N, 44.35E. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

-- Air strike (Mission Number 5103A) hits air defense

radar site at 31.05N, 44.01E; destroys two SPOON REST radars, one communications vehicle; damages one FLAT FACE or SQUAT EYE radar and one communications vehicle; pilots report that damaged radar and a damaged Thompson are still standing. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

16 February (C+193; D+30)

-- Name of XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post command and control element located in Logistical Base

CHARLIE changed from tactical command post to alternate command post. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 16 Feb 91]

-- 3d Armored Cavalry reports that it has completed receipt of all new Bradley fighting vehicles. [3d

Armored Cavalry SITREP, 16 Feb 91]

-- 3d Armored Cavalry regimental tactical operations center displaces to MT 963147. [3d Armored

Cavalry SITREP, 16 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 15 Feb 91, gives grid coordinates at MT 963146]

-- Task Force WARRIOR conducts rehearsal of long-range surveillance unit insertion with the 519th

Military Intelligence Battalion. [12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 16 Feb 91]

-- 16th Military Police Brigade reports all elements are

in their Phase III locations. [16th Military Police Brigade SITREP 152 (16 Feb 91)]

0001 XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post assumes command and control of the corps' close battle

from the Main Command Post. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 170 (16 Feb 91)]

0018 101st Airborne Division conducts cross-border reconnaissance to Phase Line CHARGER with three

OH-58C Kiowas that remain positioned along line of departure while two AH-64 Apaches proceed to CHARGER (arriving there 0139); all aircraft return at 0349 without making significant contact. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 170 (16 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 15 Feb 91]

0133 101st Airborne Division conducts cross-border reconnaissance with fours AH-64 Apaches crossing

line of departure; proceed to site for Forward Operating Base COBRA; all aircraft return at 0349 without making significant sightings. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 170 (16 Feb 91)]

0200 One Al Abbas fired towards Dhahran from the vicinity of Al Amarra; impacts in water south of Al Jubayal.

[XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 395]

1000 MG McCaffrey briefs LTG Luck on three planned 24th Infantry Division cross-border operations:

artillery raid on the border post at MT 738302; 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry, combat reconnaissance from outposts at the intersections of Main Supply Route OHIO with Combat Trails X-RAY (MT 451552) and YANKEE (MT 834298); and AH-64 Apache raid by 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation, on early warning radar site (MT 626520). [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 16 Feb 91]


tasks the 16th Military Police Brigade and the 1st Support Command to provide wrecker and recovery support to keep traffic flowing on Main Supply Route TEXAS during Phase III operations. [NOTE: This FRAGO was issued out of sequence.]

1345Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 35 to OPORD DESERT STORM directs the execution of a portion of FRAGO 17 by

directing the 12th Aviation Brigade to place an attack helicopter battalion task force under the operational control of the 82d Airborne Division effective 1500Z on 16 February, with control to last until G-2.

1500Z 5th Squadron, 6th Cavalry (12th Aviation Brigade) placed under operational control of the 82d

Airborne Division for deep attack purposes. [12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 17 Feb 91]

1545Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 37 to OPORD DESERT STORM directs the 525th Military Intelligence Brigade,

in coordination with the 12th Aviation Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, and 3d Armored Cavalry, to conduct cross-forward line of own troops Long Range Surveillance operations to insert three teams at 2200C on G-3.

1930 24th Infantry Division conducts artillery raid by having Battery C, 2d Battalion, 17th Field

Artillery, successfully fire one COPPERHEAD round from MT 731166 at the border post at MT 738302; target lased by FIST-V belonging to the scout section of the 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry, located south of the line of departure at MT 72482620. NOTE: this is first actual fire by element of XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 17 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 170 (16 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 16 Feb 91 (giving time as 1615Z and grids as MT 733298); XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 17 Feb 91]

1650Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 38 to OPORD DESERT STORM releases Battery C, 6th Battalion, 27th Field

Artillery from attachment to the 101st Airborne Division and returns it to XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery effective 2100Z on 17 February. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 18 Feb 91]

2101Z 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry, conducts point terrain reconnaissance at MT 451552. [XVIII Airborne

Corps SITREP, 16 Feb 91]

17 February (C+194; D+31)

-- 2d Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment conducts reconnaissance of Al Batin border post. [6th

(French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 17 Feb 91]

-- 3d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, and 4th Battalion, 101st Aviation, give division the air mission

briefing for plan to conduct air assault into Area of Operations EAGLE. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 193 (17 Feb 91)]

-- 3d Armored Cavalry receives M-9 Armored Combat Earthmovers. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 17 Feb


-- 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, moves forward to positions to fire in artillery raid on Phase Line

NATCHEZ (escarpment). [MFR, 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, subj.: 1-201 FA After Action Report, OPERATION DESERT SHIELD/STORM, 9 July 1991]

-- 12th Aviation Brigade "chops" 5th Squadron, 6th Cavalry, to 82d Airborne Division for deep

operations. XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 17 Feb 91]

-- Construction begins to extend Main Supply Route TEXAS north of Phase Line RAZOR. [20th Engineer Brigade

SITREP, 17 Feb 91]

-- Extension of Main Supply Route MONTANA is now six kilometers north of Phase Line RAZOR. [20th

Engineer Brigade SITREP, 17 Feb 91]

-- Advance detachment (14 personnel) of 407th Civil

Affairs Company arrives at 1st Support Command. [360th Civil Affairs Brigade SITREP, 29 (17 Feb 91)]

0001- Troop D, 4th Cavalry, conducts platoon reconnaissance

0100of intersection of Main Supply Route OHIO and Combat Trail X-RAY (MT 451562); no contact was made; 3d Battalion, 41st Field Artillery, was on call to provide fire support. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 17 Feb 91]

0001- Troop A, 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry, conducts platoon

0200reconnaissance of intersection of Main Supply Route OHIO and Combat Trail YANKEE; no contact was made; 3d Battalion, 41st Field Artillery, was on call to provide fire support. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 17 Feb 91]

0100 Planned cross-border operation by 101st Airborne

Division cancelled due to weather conditions. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 171 (17 Feb 91)]

0400 24th Infantry Division conducts raid on early warning radar site (MT 626520) with six AH-64 Apaches and

two OH-58C Kiowas from Companies A and B, 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation; one Apache fires thirty Hydra-70 2.75" folding fin aerial rockets at target; secondary explosion observed; site had two FLATFACE radars, two SIDENET radars, four computer vans, two TH-065 vans, five unidentified vans, five computer trailers, three tents and ten generators. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 17 Feb 91, which does not give time; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 171 (17 Feb 91) which says raid was done only by five Apaches and gives target's grid at MT 620560; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREPs, 16 (giving grid as MT 629522) and 17 (giving time as 0100Z) Feb 91]

0104Z 1st Squadron, 3d Armored Cavalry, makes contact with remotely piloted vehicles at NS 0398; at one point

Battery B, 5th Battalion, 62d Air Defense Artillery, is tracking up to four of these. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 17 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 17 Feb 91]

0803 101st Airborne Division initiates reconnaissance from the line of departure to Phase Line CHARGER

employing AH-1 Cobras, AH-64 Apaches, and OH-58 Kiowas from the 2d Squadron, 17th Cavalry, and 2d Battalion, 229th Aviation to conduct zone reconnaissance from the line of departure to Phase Line CHARGER, route reconnaissance for proposed Main Supply Route NEWMARKET, and area reconnaissance of proposed Rapid Refuel Point at Forward Operating Base COBRA. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 193 (17 Feb 91) which says entire mission was from 0900 to 1640; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 171 (17 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 17 Feb 91 says time 0600Z-1340Z]

1015 2d Battalion, 229th Aviation (101st Airborne Division), elements on reconnaissance engage two bunkers at

MU 251042 with 30mm gunfire from AH-64 Apaches; observe secondary explosions; initial report claims destruction of one BM-21 multiple rocket launcher (subsequently determined to be a cargo truck), six mortars and a quantity of ammunition; evacuate ten enemy prisoners of war (one officer and nine enlisted men) by employing division pathfinders and four UH-60 Blackhawks, with 2d Battalion, 320th Field Artillery, on call if fire support required; prisoners subsequently determined to have been the command post of the 2d Company, 2d Battalion of border guards incorporated in the 17th Brigade, 45th Infantry Division. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 193 (17 Feb 91) which gives initial bunker target grid at MT 251047, provides no time, and says that there were eleven prisoners, one of whom was wounded; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 171 (17 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUMs 397, 398 and 401, which place time of engagement as 1059; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 17 Feb 91]

1200 24th Infantry Division Artillery executes Phase II of division operations plan; Battery A (MLRS), 3d Battalion, 27th Field Artillery placed in general support reinforcing to 4th Battalion, 41st Field Artillery. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 15 Feb 91]

1230 101st Airborne Division reconnaissance destroys two additional bunkers at MT 274910 and evacuates additional 40 enemy prisoners (later corrected to 31) of war from the same 2d Company, 2d Battalion using infantry assets and UH-60 Blackhawks. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 193 (17 Feb 91) which gives no time; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 171 (17 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREPs 397 and 398; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 17 Feb 91]

2400 2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, scouts return from cross-border patrols and report that the brigade is in control of the escarpment. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 195 (18 Feb 91)]

18 February (C+195; D+32)

-- 101st Airborne Division Artillery with assistance of a training team from Communications-Electronics Command begins fielding of four AN/PSN-9 global positioning systems. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 194 (18 Feb 91)]

0116 24th Infantry Division patrol (from Company B, 2d Battalion, 7th Infantry) crosses line of departure to conduct ground point reconnaissance of border post at MT 733298 and assess damage caused by COPPERHEAD artillery raid conducted on 16 February. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 18 Feb 91, which says patrol lasted from 2000 on 17 February to 0320, and that it recrossed border at 0525; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 172 (18 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 18 Feb 91, which says patrol lasted from 1700Z on 17 Feb until 0120Z. NOTE: Some sources give grid as MT 783302]

0129 24th Infantry Division patrol (platoon from Company B, Task Force 2-18 Infantry) crosses line of departure to conduct reconnaissance of Hill 384 (MT 361622) and border post at MT 369616. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 18 Feb 91, which says returned 0530; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 172 (18 Feb 91)]

0129 24th Infantry Division conducts cross-border route reconnaissance of Combat Trails X-RAY and YANKEE with three AH-64 Apaches from 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation, crossing the line of departure supported by UH-60 and EH-60 Blackhawks remaining behind line of departure; Apaches were to proceed north along YANKEE, turn west along Phase Line CHARGER, and then south along X-RAY; one aborted due to inoperative helmet display; the other two encountered fog on CHARGER before reaching X-RAY and turned back, returning along YANKEE and recrossing line of departure at 0243 without making contact. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 18 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 172 (18 Feb 91)]

0130 82d Airborne Division elements cross line of departure on a cross-border mission while employing four OH-58D Kiowas to screen line of departure and employing EH-60, EC-130 and EF-111 electronic warfare assets to cover operations. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 172 (18 Feb 91); 18th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 17 Feb 91, which says that the brigade provided a CH- 47D Chinook to support this mission; and 82d Airborne Division SITREP 195 (18 Feb 91)]

0130 9 AH-64 Apaches from Troops A and B, 5th Squadron, 6th Cavalry, cross line of departure to strike Objective WHITE; subsequently engage targets west of As Salman including SA-6 sites, antiaircraft artillery, communications, radars, a logistical site and a mechanized infantry platoon. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 172 (18 Feb 91); 12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 18 Feb 91; 12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91, which says crossed line of departure at 0115, arrived over target at 0200, engaged estimated 100 members of 841st Brigade, 45th Infantry Division, destroyed 15 trucks, numerous bunkers, and observed secondary explosions in the logistical site, suffered no losses or damage of their own, and that the mission had the support of over 500 rounds of diversionary suppressive artillery fire as well as electronic warfare support from EF-111 and EC-130 COMPASS CALL assets; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 18 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals says that it was 12 AH-64s, with a CH-47 remaining on call at Rafha]

0152 1st Battalion, 82d Aviation, strike force crosses line of departure with 11 AH-64 Apaches and 3 UH-60 Blackhawks and four OH-58D Kiowas to strike Objective ROCHAMBEAU; two Apaches from Company C engage tanks at MU 2153 (Enagement Area AMBER), two Apaches from Company C engage artillery at MU 2641 (Engagement Area RED), five Apaches from Company B engage tanks and artillery at MU 2132 (Engagement Area BLUE), and two Apaches from Company A engage mechanized infantry and tanks at MU 1270 (Engagement Area BLACK); cumulative damage reported as three tanks, two to three armored personnel carriers, a multiple rocket launcher, two artillery pieces (possibly D-30s) and three to five trucks destroyed, and an infantry platoon knocked out. [Main Command Post G-3 Journal entry 0200; Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 172 (18 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 18 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals provide additional details and states one helicopter took small arms fire]

0210- 11th (French) Marine Artillery Regiment delivers

0225preplanned fires in support of cross-border operations; 18th Field Artillery Brigade and 6th Battalion (-), 27th Field Artillery [twenty-four MLRS rockets], also fire on fourteen different targets while 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery participates in deception operation in support. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 172 (18 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREPs, 17 and 18 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals says that 5th Battalion, 8th Artillery fired 53 rounds, 3d Battalion, 8th Artillery fired 124, and 1st Battalion, 39th Field Artillery fired 73, as well as confirming 24 MLRS rockets fired by 6th Battalion, 27th Field Artillery]

0215 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, fires 227 rounds of 155mm rocket assisted projectile ammunition in support of 6th (French) Light Armored Division: 59 against LV 83301265 from Battery A (LU 70830472); 85 against LV 83201284 from Battery B (LU 70480453); and 83 against LV 83801249 from Battery C (LU 71370446). Battalion then closes in on 2d Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment. [MFR, 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, subj.: 1-201 FA After Action Report, OPERATION DESERT SHIELD/STORM, 9 July 1991]

0315 5th Squadron, 6th Cavalry, aircraft recross line of departure from cross-border mission. [12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91]

0337 Last 82d Airborne Division aircraft return from cross-

border mission. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 172 (18 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 18 Feb 91]

1118 101st Airborne Division conducts cross-border operations: 2d Battalion, 229th Aviation (five AH-64 Apaches and one UH-60 Blackhawk) conducting zone reconnaissance from Phase Line CHARGER to Phase Line SMASH; 2d Squadron, 17th Cavalry (three AH-1 Cobras and three OH-58C Kiowas) conducting route reconnaissance of Main Supply Route NEWMARKET; and 3d Battalion, 101st Aviation (one AH-1 and three OH-58s) performing screening operations. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 194 (18 Feb 91) stating missions lasted from 1118 to 1751; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 172 (18 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 18 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals specify that 2d Squadron, 17th Cavalry crossed line of departure at 1230 and that the 1st Battalion, 101st Aviation crossed at 1152]

1245 2d Battalion, 229th Aviation, AH-64 Apaches engages two civilian vehicles and 6-10 personnel in uniforms at MT 293903 with 30mm fire, but dense fog prevents assessing damage; also report 50 vehicles at MU 532144 and 100 personnel in bunkers at MU 53291449-MU 53871860-MU 53871385. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 194 (18 Feb 91) without giving time; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 172 (18 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 18 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals say that at 1418C they saw 25-30 personnel, 5 buildings and 30 vehicles at MU 53871586 and at 1528C they saw bunkers and personnel at MU 56591671]

1540 2d Battalion, 229th Aviation, hands over route reconnaissance mission to 2d Squadron, 17th Cavalry which has force of three AH-1 Apaches and three OH-58C Kiowas. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 172 (18 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1651 2d Squadron, 17th Cavalry, engages approximately 50 vehicles at MU 532144. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals; note XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 172 (18 Feb 91) says 1651 which is when returned back across line of departure]

16512d Squadron, 17th Cavalry breaks contact to recross

line of departure, reporting seeing 50 vehicles at MU 532144. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1800- 3d Armored Cavalry conducts psychological operations

2030mission along border. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 18 Feb 91]

2030An M-198 155mm towed howitzer from Battery C, 5th

Battalion, 8th Field Artillery, is damaged in an accident while being transported as a sling load by a CH-47D Chinook. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]


tasks the 82d Airborne Division, 3d Armored Cavalry, and 1st Support Command to release the civil affairs teams placed in direct support by FRAGO 20 effective 1200Z on 19 February, and concurrently tasks the 360th Civil Affairs Brigade to place one civil affairs support team in direct support of the XVIII Corps Rear Command Post.

2300- Team D, Task Force 2-69 Armor (197th Infantry Brigade),

0430conducts reconnaissance patrol to outpost at MT 364607. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 19 Feb 91]

2400- Scouts from 3d Battalion, 15th Infantry, conduct

0118reconnaissance of the berm in the 2d Brigade, 24th Infantry Division's, area of operations around MT 838283 without making contact. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 19 Feb 91]

-- Battery A, 3d Battalion, 41st Field Artillery, displaces forward to provide fire support out to Phase Line OPUS for night's aviation mission. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 18 Feb 91]

19 February (C+196; D+33)

·       -- LTG Calvin A. H. Waller (acting Commanding General, ARCENT, and Deputy Commander in Chief, USCENTCOM) visits XVIII Airborne Corps Main Command Post at Rafha. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 19 Feb 91]

·       -- 6th (French) Light Armored Division briefs LTG Yeosock on division's operations plan. [6th (French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 19 Feb 91]

·       -- 2d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, issues OPLAN

91-7 (DESERT TORRENT) for mission to seize Objective GOLD. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 195 (19 Feb 91)]

-- 3d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, briefs MG Peay on

plans for air assault mission against estimated company (-) force at MU 526181; MG Peay decides to postpone operation by 24 hours. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 195 (19 Feb 91)]

-- 4th Battalion, 101st Aviation, conducts mission

briefing for air assault into Area of Operations EAGLE. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 195 (19 Feb 91)]

·       -- 3d Armored Cavalry issues FRAGO #7 to regimental OPLAN 91-3 (COMANCHE). [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 19 Feb 91]

·       --3d Armored Cavalry receives its last 47 M-1A1 (Heavy

Armor) Abrams tanks. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

·       -- 50th Signal Battalion terminates operations at King Khalid Military City and moves to Logistical Base CHARLIE. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 19 Feb 91]

·       -- Fuel stockage in Logistical Base CHARLIE reaches 95% of objective (5,493,433 gallons of 5.8 million). [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 19 Feb 91]

0230 Aviation Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, initiates aerial reconnaissance mission with six AH-64 Apaches from Company C, 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 19 Feb 91]

0300 Five AH-64 Apaches from Company C, 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation, cross line of departure (one had been left behind with maintenance problems), then split into two groups to conduct route reconnaissance: two go to Objective BROWN and the proposed site for Forward Operating Base 1; the other three to Objective GRAY. [Also see 24th Infantry Division SITREP, 19 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 173 (19 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals says that the split came at 0330, that they turned around on Objectives BROWN and GRAYat 0400, and that mission completion was at 0500]

0500 Aviation Brigade, 24th Infantry Division elements

return from mission; observed movement 10 kilometers west of Objective GRAY which US Air Force A-10s engaged 1.5 kilometers north of NU 899459; report destruction of one BTR armored personnel carrier by Maverick missile fired by A-10. [Also see 24th Infantry Division SITREP, 19 Feb 91, which reports that recrossed line of departure at 0430; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 173 (19 Feb 91), which reports that the aircraft recrossed the line of departure at 0440; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals say that the A-10 destroyed the armored personnel carrier with a Maverick at NU 899459 at 0435C after being called in by 24th Infantry Division Apaches]

0800 Forty-seven M-1A1 Heavy Armor tanks for 3d Armored Cavalry depart port of Dammam. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREPs, 18 and 19 Feb 91]

1004 101st Airborne Division conducts cross-border mission with two AH-1 Apaches and two OH-58 Kiowas from 2d Squadron, 17th Cavalry, crossing line of departure to perform reconnaissance of Main Supply Route NEWMARKET. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 173 (19 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 19 Feb 91, which gives time as 0720Z; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals which specifies further that they were north of Phase Line CHARGER at 1319 and returned south of the line of departure at 1556]

1020 101st Airborne Division conducts cross-border mission

with four AH-64 Apaches from 2d Battalion, 229th Aviation, crossing line of departure on mission to conduct zone reconnaissance from the line of departure to Phase Line SMASH. [Also see 101st Airborne Division SITREP 195 (19 Feb 91) giving total day's missions times as 1020 to 1725; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 173 (19 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1030 LTG Waller briefed by 3d Armored Cavalry at XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 19 Feb 91]

10522d Battalion, 229th Aviation patrol crosses Phase Line

CHARGER. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1202 101st Airborne Division conducts cross-border mission with four AH-64 Apaches and three OH-58 Kiowas crossing line of departure with engineers on board to conduct detailed route reconnaissance of Main Supply Route NEWMARKET and Forward Operating Base COBRA. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 195 (19 Feb 91) stating that other assets employed in day's missions besides 2d Battalion, 229th Aviation, were 2d Squadron, 17th Cavalry, and 3d Battalion, 101st Aviation; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 173 (19 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals specifies that helicopters were from 3d Battalion, 101st Aviation and that they returned south of the line of departure at 1310]

1355 2d Battalion, 229th Aviation, reports antiaircraft artillery site at MU 54721553. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 173 (19 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1745 Last of 101st Airborne Division aircraft return across the line of departure; report having seen pile of small arms at MT 274910, 5-6 bunkers at MU 560088, and a truck and seven generators at MU 633321. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 195 (19 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 173 (19 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 19 Feb 91, which gives time as 1425Z]

1600Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 40 to OPORD DESERT STORM modifies the XVIII Airborne Corps Fire Support Coordination Line #1 effective 0300Z on 20 February.

1650Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 41 to OPORD DESERT STORM places the aviation reconnaissance and surveillance element of the 12th Aviation Brigade under the operational control of XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery for the conduct of suppression of enemy air defenses fires from 2000C to 2400C on 20 February.

1751Z One SCUD launched from Wadi Al Jabariyah toward Israel, probably impacting at 1759Z on the West Bank. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 402]

2100- 1st Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, puts out three

0300eight-man dismounted patrols to overwatch MT 760307, MT 643385, MT 766370, MT 574445, MT 600420 and MT 590435. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 20 Feb 91]

2200- 2d Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment conducts ground

2400reconnaissance of escarpment. [6th (French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 19 Feb 91]

2210 Battery B, 4th Battalion, 41st Field Artillery (197th Infantry Brigade) fires one Copperhead round from MT 345529 at an Iraqi border post at MT 36956162 that had been marked by two FIST-V-mounted lasers from Task Force 2-69 Armor at MT 354600; overwatch provided by Company B, 2d Battalion, 18th Infantry. Hit produces secondary explosion; assessment is one vehicle and the building destroyed and four enemy killed. A fifth Iraqi refused to surrender and was engaged with six rounds from a Mark 19 40mm grenade launcher. AH-64 Apache helicopters provided overhead cover but did not engage. [Also see 24th Infantry Division SITREP, 20 Feb 91, which gives time as 2209; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 174 (20 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 19 Feb 91]

2250 A patrol from the 1st Battalion, 325th Infantry (2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division) engages in brief fire fight at LU 895025 with a five-man Iraqi patrol; both sides break contact and withdraw. [Also see 82d Airborne Division SITREP 197 (20 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 403 says that the contact was at LT 904916 on Main Supply Route OHIO; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals says it was at 2205]

20 February (C+197; D+34)

·       -- 6th (French) Light Armored Division completes antifratricide vehicle marking program. [6th (French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 20 Feb 91]

·       -- Command Post of 24th Infantry Division Artillery displaces to MT 331337. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 20 Feb 91]

0001 Five OH-58D Kiowa helicopters from the 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation (24th Infantry Division) cross the line of departure to conduct reconnaissance; split into two teams at Phase Line LION. Two proceed along Combat Trail X-RAY (Corps Main Supply Route GEORGIA), find nothing significant and recross the line of departure at 0152. Others turn back because of weather before reaching Phase Line SMASH. After all aircraft recover it is discovered that one of the five is missing. [Also see 24th Infantry Division SITREP, 20 Feb 91, which gives time of recrossing line of departure as 0133 and states that the mission went out to Phase Line OPUS; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREPs 174 (20 Feb 91) which says that they lifted off at 0020 and recrossed line of departure at 0133 and 175 (21 Feb 91)]

0200- 6th (French) Light Armored Division fires artillery at

0230Objective NATCHEZ. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 20 Feb 91]

0210- 18th Field Artillery Brigade engages nine different

0250targets in support of the 82d Airborne Division. Three battalions expend 16 dual purpose improved conventional munitions MLRS rounds, 138 high explosive 155mm rounds, 6 rocket assisted projectile 155mm rounds, and 2 M-483 improved conventional munitions 155mm rounds. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREPs, 19 and 20 Feb 91, said: planning was for 30-minute barrage including ten MLRS rockets from 6th Battalion, 27th Field Artillery; that there were seven pre-planned targets; and that two platoons of the 6th Battalion, 27th Field Artillery, moved forward and actually fired sixteen rockets; 82d Airborne Division SITREP 197 (20 Feb 91) says that fires began at 0200 and involved MLRS, 155mm howitzers and 105mm howitzers; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 20 Feb 91]

0245Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 42 to OPORD DESERT STORM modifies Appendix 23 (Phase III Ground Movements) to Annex C of the OPLAN.

0600 24th Infantry Division sends five AH-64 Apaches and

three OH-58C Kiowas from Company B, 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation, initiate raid on early warning radar site at MT 6295518. They cross line of departure at 0627 and hit and destroy site at 0641 with damage reported of two ZPU-4 antiaircraft guns, one armored vehicle, one or two radars, one van, one truck and one or two buildings destroyed, and complete mission at 0653. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 20 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 174 (20 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 20 Feb 91. NOTE: Main Command Post G-3 Journal records times as being 0600 for crossing line of departure, 0647 as return time, and states erroneously that there was no contact; 24th Infantry Division SITREP gives 0600 as mission initiation and 0627 as time of crossing line of departure; other sources give time of 0542; some sources say were four OH-58Cs; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals says that the mission was to strike an electronic warfare site at MT 630552, that the overwatch company took off at 0542 and occupied a battle position at MT 505445 at 0607, while the attack element lifted off at 0609, crossed the line of departure at 0627, struck the target at 0641, that the overwatch element departed the battle position at 0646, that the attack element crcrossed the line of departure at 0647 and completed the mission at 0653]

0600 US Air Force and attack helicopter assets from the 82d

Airborne Division conduct a JAAT strike against the suspected location of the 45th Infantry Division command post at MU 447432 during raids on Objectives ROCHAMBEAU and WHITE and report hitting it. Also report destroying three ZSU-23-4 antiaircraft guns at MU 640840 and capturing 3 prisoners five kilometers north of Objective NATCHEZ. 1st Squadron, 17th Cavalry performed zone reconnaissance and captures three prisoners of war at LV 78452179. 1st Battalion, 82d Aviation, struck ROCHAMBEAU destroying four bunkers, six BTR and killing eighteen enemy; and the 5th Squadron, 6th Cavalry, struck WHITE destroying two hangars, two bunkers, two ammunition supply points or storage sites, twenty 5-ton trucks, and three ZPU-4. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 20 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals says that lead element crossed the line of departure at 0629, engaged a command post at MU 520890 at 0757 and then handed the mission over to Air Force A-10s, that three soldiers surrendered at LU78452179 at 0805, and that the mission was completed at 0820]

0608 Aviation Brigade, 82d Airborne Division task force crosses line of departure en route to Objectives WHITE and ROCHAMBEAU. 1st Battalion, 82d Aviation, with six AH-64 Apaches and two UH-60 Blackhawks strikes ROCHAMBEAU destroying six BTRs, four bunkers, and killing eighteen enemy. 1st Squadron, 17th Cavalry, with six AH-1 Cobras and ten OH-58C Kiowas conducts zone reconnaissance of escarpment and destroys one 2.5-ton truck, one trailer, and captures three enemy prisoners of war. 5th Squadron, 6th Cavalry, with twelve AH-64 Apaches and four OH-58 Kiowas strikes WHITE, destroying two bunkers, three ZPU-4s, twenty 5-ton trucks, two hangers, and two ammunition or logistics sites. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 174 (20 Feb 91) which states that operation initiated at 0629 and provides damage report details without giving times; 12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 20 Feb 91, states that 5th Squadron, 6th Cavalry, struck the target at 0650; 82d Airborne Division SITREP 197 (20 Feb 91) says that while deep attack was going on the 1st Squadron, 17th Cavalry, conducted a simultaneous zone reconnaissance under the cover of QUICKFIX and took three prisoners from a civilian truck and that the overall damage inflicted included six armored personnel carriers and five antiaircraft artillery systems; XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 403 says strike on vehicle producing three prisoners was at 0650 seven kilometers from Ghalaysan New Airfield, which is west of the corps boundary; 12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91, says the 5th Squadron, 6th Cavalry, portion of the strike crossed the line of departure at 0558, arrived over target at 0650, and recrossed the line of departure at 0802 after having destroyed the radar installation east of As Salman and destroyed 20 trucks, 5 ZPU-4s and at least a dozen 240-round stacks of 122mm ammunition, and identifies supporting fires for this whole operation as including US Air Force EF-111, EC-130 COMPASS CALL, close air support (including A-10s covering the breaking of contact), and over 600 rounds of artillery diversionary suppression of enemy air defense; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 20 Feb 91]

-- 3d Battalion, 15th Infantry, reports receiving harmless incoming mortar fire at MT 746249 and MT 838283; AN/TPQ-36 countermortar radar turned on in time to acquire eight more rounds (believed to be 107mm) impact at MT 812293 and compute that they were fired from MT 779314. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 20 Feb 91]

0650 3d Battalion, 15th Infantry, report seven dismounted Iraqis vicinity of MT 88103097. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 20 Feb 91]

0745 1st Battalion, 82d Aviation recrosses the line of


0810 5th Squadron, 6th Cavalry recrosses the line of departure. [12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91, says recrossed line of departure at 0802]

0810 3d Battalion, 101st Aviation (101st Airborne Division) crosses line of departure with five AH-1 Cobras and three OH-58C Kiowas from Company A to conduct reconnaissance to Phase Line SMASH intended to develop situation at MU 526181; initially reports sighting 30-100 personnel, several trucks, and 2-3 antiaircraft artillery weapons. [Also see 101st Airborne Division SITREP 196 (20 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 174 (20 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 20 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals which additionally states that were to conduct reconnaissance to MU 5414, and that they were relieved in turn by Company B and later by Company B, 2d Battalion, 229th Aviation]

0820 82d Airborne Division reports end of mission with all aircraft returning safely; additionally reports three prisoners of war. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 174 (20 Feb 91)]

0840 3d Battalion, 101st Aviation (101st Airborne Division) engages Objective TOAD destroying one communications bunker. [Also see 101st Airborne Division SITREP 196 (20 Feb 91) which does not give time of engagement, but states that bunkers destroyed by close air support and TOWs; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 174 (20 Feb 91) which states that 15 bunkers identified at 0917 and does not identify engagement as taking place at this time; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0900 197th Infantry Brigade completes final brigade map exercise and rehearsal of operations plan. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 20 Feb 91]

0917Initial contact made by 3d Battalion, 101st Aviation at

MU 5514 bunker complex. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1016Company C, 3d Battalion, 101st Aviation request for

close air support strike on bunker complex at MU 5514 is approved. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1018 3d Battalion, 101st Aviation (101st Airborne Division) hands off battle at Objective TOAD to Company B, 2d Battalion, 229th Aviation. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals which specify that the 3d Battalion element departing was from Company C]

1050 3d Battalion, 101st Aviation (101st Airborne Division)

recrosses line of departure.


transfers the responsibility of furnishing strip maps to all march units using Main Supply Route TEXAS through H+72 from the 16th Military Police Brigade to 1st Support Command.

1153 101st Airborne Division cross-border mission joined by

four US Air Force A-10 attack aircraft. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 174 (20 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals specifies that four A-10 sorties were on station from 1153 to 1230]

1349 101st Airborne Division cross-border mission joined by psychological operations loudspeaker and leaflet team broadcasting from a UH-60. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 192 (20 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 174 (20 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1420 101st Airborne Division launches 1st Battalion, 187th

Infantry (3d Brigade), reinforced by engineer and explosive ordnance demolition personnel, all under the operational control of the Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, in large mission to evacuate prisoners of war from MU 5218. Aircraft involved are eleven UH-60, three CH-47D, two AH-64, and one OH-58. Final count of prisoners is 402 of which nineteen were officers (including one major who was the battalion commander), 215 were noncommissioned officers and 168 enlisted, and fourteen of which were wounded (of whom eight were sent to the 15th Evacuation Hospital in Logistical Base CHARLIE and six were treated by the 326th Medical Battalion). Interrogations revealed that they were from the 1st Battalion, 841st Brigade, 45th Infantry Division. [Also see 101st Airborne Division SITREP 196 (20 Feb 91) which does not give time but does specify that MG Peay authorized operations to continue after dark if necessary in order to finish task and 197 (21 Feb) which stated that corrected prisoner count was 406 (of whom 4 were wounded); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 174 (20 Feb 91) which identifies the time of the air assault as 1453; XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUMs 404, 405 and 406 which state that the complex of 15-20 bunkers was on a small ridge 1.5 kilometers west of Thaqb al Hajj (MU 545140) and that four ZPU-4s and two ZU-23-2s were destroyed and two ZU-23-2s, one 57mm weapon, and four 120mm mortars were captured along with two cases of documents; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 20 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals says that Company B was launched at 1403, landed at 1453, and that the second company moved at 1530 with additional forces standing by consisting of an explosive ordnance demolition element, a company of engineers, and a third company of infantry]

1500 Troop C, 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry (24th Infantry Division), initiates mission with four AH-1 Cobras and six OH-58C Kiowas to conduct zone reconnaissance to Phase Line COLT. [Also see 24th Infantry Division SITREP, 20 Feb 91]

1630 24th Infantry Division AH-1s engage radar site at MT

622519 and report destroying both FLATWHEEL radars, three of four ZPU-4s, and both 2.5-ton trucks. [Also see 24th Infantry Division SITREP, 20 Feb 91, which assesses this as the target struck in morning mission, says that the AH-1s engaged spotted it on way out and engaged it on return leg of reconnaissance, and that one of the OH-58Cs landed to collect documents]

1700 24th Infantry Division AH-1s return to base. [Also see 24th Infantry Division SITREP, 20 Feb 91]

2000 101st Airborne Division reports that all deep attack assets returned safely.

2000 Company A, 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation, initiates combat reconnaissance to Phase Line LION with five AH-64 Apaches and three OH-58C Kiowas. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 21 Feb 91]

2040 2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division has skirmish LU

915005-LU 915011 with no casualties.

2041 3d Battalion, 227th Aviation (12th Aviation Brigade) crosses line of departure to conduct two deep attack missions in support of the 6th (French) Light Armored Division 60 kilometers north of the border against moving target indicators developed by JSTARS, QUICKLOOK and HORUS; disrupt 45th Infantry Division logistical, reinforcement and repositioning efforts by destroying several vehicles and two early warning radar sites without incurring friendly losses; supported by nonlethal suppression of enemy air defense from GUARDRAIL and US Air Force EF-111 Raven and EC-130 COMPASS CALL assets (three field artillery battalions on call were not employed). NOTE: This was first use during DESERT STORM of direct data downlink to support attack helicopter operations, and additionally validated the XVIII Airborne Corps Deep Operations Planning and Execution Cell. [G-3 Journals record initiation time as 2046; also see 12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREPs, 20 and 21 Feb 91; NOTE XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals gives the folowing information: 2020 HORUS picks up ten moving target indicators at MU 0425-MU 1337-MU 0638; four AH-64s were launched at 2046 by the 12th Aviation Brigade, they engaged moving target indicators at MU 1931-MU 234341-MU 168287 at 2106, that HORUS picked up two more moving target indicators at 2116 at MU 149221 and MU 146223, that the AH-64s returned at 2146 and closed on Rafha at 2215]

2050 2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division has 105mm artillery fire.

2112 One OH-58C from Company A, 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation, on combat reconnaissance to Phase Line LION crashes at NT 062952 killing both crewmen; initial combat search and rescue mission aborted by bad weather. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 21 Feb 91]

1820Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 44 to OPORD DESERT STORM relieves the 159th Military Intelligence Detachment from attachment to 1st Support Command for attachment to VII Corps effective 2100Z on 20 February; and accepts from ARCENT and attaches the 338th Finance Support Unit to the 18th Finance Group effective with the 338th's closure.

2312 12th Aviation Brigade launches three AH-64 and two OH-58D helicopters from Rafha for cross-border mission which ends at 2350. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 142 (21 Feb 91) states that brigade provided SLAR support for this mission; XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 20 Feb 91, states that SEAD and target of opportunity fires were provided by the 18th Field Artillery Brigade. NOTE: Based on 12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91, which makes no mention of a 2312 time of launch, this presumably is the time over target of 2041 mission; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals says that this is the second brigade mission of the night, departing Rafha at 2205 and returning at 2315, with three French moving target indicators wcoming at 2222]

-- 2d Battalion, 229th Aviation engages bunkers at MU

543143 and destroys a 5-ton truck at MU 540140.

21 February (C+198; D+35)

·       -- 2d Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment and 2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, conduct ground reconnaissance up Main Supply Route TEXAS as far as LU 953033. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 21 Feb 91]

·       -- During zone reconnaissance mission in 1st Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, sector, Troop D, 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry, locates radar site at MT 628511 that had been previously engaged by AH-64 Apaches from Troop D and the 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation; confirm destruction of two armored personnel carriers, one ZSU-23-4, three radar dishes, three cargo trucks, two other light-skinned vehicles, and one building; a UH-60 with a psychological operations team overflew area on loudspeaker mission to induce surrender without results; a five-man squad is then landed to sweep area and collect documents, weapons and ammunition. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 21 Feb 91]

·       -- 503d Military Police Battalion moves enemy prisoners of war from the 101st (402) and 82d (3) Airborne Divisions back to the corps holding facility; in addition the 519th Military Police Battalion is guarding 4 enemy prisoners of war at the 15th Evacuation Hospital. [16th Military Police Brigade SITREP 157 (21 Feb 91)]

·       -- 35th Signal Brigade establishes tactical telephone communications to the XVIII Airborne Corps Marshalling Area. [35th Signal Brigade SITREP, 21 Feb 91]

·       -- Company A, 519th Military Intelligence Battalion, receives 407 enemy prisoners of war at the Corps Interrogation Facility. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 142 (21 Feb 91)]

·       -- Company A, 519th Military Intelligence Battalion,

dispatches one interrogation of prisoners of war team to assist the 101st Airborne Division in screening prisoners. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 142 (21 Feb 91)]

·       -- Total of 23 Iraqi prisoners of war interrogated through 21 February 1991 by XVIII Airborne Corps. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 21 Feb 91

·       -- XVIII Airborne Corps meets objective for stockage in Logistical Base CHARLIE for Class I with 2,129,548 meals on hand. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 21 Feb 91]

0001- 24th Infantry Division sends out eight ground patrols.

0730[XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 175 (21 Feb 91)]

0014 12th Aviation Brigade element recrosses line of departure.

0215 Reconnaissance patrol from Company C, 2d Battalion, 18th Infantry, at border post collects documents; attached engineer team destroys three fuel tanks and a generator. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 21 Feb 91]

0235 Battery A, 3d Battalion, 41st Field Artillery (24th Infantry Division), in support of Task Force 3-15 Infantry fires one 155mm Copperhead round at border post (MT 885302), destroying the building; site subsequently swept by dismounted patrol from Company A, 1st Battalion, 64th Armor. [Also see 24th Infantry Division SITREP, 21 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 175 (21 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals says (without giving time) that the COPPERHEAD was fired by Battery A, 1st Battalion, 41st Field Artillery at a building at MT 881609]

0559 24th Infantry Division launches two AH-64 Apaches, two OH-58 Kiowas and two UH-60 Blackhawks on combat search and rescue for missing Kiowa; they subsequently find remains of aircraft at NT 062953 with both crew members dead and secure remains and sensitive items. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 21 Feb 91 which gives time of securing wreckage as 0600; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 175 (21 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals says that they departed 0559, estimated crossing line of departure at 0604, and reported in at 0822 that there were two dead on arrival at the 15th Evacuation Hospital, but an update at 0847 gives the coordinates at NT 06249528 and states that the wreckage was found by the 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation]

0600 1st Helicopter Regiment (6th [French] Light Armored Division) conducts armed reconnaissance up east side of Main Supply Route TEXAS. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 175 (21 Feb 91) which says that mission from 0600-0800 was entirely by 3d Helicopter Regiment and involved twenty Gazelles and three Pumas; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals clarify that the 1st Regiment went forward on the east with twenty armed helicopters and three Pumas, but had to return due to bad weather, while the 3d Regiment on the west flank went forward with twenty armed helicopters and two Pumas, that it destroyed a building at 0745 with HOT missiles, and that it received no damage from enemy fire]

0645 1st Helicopter Regiment (6th [French] Light Armored

Division) recrosses line of departure as bad weather forces cancellation of mission.

0700 Two members of Company A, 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation (24th Infantry Division) who were the crew of the missing OH-58C which was found at NT 06249528 are pronounced dead on arrival at the 15th Evacuation Hospital. [CW2 Hal H. Reichle and SPC Michael D. Daniels] [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 22 Feb 91, which notes that these were originally reported as non-battle losses, but reclassified as Killed In Action on 22 February]

0800 3d Helicopter Regiment (6th [French] Light Armored

Division) on reconnaissance on the west side of Main Supply Route TEXAS destroys two vehicles with HOT missiles. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 175 (21 Feb 91) which says that 0800 is the time of completion of mission; also says that in addition to the two vehicles, a building northwest of border along TEXAS was damaged]

0800 Troop D, 4th Cavalry, crosses line of departure on

aerial zone reconnaissance mission with four AH-1 Apaches and five OH-58C Kiowas. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 175 (21 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 21 Feb 91--NOTE sources incorrectly identify unit as Troop D, 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry]

0830 101st Airborne Division crosses line of departure with five AH-1 and three OH-58C helicopters from Company A, 3d Battalion, 101st Aviation. [Also see 101st Airborne Division SITREP 197 (21 Feb 91) which does not give times, but says that 2d Squadron, 17th Cavalry, conducted route reconnaissance up Main Supply Route NEWMARKET as far as Phase Line RAM, during which one helicopter was fired on by a rocket propelled grenade leading to an engagement with two individuals who were taken prisoner; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 21 Feb 91, which says that intent was to continue exploitation of MU 526181; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 175 (21 Feb 91), which says that this was lead element of 101st Airborne Division's continued exploitation of bunker complex at MU 7140; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals identify unit]

0928 Company A, 3d Battalion, 101st Aviation (101st Airborne Division) delivers suppressive fires vicinity of MU 526181 (Objective TOAD) receiving no return fire, and then handing mission over to Company B, 3d Battalion, 101st Aviation. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0935 1st Battalion, 187th Infantry (101st Airborne Division) airlifted into vicinity MU 526181 (Objective TOAD) and reports finding bunkers and caches. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 175 (21 Feb 91), which says that 1st Battalion, 187th Infantry, conducts air assault to destroy additional bunkers at 0925; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals additionally specify that Company B, 3d Battalion, 101st Aviation supported by firing on additional bunkers]

1010 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry (24th Infantry Division)

attacks a radar site in a gully at MT 640502 where they observed a radar, two armored personnel carriers, and nine or ten individuals. They report destroying one armored personnel carrier and damaging the other. When the AH-1 Cobra helicopters had to depart the objective to refuel two AH-62 Apaches and an OH-58 Kiowa were launched by the 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation (24th Infantry Division) to assist. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 21 Feb 91, which specifies target area was engaged by AH-1 and AH-64 rotary wing and A-10 fixed wing attack aircraft and by MLRS fires; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 175 (21 Feb 91), which says that the attack was jointly carried out with US Air Force A-10s as well as Cobras and Apaches and that the damage was one armored personnel carrier, one Land Rover, one microwave set, two trucks, one building, one radar, one ZSU-23-4 and one ZPU-4; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals says that the A-10s arrived on station at 1045, that an unspecified time an additional OH-58C and two AH-64s were launched, that a building was engaged with rockets at 1128, that the AH-64s engaged at 1136, that MG Barry McCaffrey approved release of MLRS fires at 1150, and that 1st Platoon, Battery A, 3d Battalion, 27th Field Artillery fired 17 rockets at 1351, and that the mission ended at 1415 with total damage as given above]

1030 1st Battalion, 187th Infantry (101st Airborne Division) reports ten prisoners of war at MU 540148. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals which identify time at 1023, and that there were also generators discovered at location]

1100About this time the aerial support mission for the 1st

Battalion, 187th Infantry mission is handed over from the 3d Battalion, 101st Aviation to the 2d Battalion, 229th Aviation, by which time the prisoner of war count had risen to 13 and three 120mm mortars had been captured. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0900Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 45 to OPORD DESERT STORM is

for limited distribution [relates to Phase III deception operations].

12101st Battalion, 187th Infantry elements discover a

bunker with a locked room containing documents. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1351 Battery A (MLRS), 3d Battalion, 27th Field Artillery, fires at radar site at MT 640502 in support of 24th Infantry Division operations. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 175 (21 Feb 91)]

1458 1st Battalion, 187th Infantry (101st Airborne Division) extracted with 23 prisoners of war; engineers remain in place to continue destroying equipment. Initial report is that one 120mm mortar, one ZU-23-2, one 122mm round, and two cases of documents were extracted; and that four ZPU-4, one ZU-23-2, six 120mm mortars, one SPG-9, 30 RPGs, and 10 radios were destroyed. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 21 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 175 (21 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1515AH-1 from 2d Squadron, 17th Cavalry conducting

reconnaissance at MU 710400 is fired on by unknown type of missile; engagement results in two enemy prisoners of war [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1552Thirteen enemy prisoners of war taken by 1st Battalion,

187th Infantry arrive at the 101st Airborne Division prisoner of war cage. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1558 OH-58C from 2d Squadron, 17th Cavalry (101st Airborne Division) is forced to land with mechanical problems at MU 5419 (Objective TOAD). Two UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters launched to repair it but cannot finish before dark. [Also see 101st Airborne Division SITREP 197 (21 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 175 (21 Feb 91) giving arrival time of the security and maintenance team on site as 1600; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals specify that the recovery team was reported on site at 2123, that recovery came at 2255, and that all aircraft were back across the line of departure at 2323]

1645101st Airborne Division engineers complete clearing of

Objective TOAD. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1706 SCUD missiles launched from central Iraq (two

confirmed; Air Defense Element reports three destroyed).

1818 101st Airborne Division sends a platoon from the 1st Battalion, 187th Infantry in three UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters to secure the downed OH-58 at MU 5419.

1900 Company B and Scout Platoon, Task Force 3-7 Infantry, initiate zone patrol to Phase Line OPUS; proceed to vicinity of MT 844515 without making contact. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

1900 Scout Platoon, Task Force 4-64 Armor, initiates mounted zone reconnaissance to Phase Line OPUS; proceeds to vicinity MT 7654 without making contact. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

1900- Team A-3-15 Infantry from Task Force 1-64 Armor (2d

0400Brigade, 24th Infantry Division) conducts mounted reconnaissance to Phase Line OPUS without making contact. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

1900- Team D-3-15 Infantry from Task Force 1-64 Armor (2d

0400Brigade, 24th Infantry Division), conducts mounted reconnaissance to Phase Line OPUS and establishes screen from MT 904375 to MT 866390; subsequently sees four trucks but does not engage them. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

1900- Team B of Task Force 1-18 Infantry conducts mounted

2400area reconnaissance of vicinity MT 7779. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

1900- Team D of Task Force 2-18 Infantry conducts mounted

2400area reconnaissance of vicinity MT 6776. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

1900- Team A of Task Force 2-69 Armor conducts mounted point

0500reconnaissance of vicinity MT 495525. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

1900- Team D of Task Force 2-69 Armor conducts mounted point

0500reconnaissance of vicinity MT 380614. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

1900- Company A, 3d Battalion, 24th Aviation conducts a zone

2115reconnaissance in sector of 1st Brigade, 24th Infantry Division with two OH-58D Kiowas; makes no contact. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1930 XVIII Airborne Corps is notified that 21 February is

G-3 and that G-DAY will be 24 February (also cited as 1710Z).


amends the Commander's Intent to add that all maneuver major commands will integrate psychological operations with AH-64 helicopter operations.

2020 Ten moving target indicators reported in MU 0425-MU 1337-MU 0658 box; 2106 five to ten more reported MU 1931-MU 2334-MU 1729; and unknown number of additional ones at 2116 at MU 149231 and MU 146233. 12th Aviation Brigade launches eight AH-64 Apaches in response at 2046. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 175 (21 Feb 91)]

2100 SCUD is launched from central Iraq north of Baghdad

(3337N 4436E) with a projected impact ten kilometers north of King Khalid Military City; detonated 2108 30 nautical miles east-northeast of King Khalid Military City. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 406]

2103 SCUD is launched, but it self-destructs in the air.

2222- Additional moving targets identified. [XVIII Airborne

2235Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 175 (21 Feb 91)]

2255 Downed OH-58 recovery to 101st Airborne Division tactical assembly area by a CH-47D Chinook departs MU 7140; all recross line of departure at 2323. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 198 (22 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 176 (22 Feb 91)]

2350 12th Aviation Brigade aircraft declare mission completed. Report that three AH-64 Apaches and two OH-58D Kiowas destroyed one wheeled armored personnel carrier, two radar sites, and a bunker. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 175 (21 Feb 91)]

-- Battery C, 5th Battalion, 62d Air Defense Artillery, provides cover for Battery A, 2d Battalion, 18th Field Artillery, during probing mission by 2d Brigade, 24th Infantry Division. [Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery SITREP, 21 Feb 91]

22 February (C+199; D+36)

·       -- XVIII Airborne Corps delays long-range surveillance operations for twenty-four hours. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 21 Feb 91]

·       -- 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports air

reconnaissance north of the Line of Departure confirms that terrain west of Main Supply Route TEXAS is good, and that escarpment east of Main Supply Route TEXAS is passable only where there are roads or trails. [6th (French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

·       -- Troop D, 4th Cavalry, conducts zone reconnaissance in 2d Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, sector to Phase Line CHARGER with four OH-58C Kiowas and three AH-1 Cobras; no contact. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

·       -- Troop C, 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry, conducts reconnaissance to Phase Line CHARGER with four AH-1 Cobras and six OH-58C Kiowas; no contact. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

·       -- 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation, conducts reconnaissance to Phase Line LION with five AH-64 Apaches; no contact. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

·       -- Company B, 3d Battalion, 24th Aviation, conducts aerial reconnaissance to Objective GRAY with one UH-60 and one EH-60 to verify long-range surveillance detachment insertion points; during mission sees unoccupied position at proposed location for Division Support Area 2 and picks up signals intelligence activity. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

·       -- 101st Airborne Division Assault Command Post ceases operations to prepare for its movement on G-Day into Forward Operating Base COBRA. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 198 (22 Feb 91)]

·       -- 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, task force organization for the air assault into Forward Operating Base COBRA increased with addition of 1st Battalion, 502d Infantry; a radar section from the 2d Field Artillery Detachment (attached to the 2d Battalion, 320th Field Artillery), and the meteorological section from the 101st Airborne Division Artillery. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 198 (22 Feb 91)]

·       -- Brigades of 101st Airborne Division move to their assault positions and send out patrols which search border post facilities and then fall back to Phase Line RAZOR. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

·       -- 9th Battalion 101st Aviation, conducts air mission briefing for its movement to Forward Operating Base COBRA. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 198 (22 Feb 91)]

·       -- 101st Airborne Division sends another party by C-130 to Camp EAGLE II to convoy vehicles forward. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 198 (22 Feb 91)]

·       -- Early in day XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery Assault

Command Post moves into 6th (French) Light Armored Division sector; planning is for other command post elements to follow on succeeding days. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

·       -- Northern extension of Main Supply Route MONTANA is now within two kilometers of Main Supply Route OHIO. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

·       -- Battery A, 5th Battalion, 62d Air Defense Artillery, displaces forward to LT 804890. [Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

·       -- 525th Military Intelligence Brigade reports that since start of war the 15th Military Intelligence Battalion (reinforced) has flow 2,920 hours. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 143 (22 Feb 91)]

0035 3d Armored Cavalry aerial reconnaissance to Phase Line RAM reveals no enemy. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 24 Feb 91]

0234 Battery C, 2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery, at Bahrain tracks two incoming SCUD missiles; one is shot down with Patriot missile and the other overshoots. One SCUD was launched from southern Iraq near Al Basrah (3075N 4758E) aimed towards Dhahran.

0244 3d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, moves forward to sweep line of departure between MT 155795 and MT 347628; after completing search falls back to original positions along Phase Line RAZOR. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 198 (22 Feb 91)]

0542- 3d Armored Cavalry conducts artillery raid on Iraqi

0556observation post at MT 958286, firing 144 rounds of high explosive and dual purpose improved conventional munition 155mm ammunition. [Also see 3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 22 FEb 91, which says three buildings damaged; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 22 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 176 (22 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0600 2d Squadron, 3d Armored Cavalry, conducts area reconnaissance while 43d Engineer Company begins breaching of berm in 73 places without making contact with enemy. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 22 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

0608Company B, 3d Battalion, 24th Aviation with one UH-60

begins mission for Long Range Surveillance Detachment to conduct reconnaissance of Objective GRAY. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0615- Troops C and D, 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry conduct zone

1030reconnaissance to Phase Line CHARGER; first element of four AH-1 Cobras and six OH-58 Kiowas takes off in the 197th Infantry Brigade sector at 0615, the second element of four AH-1s and five OH-58s takes off in the 2d Brigade sector at 0630; they return with negative contact. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0740 Company B, 3d Battalion, 24th Aviation mission

completed and reports that there was a sandstorm over the objective. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0800 2d Battalion, 502d Infantry, relieves 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, of screening mission along Phase Line RAZOR between MT 076864 and MT 155795. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 198 (22 Feb 91)]

0540Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 47 to OPORD DESERT STORM shifts the XVIII Airborne Corps Fire Support Coordination Line to Phase Line CHARGER effective 0400Z on 22 February. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

0946 2d Squadron, 3d Armored Cavalry establishes a screen

along Phase Line CANOE.

1100- 24th Infantry Division conducts final divisional update

1300of operations plan. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

1200 82d Airborne Division Rear Command Post assumes control of the division to allow the Main and Tactical Command Posts to break down for movement; Tactical Command Post with MG Johnson co-locates with the tactical command post of the 6th (French) Light Armored Division. [Also see 82d Airborne Division SITREP 199 (22 Feb 91)]

1430 2d Squadron, 3d Armored Cavalry, returns behind line of departure, leaving Troop F to establish outposts forward of that line. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 22 Feb 91]

1700 2d Foreign Legion Regiment (6th [French] Light Armored Division) captures four prisoners of war and some small arms on Objective NATCHEZ; holds objective with one company, one cavalry troop, and the regimental tactical command post. [Also see 6th (French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 22 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 176 (22 Feb 91), which says engaged five buildings with rockets; other sources say that this report made at 1720, and that one prisoner was reported at 1645]

1900 Scout section and Company B, 3d Battalion, 7th Infantry, initiate ground reconnaissance to Phase Line OPUS, with 1st Platoon securing an artillery firing position at MT 686400, 2d Platoon conducting a reconnaissance of MT 844515, and 3d Platoon establishing patrol base at MT 800406; no contact. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91)]

1900 Scout section of Task Force 4-64 Armor initiates mounted zone reconnaissance to Phase Line OPUS at MT 7645. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91)]

1900- Team A, Task Force 3-15 Infantry, conducts mounted

0400reconnaissance to Phase Line OPUS and sets screen from MT 904375 to MT 866390. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91)]

1900- Team D, Task Force 3-15 Infantry, conducts mounted zone

0400reconnaissance to Phase Line OPUS and sets screen from MT 904375 to MT 866390. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91)]

1900- Team B, Task Force 1-18 Infantry, conducts mounted zone

0400reconnaissance to Phase Line COLT (MT 6669) to clear route and do trafficability evaluation of Main Supply Route GEORGIA. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals say that the task force consists of eleven M-113s, four M-1s, and three M-901s, crossing the line of departure at 1905, having a firefight at 2301 at MT 63126720 in which they engage four air defense guns and two trucks with coaxial machine guns; and that five MLRS rockets are fired at 0151 in support of this patrol scoring a direct hit (and also noting that a sixth rocket misfired)]

1900- Team D, Task Force 2-18 Infantry, conducts mounted area

2400reconnaissance to Phase Line COLT (MT 5776) to clear route and do trafficability evaluation of Main Supply Route GEORGIA. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91)]

1900- Team A, Task Force 2-69 Armor, conducts mounted point

0500reconnaissance to MT 495525 to confirm blocking position. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91)]

2100 Task Force 2-7 Infantry conducts ground zone reconnaissance of Area of Operations BRENDAN (center of mass MT 800330) to screen north until beginning of mean nautical twilight and establish hide position at MT 780350. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91)]

1840Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 48 to OPORD DESERT STORM clarifies the chemical and biological threat during Phase III-A and the minimum actions required (increasing Mission Oriented Protective Posture to Level 0 and initiating consumption of Nerve Agent Pretreatment Pills at H-4 on G-DAY.)

1850Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 50 to OPORD DESERT STORM announces actions to be prepared for if diplomatic conditions change and announces for planning purposes that G-DAY remains 24 February.

2200- Company A, 3d Battalion, 24th Aviation, conducts aerial

2400reconnaissance of Phase Line COLT with six OH-58D Kiowas. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91)]

2235- 1st Battalion, 101st Aviation, conducts aerial route

0050reconnaissance along Main Supply Route NEWMARKET. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 199 (23 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91)]

2323 Recovery aircraft from 101st Airborne Division

recrosses the line of departure with downed OH-58. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 177 (22 Feb 91)]

2330 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry, engages two vehicles and four antiaircraft artillery guns with machine gun fire and five MLRS rockets. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91)]

23 February (C+200; D+37)

·       -- All brigades of 24th Infantry Division conduct cross-border reconnaissance patrols ten kilometers deep to Phase Line OPUS, returning by 0645 without contact: 1st Brigade sends out three company teams and two scout platoons (who remain behind two kilometers south of Phase Line OPUS in hide positions); 2d Brigade sends out two company teams; 197th Infantry Brigade sends out two company teams of which Team B-1-18 Infantry has contact in brigade right sector and calls for fire of one MLRS pod from 1st Platoon, Battery A, 13th Field Artillery; subsequent reconnaissance by two AH-1 Cobras and two OH-58C Kiowas from Troop C, 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry, spots no damage. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 23 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 23 Feb 91]

·       -- 101st Airborne Division Jump and Assault Command Posts stage for movement with the 1st Brigade task force. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 199 (23 Feb 91)]

·       -- 2d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, task force holds

air mission briefing for air assault onto Objective GOLD. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 199 (23 Feb 91)]

-- 3d Armored Cavalry regimental tactical operations

center displaces to MT 934183. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 23 Feb 91]

·       -- 3d Squadron, 3d Armored Cavalry, reports completion of exchange of M-1A1 tanks for M-1A1 Heavy Armor tanks (with exception of one tank that had not yet arrived). [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 23 Feb 91]

·       -- Advance detachment of 196th Field Artillery Brigade deploys to Area of Operations TEAK. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 23 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 23 Feb 91, which states that main body scheduled to depart at 0200Z on 24 February]

·       -- 12th Aviation Brigade reports that it has four OH-58D

Kiowas under the operational control of the 18th Field Artillery Brigade to support target acquisition and designation efforts in the 6th (French) Light Armored Division sector. [12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 23 Feb 91]

·       -- 503d Military Police Battalion turns its 11 enemy prisoners of war over to the Theater Holding Facility. [16th Military Police Brigade SITREP 159 (23 Feb 91)]

·       -- Logistical Base CHARLIE stockage levels are just under 100% of objective for Class I (2 million meals) and 92% of Class III (5.3 million gallons of 5.8 million objective). [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 23 Feb 91]

·       --1st Support Command (Corps) strength in theater is

21,282 personnel. 109th Evacuation Hospital is operational with 300 beds in service. The advance detachment of the 507th Support Group will accompany the 20th Engineer Brigade into Logistical Base OSCAR. [1st Support Command SITREP, 23 Feb 91]

0025 Company B, 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry (197th Infantry Brigade, 24th Infantry Division) team consisting of two mechanized infantry and one armor platoons engages an Iraqi element at MT 631672, destroying one truck.

0100- Team B, Task Force 2-7 Infantry, conducts zone

1900reconnaissance from company hide position at MT 686400. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91)]

0112 Patrol from 2d Battalion, 325th Infantry (2d Brigade,

82d Airborne Division) engages seven-man Iraqi patrol in a truck at LT 958974, destroying the truck and a light machine gun, killing two, and wounding one. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 409; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91)]

0115 Five rounds of MLRS fired. [NOTE: see entry for 2330

on 22 February]

0330 7th Transportation Battalion (507th Support Group)

moves to occupy the Corps Marshalling Area. [1st Support Command SITREP, 23 Feb 91]

0502 Battery E, 2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery at King Khalid Military City tracks a SCUD but does not engage it with Patriot missiles because it was not on target.

0700 6th (French) Light Armored Division attacks to secure the line of departure in the western sector; 18th Field Artillery brigade provides supporting fires on MT 078889. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91), which states this was movement to secure escarpment in zone to facilitate breaching operations]

07306th (French) Light Armored Division transfers command

and control to the Red Command Post at 29.50.960N, 43.41.387E. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0600Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 49 to OPORD DESERT STORM updates FRAGO 37 by placing Task Force WARRIOR (from the 12th Aviation Brigade) under the operational control of the 525th Military Intelligence Brigade 23-24 February for the purposes of conducting an airmobile insertion of three Long Range Surveillance teams. [NOTE: This FRAGO was issued out of sequence.]

1035 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, assumes Mission Oriented Protective Posture Level 1 (MOPP-1) after Iraqis shoot down French remotely piloted vehicle. [MFR, 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, subj.: 1-201 FA After Action Report, OPERATION DESERT SHIELD/STORM, 9 July 1991]

1330 Team 116, XVIII Airborne Corps History Office, joins 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, task force to cover ground offensive operations. [XVIII Airborne Corps History Office notes]

141082d Airborne Division Tactical Command Post under MG

James Johnston cross Saudi-Iraqi border with elements of the 6th (French) Light Armored Division and set up at LU 868068. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 200 (23 Feb 91)]

1145Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 51 to OPORD DESERT STORM places four OH-58D helicopters from the 12th Aviation Brigade under the operational control of the XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery effective 1500Z on 23 February and concurrently places Task Force 159 from the 18th Aviation Brigade under the operational control of the 82d Airborne Division.

1430 Advance detachment (one officer and twenty enlisted personnel in six M-998-series HMMWVs) of the XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post link with the 24th Infantry Division Tactical Command Post. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91)]

1500 3d Armored Cavalry establishes screen ten kilometers forward of the line of departure to facilitate breaching of berm. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91)]

15402d Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment reports all

elements on the line of departure.

1557 3d Armored Cavalry makes contact with the 2d Armored Cavalry (VII Corps) at Control Point 234 (NT 136347). [Also see 3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 23 Feb 91, which says time 1600; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91)]

1700- 1st Squadron, 17th Cavalry (82d Airborne Division)

0600screens 6th (French) Light Armored Division sector, continuing until 0600 on 24 February. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 200 (23 Feb 91)]

1730 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, moves forward to jump-off positions to provide direct support to 2d Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment. [MFR, 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, subj.: 1-201 FA After Action Report, OPERATION DESERT SHIELD/STORM, 9 July 1991]

1900- 3d Armored Cavalry employs 4th Squadron OH-58D Kiowas

2400and an attack helicopter troop of the 5th Squadron, 6th Cavalry, to conduct armed reconnaissance to Phase Line RAM. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 23 Feb 91]

1620Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 52 to OPORD DESERT STORM amends both FRAGO 42 and Appendix 23 (Phase III Ground Movements) to Annex C of the OPLAN by tasking the 82d Airborne Division to provide, on order, traffic control points at the start and release points of Main Supply Route GEORGIA and provides restrictions on movements along Main Supply Routes TEXAS and NEWMARKET.

1630Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 54 to OPORD DESERT STORM directs the execution of Phase III on 24 February and sets H-HOUR of G-DAY as 0400C on 24 February 1991. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 23 Feb 91]

1948 One SCUD fired against Tel Aviv from 3417N 04059E, impacting in West Bank. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 410]

2000 101st Airborne Division initiates nerve agent pretreatment. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 200 (24 Feb 91)]

1700Z 101st Airborne Division long range surveillance detachment teams cross the line of departure; three are inserted into Forward Operating Base COBRA by 1858Z and the fourth onto Main Supply Route TEXAS. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 23 Feb 91; 101st Airborne Division SITREP 200 (24 Feb 91) says that insertion time was 2100; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals says that the three insertions took place at 2158, with Team 1 at NU 0471375869, Team 2 at MU 89507150, and Team 4 at MU 95006600, and also says that Team 4 was inserted at 0105 on 24 February]

1732Z ODA 532 departs Rafha in two MH-60 helicopters, crosses border at 1805Z, has Team 1 inserted at 3142N 4457E at 1931Z and Team 2 at 3141N 4457E at 1930Z; aircraft return to Rafha at 1930Z.

1740Z ODA 525 departs Rafha in two MH-60 helicopters, crosses border at 1751Z, is inserted at 1945Z; aircraft return to Rafha at 2131Z having received ineffective small arms fire from a truck at 3046N 4507E.

1750Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 53 to OPORD DESERT STORM amends FRAGO 49 by changing the site of insertion for Long Range Surveillance Team 3 and the size of the No Fire areas. [Note: This FRAGO was issued out of sequence.] [Also see 12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 24 Feb 91, which identifies aviation assets carrying out the insertions of all three teams as coming from Task Force WARRIOR and the 3d Battalion, 227th Aviation]

2100 XVIII Airborne Corps Long Range Surveillance Detachment mission is launched to insert three teams from Company D, 522d Military Intelligence Battalion, near Objective RED. [Also see 525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 145 (24 Feb 91); 12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91, which says that launch time was 2115, the aircraft were UH-60s from Task Force WARRIOR with two extended range tanks and AH-64s from 3d Battalion, 227th Aviation, with one extended range tank, that each team was inserted by a UH-60 escorted by two AH-64s, and that the three teams were each composed of six soldiers; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 23 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals says mission departed at 2115]

1855Z ODA 515 departs Rafha in two MH-60 helicopters, crosses border at 1900Z, is inserted at 3144.2N 4524.3E at 2045Z; aircraft return to Rafha [time not given].

1927Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 55 to OPORD DESERT STORM shifts the XVIII Airborne Corps Fire Support Coordination Line to Phase Line RAM effective 2359Z on 23 February. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 23 Feb 91]

2233 XVIII Airborne Corps Long Range Surveillance Detachment team is inserted at Landing Zone 2. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals confirms time without saying which LZ]

2240 XVIII Airborne Corps Long Range Surveillance Detachment team is inserted at Landing Zone 3. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals says 2235 without specifying LZ]

2245 XVIII Airborne Corps Long Range Surveillance Detachment team is inserted at Landing Zone 1. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals says 2240 without specifying which LZ]

2350 426th Supply and Transportation Battalion (101st Airborne Division) truck catches fire and is destroyed. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 200 (24 Feb 91)]

2356 Task Force WARRIOR insertion aircraft recross line of departure. [12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91, which also says that insertion time was 2231, and that electronic warfare support for mission came from US Air Force EF-111 Raven assets]

2400 Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery goes to MOPP-1. [Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery SITREP, 24 Feb 91]

2101Z ODA [unspecified] departs Rafha in two MH-60 helicopters, crosses border 2113Z, is inserted at 3140.4N 4414.6E at 2230Z; aircraft return to Rafha at 0003Z.

2200Z 24th Infantry Division reconnaissance at MT 631673 engages four antiaircraft guns and two trucks with direct fires and MLRS. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 23 Feb 91]

·       -- 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports that it has secured deployment space for the first attack echelon, with the 2d Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment, 1st Foreign Legion Cavalry Regiment and 1st Spahis Regiment deployed (west to east) in Objective NATCHEZ with the 11th Marine Artillery Regiment in support; and the 2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, in Objective FALCON. In the eastern part of the division area of operations the 3d Marine Infantry Regiment has also secured Bridgehead MONTCALM for the 4th Dragoon Regiment. [6th (French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 23 Feb 91]

·       -- 6th (French) Light Armored Division artillery engages air defense artillery site west of Main Supply Route TEXAS (LU 83302940), destroying two vehicles and two bunkers. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 410]

·       -- 18th Aviation Brigade reports that it has prepositioned six CH-47D Chinooks in pickup zone posture to support the 101st Airborne Division, and that it has prepositioned Task Force 1-159 (15 UH-1H Iroquois, 10 vehicles and 112 personnel) near Rafha under the operational control of the 82d Airborne Division. [18th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 23 Feb 91]

·       -- Strength of XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post is 43 officers, 4 warrant officers, and 256 enlisted personnel. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 179 (23 Feb 91)]

·       -- XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post reports that it has supervision of 81 bases, with 53 being monitored by the alternate command post, 8 by the main element at King Khalid Military City, and 20 by the command and control element at Dragon City. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 23 Feb 91]

·       -- To date XVIII Airborne Corps has processed 6,154 replacements. [18th Personnel Group SITREP 144 (23 Feb 91)]

·       --82d Airborne Division strength in theater of

operations: 15,615; division is in Attack Position WHEELER, with 3d Brigade assembled in Pickup Zone posture at Rafha. Division plans that if XVIII Airborne Corps directs implementation of Contingency Plan (CONPLAN) MOSBY, the 3d Brigade will conduct air assault into Area of Operations SPRING LAKE to join the rest of the division. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 200 (23 Feb 91)]

-- 101st Airborne Division strength in theater of operations: 18,119. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 200 (24 Feb 91)]


<1> 18th Personnel Group SITREP 136 (14 Feb 91) reports XVIII Airborne Corps battle casualties as of 14 February consists of 2 wounded in action (both from the 3d Armored Cavalry) and 2 missing in action (both from the 1st Support Command); non-battle casualties as of 14 February are 7 injured in the 24th Infantry Division, 1 dead and 2 injured in the 82d Airborne Division, 19 injured in the 101st Airborne Division, 5 injured in 3d Armored Cavalry, 1 dead and 3 injured in XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery, 1 dead and 7 injured in 1st Support Command, 1 injured in 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, 1 injured in 16th Military Police Brigade, 1 dead in 20th Engineer Brigade, 2 injured in 35th Signal Brigade (for a corps total of 4 dead and 47 injured).



24-28 February 1991


24 February (C+201; D+38) G-DAY; GROUND CAMPAIGN BEGINS

-- 24th Infantry Division security forces forward at start of day: 1st Brigade has two scout platoons and

one mechanized infantry company team conducting mounted zone reconnaissance seven kilometers forward of Phase Line OPUS; 2d Brigade has two mechanized infantry company teams along Phase Line OPUS and Troop A, 4th Squadron, 4th Cavalry (under brigade operational control) conducting mounted zone reconnaissance out to ten kilometers forward of Phase Line OPUS and then dropping back to hide positions seven kilometers north of the Phase Line; 197th Infantry Brigade had two scout platoons and two mechanized infantry company teams along Phase Line OPUS; they made no contact and during morning the line of departure was advanced to Phase Line OPUS with the security zone extended out to Phase Line COLT. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 24 Feb 91]

0007 Aircraft that had conducted insertion of XVIII Airborne Corps Long Range Surveillance Detachment teams

recross line of departure; land in Assembly Area WALNUT at 0013. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals add that on return one of the aircraft reported that it had been acquired for a three-second period by a radar during the return trip]

0025 Last of 101st Airborne Division helicopters return

having inserted Long Range Surveillance Detachment teams at NU 0471375896 [grid obtained by Global Positioning System], MU 895715, MU 95006600, and MV 842033.

0055 XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 56 to OPORD DESERT STORM

amends FRAGO 22 by specifying frequencies and call signs for Phase III movements, and additionally freezes frequencies and call signs throughout the theater. [Note: Issued 2155Z on 23 February.]

0107 Long Range Surveillance Detachment Team 2 requests extraction due to hot landing zone. [XVIII

Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals says that this request came at 0010]

0209 Two AH-64 and one UH-60 helicopters are launched to extract Long Range Surveillance Detachment Team 2.

[12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91, which says Blackhawks from Task Force WARRIOR and Apaches from 3d Battalion, 227th Aviation]

0325 2d Battalion, 502d Infantry (2d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division) reports weather-related crash of OH-58D

(Tail # 929 with 2LT Gary Stethens and 1LT Michael Klee on board) at MT 098838. No injuries. [Also see 101st Airborne Division SITREP 200 (24 Feb 91) which reports time as 0330 and that there were minor injuries and that aircraft was total loss. XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals adds information that the helicopter was from the target acquisition platoon (TARP) of the 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry, that was attached to the division, and that the helicopter was destroyed by a post-mishap fire; specifies that 2LT Stethens who was the pilot suffered minor cuts and that 1LT Klee who was the field artillery observer had third degree burns on his back; also notes that a replacement OH-58D was issued to the unit from the corps reserve "float" on the afternoon of the 24th]

0400 LTG Luck asserts control of the XVIII Airborne Corps close battle from the Tactical Command Post.

[XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 180 (24 Feb 91)]

0400 Lead elements of XVIII Airborne Corps (the 6th [French] Light Armored Division and 2d Brigade, 82d

Airborne Division) cross the line of departure initiating Phase III of Operation DESERT STORM. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 180 (24 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 24 Feb 91]

0415 MG J. H. Binford Peay, III, of the 101st Airborne Division delays the execution time of the division

attack until 0700 because of bad weather. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals give this time as 0410]

0437 One SCUD missile is launched towards Riyadh but it is engaged and destroyed by two Patriot missiles

launched by Battery F, 3d Battalion, 43d Air Defense Artillery.

0500 Lead elements of 6th (French) Light Armored Division

cross line of departure.

0505 Long Range Surveillance Detachment Team 3 requests extraction because it is unable to hide; request

is denied.

0519 Long Range Surveillance Detachment Team 2 returns after emergency extraction. [525th Military

Intelligence Brigade SITREP 145 (24 Feb 91) states that extraction occurred at 0530 due to compromise of mission; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals say that Team 2 returned at 0515]

0540 6th (French) Light Armored Division alerts the 1st

Spahis Regiment to conduct (on order) offensive reconnaissance in support of the 2d Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment.

0550 101st Airborne Division reports that the departure time from the Pickup Zone will now be 0800.

0600 101st Airborne Division pathfinders take off after

being heldby bad weather conditions. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0608 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports no contact so far, although the 18th Field Artillery Brigade

has fired in support. [Also see 12th Aviation Brigade SITREPs, 24 and 25 Feb 91, which indicates that two of its OH-58D Kiowas conducted missions in the division zone for the 18th despite weather problems; 12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91, says that Company D, 5th Battalion, 158th Aviation OH-58D aircraft maintained over fourteen hours of continuous coverage forward of the 6th (French) Light Armored Division with armed escort by French Gazelles, called for and adjusted artillery fires and close air support including lasing targets for US Air Force A-10s that destroyed at least 8 tanks and providing information that at least twice allowed the French commanders to modify plans, and the 12th Aviation Brigade claims that the OH-58Ds captured 110 enemy prisoners of war; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals say that at 0657 the 6th (French) Light Armored Division reported that the 18th Field Artillery Brigade was firing]

0620 101st Airborne Division pathfinders cross line of

departure. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0650 101st Airborne Division pathfinders are inserted.

[XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals which note that under Operations Plan this was to have occurred at 0355]

0700 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports that

Objective POLLUX (LU 8431) has been secured. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0727 First lift from the 101st Airborne Division departs

from the pickup zone; division reports "CHRIS." [Also see 101st Airborne Division SITREP 200 (24 Feb 91), which defines Forward Operating Base COBRA as being bounded by MU 9385-MU 9965-MU 8549-MU 7368-MU 9385, that the 1st Brigade tack force included the 2d Battalion, 320th Field Artillery and Battery C, 5th Battalion, 8th Field Artillery, and operational control over the 3d Battalion, 101st Aviation, and gave the time as 0730; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 24 Feb 91, says 0430Z; XVIII Airborne Corps History Office DESERT STORM Interview (DSI) 001 records that the brigade commander's command and control helicopter lifted off at 0716]

0730 4th Regiment of Dragoons (6th [French] Light Armored Division) reports capturing one prisoner of war.

0800 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports that the 3d

Marine Infantry Regiment, 4th Regiment of Dragoons, and 4th Battalion, 325th Infantry are approaching the L-3 phase line. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0810 101st Airborne Division reports that A-10s have spotted

10-15 personnel at MU 450300. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0815 101st Airborne Division reports that A-10s have spotted

an S-60 antiaircraft artillery piece at MU 425330. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0815 First lift from the 101st Airborne Division arrives unopposed at the landing zone in Forward Operating

Base COBRA; division reports "JIM" (landing of the first element) and that landing zone is "cold." [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 180 (24 Feb 91), says 0800 after two-hour weather hold; also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0815 3th Marine Infantry Regiment (6th [French] Light

Armored Division) reports capturing five prisoners of war, four AK-47 and 1 Dragunoff rifles, and one RPG-7.

0816 101st Airborne Division reports ten vehicles at MU

8583, and that A-10s have destroyed three of them. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0840 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery begins displacing


0850 101st Airborne Division reports that contact has been

made with Iraqi forces at MU294773 and that the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division command post is located at MU 938687. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0852 Vanguard of 1st Spahis Regiment reaches LU 820420.

0900 101st Airborne Division reports that the 1st Brigade Command Post is established at MU 938687 and that

a contact of unknown size has developed at MU 942773. [Also see 101st Airborne Division SITREP 200 (24 Feb 91), which says that close air support bombed MU 9180 resulting in over 300 prisoners including the battalion commander of 1st Battalion, 82d Brigade, 49th Infantry Division; also that the division Jump Command Post co-located with the brigade command post]

0910 ARCENT gives XVIII Airborne Corps a warning order to be prepared to have the 24th Infantry Division and 3d

Armored Cavalry advance the start time of their attack to 1200.

0914 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports that MG

James Johnson (Commanding General, 82d Airborne Division) has just visited the French tactical command post. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0915 XVIII Airborne Corps Long Range Surveillance Detachment Team 3 reports that it is at PU 115620 and remains


0920 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports locations:

11th Marine Artillery Regiment at LU 833278; 1st Foreign Legion Cavalry Regiment at LU 9643; 1st Spahis Regiment at LU 8743; and 2d Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment at LU 9237. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0920 3d Armored Cavalry advances to Readiness Condition 1. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 24 FEb 91]

0930 XVIII Airborne Corps Long Range Surveillance Detachment Team 1 reports that it is at PU 005661 and remains


0931 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports still no

contact although several enemy prisoners of war have been captured.

0950 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports locations:

4th Dragoons Regiment at MU 150104; 4th Battalion, 325th Infantry at MU 024195 (and has enemy prisoners of war in custody); 3d Marine Infantry Regiment at MU 105151 (with some enemy prisoners of war in custody). [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1000 6th (French) Light Armored Division clears two bunkers at MU 059099.

1000 101st Airborne Division launches first ground convoy

towards Forward Operating Base COBRA. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1000 101st Airborne Division launch first package of 25 CH- 47D helicopters. [Also see 101st Airborne

Division SITREP 200 (24 Feb 91), which says that during day Division Support Command flew in 70 sorties to build Class I, III and V stocks at Forward Operating Base COBRA]

1005 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports that the

4th Battalion, 325th Infantry (2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division) and 3d Marine Infantry Regiment have taken some prisoners of war and enemy deserters. Additionally reports that artillery raids have been conducted on three rivetted tanks at MU 1217, three rivetted tanks at MU 1818, and infantry positions at MU 1321. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals renders this report at 1000, adding that the 4th Dragoons Regiment and 3d Marine Infantry Regiment are at MU 11161915 where they came under mortar fire that inflicted no casualties, but giving the grid location for the first set of three revetted tanks as MU 1317]

1039 101st Airborne Division reports that its 1st Brigade (less ground movement elements) has secured

Forward Operating Base COBRA. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals concurs; Also see XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 24 FEb 91, which says that grids were MU 929678]

1045 Advance detachment of 46th Support Group headquarters depart for prepositioning location in order to

move forward at H+32 with the 260th Quartermaster Battalion. [1st Support Command SITREP 206 (24 Feb 91)]

1050 6th (French) Light Armored Division report that the 4th Regiment of Dragoons and 3d Marine Infantry

Regiment have taken mortar fire at MU 1116 and MU 1915, that no casualties have been sustained, and that fire has been returned with heavy mortars.

1100 82d Airborne Division reports that the 2d Brigade, 82d

Airborne Division has taken 14 enemy prisoners of war. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1130 101st Airborne Division Long Range Surveillance Detachment Team 6 is inserted at MV 93870656.

1132 XVIII Airborne Corps Long Range Surveillance Detachment Team 1 reports (relayed by STALKER Liaison

Officer) that it has been discovered by Bedouins and requests extraction. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 412 states that LRS at Objective RED, without identifying which team, reported that suspected logistical base was actually Bedouin camp]

1200- 6th (French) Light Armored Division conducts artillery 1215 preparation on Objective ROCHAMBEAU.

1215 6th (French) Light Armored Division initiates ground attack on Objective ROCHAMBEAU. [Also see XVIII

Airborne Corps SITREP, 24 Feb 91, which says 0900Z]

1235 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports taking

about 400 prisoners of war in Objective ROCHAMBEAU.

1240 Two SCUD missiles are launched from 3320N 4449E towards King Khalid Military City; Patriot defensive

missiles destroy one; other impacts west of target.

1245 4th Dragoon Regiment (6th [French] Light Armored

Division) evacuates enemy prisoners of war to battalion command post at MU 2315. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1255 2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division reports sporadic counterattacks in its sector by small armored


1300 XVIII Airborne Corps instructed by ARCENT to move up

the attack times of the 24th Infantry Division and 3d Armored Cavalry from G+1 to 1500 on G-DAY.

1000Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 57 to OPORD DESERT STORM directs the 24th Infantry Division and 3d Armored

Cavalry to attack at 1200Z on 24 February and to be prepared to conduct pursuit operations.

1300 3d Helicopter Regiment (6th [French] Light Armored Division) attacks Objective ROCHAMBEAU from the

west; reports destroying twelve bunkers, one tank, five BTRs and eight trucks.

1300 Eight-man Special Forces team at PV 066928 reports

being in contact with approximately 30 Iraqis and requests extraction.

1330 101st Airborne Division launch second turn of CH-47D helicopters. [By 1439 the division had completed

60 sorties by CH-47D]

1400 Three-man Special Forces team at MA 950130 reports

being in contact with approximately 20 Iraqis, that one team member has been wounded, and requests extraction.

1400 101st Airborne Division captures battalion-sized

element, including battalion commander, from 45th Infantry Division at 3032N 4557E. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUMs 411 and 412 which provide additional details that grid coordinates were MU 910800, that one AH-64 Apache was struck by 57mm antiaircraft fire, and that the number of prisoners initially reported was 320; 101st Airborne Division SITREP 200 (24 Feb 91), which says that the Apache was from the 1st Battalion, 101st Aviation, that it engaged near Main Supply Route VIRGINIA, and that it landed safely in Forward Operating Base COBRA; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 180 (24 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 24 Feb 91, calls it 1115Z and says unit was 1st Battalion, 82d Brigade, 49th Infantry Division; XVIII Airborne Corps History Office Desert Shield Interview (DSI) 002 conducted 27 February 1991 at the 101st Airborne Division Enemy Prisoner of War Cage at Forward Operating Base COBRA with MAJ Samir Ali Khader (battalion commander) confirms that unit was 2d Battalion, 843d Brigade, 45th Infantry Division]

1415 6th (French) Light Armored Division secures Objective

ROCHAMBEAU and over 300 prisoners of war without any friendly casualties. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUMs 411 and 412 which gave initial estimate of prisoners at 500, but revised downward to 300 as of 1415; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 180 (24 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 24 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals specifies that the event came at 1415, but that the report was not made until 1445]

1430 6th (French) Light Armored Division main attack on Objective ROCHAMBEAU completed.

1500 24th Infantry Division crosses line of departure ["JOHN"]: 2d Brigade on the right led by Task

Force 3-15 Infantry oriented on Combat Trail YANKEE proceeds to Phase Line RAM for refueling and on to occupy Attack Position DALLAS, and with brigade exercising operational control over the 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry conducting screening; 1st Brigade in center lead by Task Force 3-7 Infantry oriented on Combat Trail WHISKEY proceeds to Phase Line RAM for refueling and on to occupy Phase Line SMASH without making contact; 197th Infantry Brigade on the left led by Task Force 2-18 Infantry oriented on Combat Trail X-RAY proceeds to Phase Line RAM for refueling and on to occupy Phase Line LION. [24th Infantry Division SITREPs, 24 and 25 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 180 (24 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 24 Feb 91, says 1200Z]

1501 3d Armored Cavalry crosses line of departure ["BUTCH"]. [Also see 3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 26 Feb 91,

which gives order of march as 2d, 1st, 3d Squadrons; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 180 (24 Feb 91), which says 1500 and specifies that they jumped off from Phase Line CANOE which was actually ten kilometers north of the line of departure; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 24 Feb 91, says 1200Z]

1530 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, conducts series of fire missions in support of 2d Foreign Legion

Infantry Regiment: Battery C (LU 85694108) first fires six 155mm rocket assisted projectile rounds at LV 08904845 and then two simultaneous missions sending three 155mm rocket assisted projectile rounds at LV 93735961 and ten similar rounds at those same coordinates; Battery A (LU 85014102) fires eleven 155mm rocket assisted projectile rounds at LV 93735961; and Battery B (LU 85134038) fires nine 155mm rocket assisted projectile rounds at LV 93735961. [MFR, 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, subj.: 1-201 FA After Action Report, OPERATION DESERT SHIELD/STORM, 9 July 1991]

1540 3d Armored Cavalry reports that it is slowing its

advance to remain abreast of the 24th Infantry Division's 3d Battalion, 15th Infantry; it had previously passed Phase Line CREEK. [Also see 3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 26 FEb 91, which additionally identifies right flank unit as VII Corps' 2d Battalion, 70th Armor, 1st Armored Division, and that the regiment had no contact all the way to Phase Line CHARGER where it shifted formation and continued on to Phase Line RAM]

1252Z ASP 61 (Task Force 160) departs Rafha on emergency extraction mission; crosses border at 1301Z,

extracts ODA 532B at 1418Z (engaging enemy with minigun fire), recrosses the border at 1530Z and lands at Rafah at 1550Z.

1553 Task Force STALKER reports that Team 3 needs to be extracted after five Iraqis walked up to its

location and surrendered. [525th Military Intelligence Brigade SITREP 146 (25 Feb 91) states that Teams 1 and 3 with 5 enemy prisoners of war were extracted from Objective RED at 2050; 12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 25 Feb 91, states that two teams were extracted by Task Force WARRIOR; XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 411 which calls it Team 2; 12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91, identifies aircraft as UH-60 Blackhawks from Task Force WARRIOR and AH-64 Apaches from 3d Battalion, 227th Aviation]

1620 One AH-64 [Tail # 87-00452; CW2 Buckle and 1LT Wright] from Company B, 3d Battalion, 227th Aviation (12th

Aviation Brigade) is damaged in a hard landing in Assembly Area WALNUT (MT 74900252) after loosing vision during a sand storm. No injuries resulted. Aircraft had been the trail escort in support of an extraction mission for the Long Range Surveillance Detachment under the 519th Military Intelligence Battalion. [Also see 12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91 which says that crash occurred prior to crossing line of departure]

1630 3d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, inserts Team JERRY (the brigade's scout platoons) into Landing Zone

SAND (NV 400080) to conduct ground route reconnaissance to Area of Operations EAGLE (NV 5647). [101st Airborne Division SITREP 200 (24 Feb 91)]

1630 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, moves to LU 976562. [MFR, 1st Battalion, 201st Field

Artillery, subj.: 1-201 FA After Action Report, OPERATION DESERT SHIELD/STORM, 9 July 1991]

1645 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports that the

total of enemy prisoners of war has now reached between 800 and 1,200, and that the numbers are slowing the division advance. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1700 6th (French) Light Armored Division RED Tactical

Command Post arrives at LV 986457. [However XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals gives the location as LU 986454 and adds that: the 1st Foreign Legion Cavalry Regiment and 2d Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment are moving on Objective CAJUN (MU 2585), the 1st Spahis Regiment is at MU 1466 and will lead the attack on CAJUN, and that the division command post is not in contact with the western axis of advance]

1700 4th Squadron, 17th Cavalry (-) departs Pope Air Force Base with three AH-58D helicopters in a C-5.

1800 24th Infantry Division forward line of own troops: 197th Brigade (on left) has Task Force 2-18

Infantry at MT 652907 and Task Force 1-18 Infantry at MT 782813; 1st Brigade (in center) has Task Force 3-7 Infantry at MT 882678; 2d Brigade (on right) has Task Force 3-15 Infantry at NT 078589; 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry is at NT 085764 and Troop D, 4th Cavalry is at MU 800007. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 24 Feb 91]

1800 3d Armored Cavalry regimental tactical operations center scheduled to begin displacement to NT

147684. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 24 Feb 91]

1550Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 58 to OPORD DESERT STORM changes the XVIII Airborne Corps Fire Support

Coordination Line to Phase Line JET effective 1500Z on 24 February. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 24 Feb 91]

1930 24th Infantry Division halts both attacking brigades to establish forward operating base and ROM sites.

1750Z Last long-range surveillance detachment extracted. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 24 Feb 91]

2122 Battery F, 3d Battalion, 43d Air Defense Artillery in Riyadh fires two Patriot missiles at one incoming

SCUD missile; one malfunctioned and was self-destroyed, the other destroyed the SCUD; missiles launched from Basrah vicinity.

2200 24th Infantry Division resumes its attack with the 2d

Brigade advancing on Objective GRAY, the 197th Infantry Brigade advancing on Objective BROWN, the 1st Brigade preparing to attack Objective RED, and the 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry screening to the northwest in the vicinity of Objective KELLY. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 24 Feb 91, which gives time as 2200Z]

2250 Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery Movement Package #1 (Battery B, 2d Battalion, 1st Air Defense

Artillery, augmented by elements of Headquarters Battery and Battery C, and of the 34th Ordnance Company) closes into the Corps Marshalling Area. [Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

2300 24th Infantry Division Tactical Command Post moves to Phase Line CHARGER.

-- 101st Airborne Division accellerates ground convoys to Forward Operating Base COBRA; has Team GRADER

(326th Engineer Battalion) begin construction of Main Supply Route NEWMARKET from the line of departure to COBRA; and starts the 2d Brigade task force moving to COBRA (less 95 passenger and 10 CH-47D equipment sorties), leaving the 2d Battalion, 502d Infantry, behind as the corps tactical force for rear battle. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 200 (24 Feb 91)]

-- Counterbattery fires by 18th Field Artillery Brigade

neutralize one battery. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

-- Battery A, 5th Battalion, 62d Air Defense Artillery, moves forward with 6th (French) Light Armored

Division and 18th Field Artillery Brigade. [Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery SITREP, 24 Feb 91]

-- Battery C, 5th Battalion, 62d Air Defense Artillery, moves forward with 24th Infantry Division and

212th Field Artillery Brigade. [Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery SITREP, 24 Feb 91]

-- 18th Aviation Brigade flies 75 CH-47D sorties in

support of 101st Airborne Division; in addition Task Force 1-159 provides support to 82d Airborne Division. [18th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 24 Feb 91]

-- 5th Squadron, 6th Cavalry, conducts AH-64 armed night reconnaissance in 3d Armored Cavalry zone without

making contact. [12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 24 Feb 91; 12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91, which says that the gunsight video tapes were used by the regiment to conduct final planning and that the aircraft went 75 kilometers deep]

25 February (C+202; D+39; G+1)

-- XVIII Airborne Corps G-2 declares 45th and 48th Infantry Divisions combat ineffective. [XVIII

Airborne Corps INTSUM 413; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 Feb 91, says 45th ineffective with securing of Objective WHITE]

-- 3d Armored Cavalry captures 80 prisoners of war without a fight at NU 668105. [Also see XVIII Airborne

Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 181 (25 Feb 91), which says that regiment took eight prisoners at NU 6111, without giving a time, as does XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 FEb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals say that the engaged unit was the 1st Squadron of the regiment, that the engagement took place at NU 608105, that the prisoner count was eight, and that the regiment itself was not in contact with the enemy]

-- Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, conducts night reconnaissance in zone in Area of Operations

EAGLE with the 1st Battalion, 101st Aviation, and a company from the 2d Battalion, 227th Aviation, conducting interdiction forward of Phase Line VIKING; relieved after daylight by two companies of the 2d Battalion, 229th Aviation; no contact. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 201 (25 Feb 91)]

-- XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post alternate

command post has two movement control teams in place at the junction of Main Supply Routes TEXAS and OHIO. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

-- 16th Military Police Brigade reports that the 759th and 503d Military Police Battalions are marshalled and

awaiting the execution order to cross the line of departure; that the 503d has additionally processed approximately 700 enemy prisoners of war for evacuation to theater control; and that the 160th Military Police Battalion continues to provide battlefield circulation control at the Corps Marshalling Area near Main Supply Route TEXAS. [16th Military Police Brigade SITREP 161 (25 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 Feb 91, declares that TEXAS is secured and that the 759th Military Police Battalion has assumed battlefield circulation control responsibilities]

0110 XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 59 to OPORD DESERT STORM changes the XVIII Airborne Corps Fire Support

Coordination Line to Phase Line VIKING effective 2300Z on 24 February and defines Phase Line VIKING. [Note: Issued 2210Z on 24 February.] [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

0122 Task Force 160 extracts ODA 511(-) [3 personnel] from

[] 237114. [2222Z on 24 February]

0300 Two battalions of 171st Support Group scheduled to move forward. [1st Support Command SITREP 206 (24 Feb


0426 Iraq launches one SCUD from vicinity of Al Qaim toward Israel.

0500 197th Infantry Brigade crosses Phase Line LION to attack Objective BROWN; Task Force 2-18 Infantry

makes initial contact capturing 31 enemy prisoners of war. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 181 (25 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

0530 6th (French) Light Armored Division initiates attack on Objective CHAMBORD (MU 3047). [XVIII Airborne

Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 181 (25 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 FEb 91]

0600 24th Infantry Division reports that 197th Infantry Brigade says that Objective BROWN is clear, that

the 2d Brigade is at Objective GRAY, and that the 1st Brigade has become the division main effort.

0627 Iraq launches one SCUD from vicinity of Al Qaim toward Israel.

0700 197th Infantry Brigade seizes Objective BROWN; during contact Task Force 2-18 Infantry engages light

resistance without suffering any casualties, supported by US Air Force A--10s which scored four direct hits, and captured 31 enemy prisoners of war (initially identified as being from the 49th Infantry Division); in process of attack on this objective a long range surveillance detachment team is inserted onto objective and recovered. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 25 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 181 (25 Feb 91), says secured at 0900 with 23 enemy prisoners of war]

0700 24th Infantry Division Tactical Command Post moves to Phase Line SMASH.

0812 ODA at 3142N 4521E is taken under fire by twelve armed Bedouins.

0820 4th Regiment of Dragoons (6th [French] Light Armored

Division) reports taking fire at MU 279366.

0850 Company A, 519th Military Intelligence Battalion (525th Military Intelligence Brigade) jammer site

receives surrender of 65 Iraqis. [82d Airborne Division support required to secure prisoners]

0900 24th Infantry Division reports that 1st Brigade is on Objective RED, 2d Brigade is still at Objective

GRAY, and that the 197th Infantry Brigade is clearing Objective BROWN.

0955 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports that the

last of its lead elements had reached MU 3551. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1000 Troop D, 4th Cavalry, released to control of 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry. [24th Infantry Division

SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

1000 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports that A-10s

were engaging five or six tanks dug in at MU 296528. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1000 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, moves to LU 17756783. [MFR, 1st Battalion, 201st Field

Artillery, subj.: 1-201 FA After Action Report, OPERATION DESERT SHIELD/STORM, 9 July 1991]

1015 3d Regiment of Marine Infantry and 4th Regiment of Dragoons (6th [French] Light Armored Division

secure Objective CHAMBORD (MU 3047); 4th Regiment of Dragoons assisted by US Air Force A-10s engage estimated tank company at MU 396528, destroying or capturing ten tanks and three BMPs; 3d Regiment of Marine Infantry reports being fired upon by artillery at MU 3754. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 181 (25 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Main Command Post G-3 Journals do not record times of either engagement and record that the 4th destroyed five of eight tanks but cites grid coordinates as MU 3853]

1030 6th (French) Light Armored Division's western elements secure Objective PARIS (MU 3188). [XVIII Airborne

Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 181 (25 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 FEb 91]

1035 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports locations:

Red Command Post at MU 215690; lead elements of the 1st Foreign Legion Cavalry Regiment and 2d Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment at MU 4388; that the 1st Spahis Regiment was at MU 4984 and is bypassing Objective PARIS to the south. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1102 101st Airborne Division initial heavy lift departs the Pickup Zone en route to Landing Zone SAND. [Also

see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 181 (25 Feb 91), which says that this is the time when the 1st and 2d Brigades of the division close into Forward Operating Base COBRA; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 Feb 91, says that 3d Brigade conducted air assault into SAND at 0916Z, and that the 1st and 2d Brigades completed movement into COBRA at 0720Z]

1120 101st Airborne Division clears Logistical Base OSCAR and Main Supply Route VIRGINIA. [XVIII Airborne

Corps SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

1150 6th (French) Light Armored Division destroys tank company near MU 358522, destroying five tanks and

one S-60. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP 413]

1216 3d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, inserts Task Force RAKKASAN into Landing Zone SAND (NV 400080); force

consists of brigade's anti-armor companies, all brigade wheeled vehicles, and the 3d Battalion, 320th Field Artillery; it then starts ground movement to Area of Operations EAGLE (NV 5847) to make contact with the brigade task force there, although slowed by mud. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 201 (25 Feb 91)]

1230 24th Infantry Division Main Command Post prepares to

move to Phase Line SMASH.

1250 1st Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, co-locates at Objective ROCHAMBEAU to assist with handling of

enemy prisoners of war. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 181 (25 Feb 91)]

1300 6th (French) Light Armored Division begins attack on Objective WHITE. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps

Tactical Command Post SITREP 181 (25 Feb 91), which says that coordinated attack began at 1400 preceded by strike of attack helicopters and close air support on the As Salman Air Field]

1015Z ASP 62/63 departs Rafha, crossing border at 1024Z and extracting ODA at 1133Z. It recrosses border at

1250Z and lands at Rafha at 1301Z.

1330 2d Brigade, 24th Infantry Division secures Objective GRAY. [Also see 24th Infantry Division SITREP, 26

Feb 91, which reports that on 25 February Task Force 1-64 Armor suffered two killed in action and two wounded in action; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 FEb 91, says attack bagan at 0800Z and objective secured at 1000Z, and further specifies that Task Force 3-15 Infantry led the attack, with Task Force 1-64 Armor engaging a battalion command post at NU 210310 capturing 50 enemy prisoners of war]

1045Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 60 to OPORD DESERT STORM directs 1st Support Command to detach a platoon of

a medical clearing company for attachment to SOCCENT effective 1500Z on 27 February.


directs that Contingency Plan BLIER and the 82d Airborne Division's supporting Contingency Plan MOSBY not be implemented, and directs the 82d Airborne Division to return Task Force 159 to the control of the 18th Aviation Brigade effective 1500Z on 25 February. [Note: Issued out of sequence.]

1400 2d Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, secures Objective GRAY with fire support of 24th Infantry Division

Artillery and 212th Field Artillery Brigade; Task Force 1-64 Armor engages suspected battalion command post at NU 210310 with indirect fire and captures about 50 enemy prisoners of war. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 25 Feb 91, which does not give a time; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 181 (25 Feb 91), which gives time as 1400 and says 100 enemy prisoners of war; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals specify that the objective was siezed and reported at 1400, but that it was occupied beginning at 1330 and that 100 enemy prisoners were captured, and that a confirming report was also filed at 1501, and that the division reported that Main Supply Route GEORGIA was cleared for traffic as far as Phase Line COLT]

1400 1st Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, crosses Phase Line SMASH en route to attack Objective RED. [XVIII

Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 181 (25 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

1400 3d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division moves into Area of Operations EAGLE with three infantry battalions,

an air cavalry squadron, an artillery battalion, and a lift helicopter company. [Later at night an AH-64 company also arrives]

1400 6th (French) Light Armored Division begins attack on As Salman Air Base with close air support and attack

helicopters. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 181 (25 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

1400 3d Regiment of Marine Infantry and 4th Regiment of Dragoons reach Phase Line RAM. [XVIII Airborne

Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 181 (25 Feb 91)]

1410 6th (French) Light Armored Division begins 10-15 minute artillery preparation on As Salman Air Base;

following with a ground attack by the 1st Reconnaissance Squadron, 2d Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment, and 1st Foreign Legion Cavalry Regiment. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 181 (25 Feb 91) and XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 FEb 91, which say that these elements attacked from the west supported by the 11th Regiment of Marine Artillery, except for the 1st Reconnaissance Squadron with secured Objective BORDEAUX (MU 5901) as a blocking position to the north, and that the 3d Regiment of Marine Infantry and the 4th Regiment of Dragoons supported by the 18th Field Artillery Brigade attacked from the south]

1420 101st Airborne Division clears Main Supply Route VIRGINIA and Logistical Base OSCAR site in zone.

[XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 181 (25 Feb 91)]

1430 Battery A, 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, at LU 42758207 fires thirty 155mm high explosive rounds

at ammunition dump located at LV 60208117. [MFR, 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, subj.: 1-201 FA After Action Report, OPERATION DESERT SHIELD/STORM, 9 July 1991]

1437 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports that the

4th Dragoon Regiment is at Objective CHAMBORD (MU 5705), and that it has captured multiple enemy prisoners of war and has taken out ten tanks, three BMPs, fifteen trucks, and five mortars. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1500 24th Infantry Division reports engaging 49th Infantry


1508 101st Airborne Division initial personnel lift departs Pickup Zone for Landing Zone SAND. [Also see

101st Airborne Division SITREP 201 (25 Feb 91), which says that this was the lift departing SAND to interdict lines of communications at NV 5847, and that the 2d Brigade's lift is still waiting in pickup zone posture; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

1600 197th Infantry Brigade departs Objective BROWN en route for Attack Position KELLY. [XVIII Airborne Corps

Tactical Command Post SITREP 181 (25 Feb 91)]

1600 Engineers report that Main Supply Route GEORGIA will

not support M-915 tractor traffic. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

1600 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports locations:

4th Dragoon Regiment at MU 5273; 3d Marine Infantry Regiment at MU 5477; 2d Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment at MU 5092; 1st Foreign Legion Cavalry Regiment at MU 5192; also reports that the commando battalion [C.R.A.P., actually a company-sized element] has secured the logistical site at MU 6585 and that the 1st Spahis Regiment has secured Objective BORDEAUX (MV 5901) engaging three tanks and destroying one of them, and that the regiment is not clearing the road south of the intersection of Main Supply Routes VIRGINIA and TEXAS. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1620 101st Airborne Division's second heavy lift clears the Pickup Zone.

1630 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, conducts series of fire missions: Battery A (LU 42758207) fires

eighteen 155mm high explosive rounds at LV 57409200; Battery B fires thirty 155mm high explosive rounds at LV 59219135; and Battery C fires two missions against LV 65538220, the first involving thirty 155mm high explosive rounds and the second fourteen 155mm high explosive rounds. [MFR, 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, subj.: 1-201 FA After Action Report, OPERATION DESERT SHIELD/STORM, 9 July 1991]

1640 101st Airborne Division's first passenger lift arrives at Landing Zone EAGLE. [Also see XVIII Airborne

Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 181 (25 Feb 91), which states that 3d Brigade reports "Screaming Eagles on the Euphrates" with elements vicinity of NV 6040; 101st Airborne Division SITREP 201 (25 Feb 91), which gives time of arrival at 1630]

1726 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports that Objective WHITE is surrounded but not yet secured.

[XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals state at this time that the division reported Main Supply Route TEXAS cleared for traffic]

1800 24th Infantry Division forward line of own troops has 197th Infantry Brigade on Objective BROWN; 1st

Brigade on Phase Line SMASH; 2d Brigade on Objective GRAY; and 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry, on Phase Line SMASH. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

1800 1st Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, secures Objective RED without contact. [24th Infantry Division

SITREP, 26 Feb 91]

1500Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 61 to OPORD DESERT STORM, effective on receipt, limits the advance of the

24th Infantry Division to Phase Line VIKING.

1505Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 65 to OPORD DESERT STORM revokes part of FRAGO 62 by reinstating Task Force

159 (less CH-47 assets) under the operational control of the 82d Airborne Division effective at 1500Z on 25 February. [Note: Issued out of sequence.]

1510Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 66 to OPORD DESERT STORM removes the Phase Line VIKING limit on the advance

of the 24th Infantry Division; relieves the 101st Airborne Division of the responsibility for providing a battalion task force as the Corps TCF effective 0600 on 26 February and directs it on order to conduct an air assault operation to seize a forward operating base vicinity of Tallil Air Base (PV 0523). Additionally tasks the 3d Armored Cavalry to occupy blocking positions at Objective GRAY beginning at 0400 on 26 February and in conjunction with the 24th Infantry Division to screen the corps flank from Phase Line LION to Phase Line VIKING, and then in coordination with the 24th Infantry Division to occupy Objective RED PRIME (PU 1758) and guard the right flank of the 24th Infantry Division as it attacks to Objective GOLD while avoiding decisive engagement. Additionally announces the change of the VII Corps-XVIII Airborne Corps boundary, shifts to Phase Line JET (effective upon closure of the 82d Airborne Division on Objective GRAY) the boundary between the 82d Airborne Division and 3d Armored Cavalry, and directs the 3d Armored Cavalry and 24th Infantry Division to coordinate on adjusting their boundary. [Note: Issued out of sequence.]

1815 6th (French) Light Armored Division secures Objective WHITE except for scattered pockets of resistance,

and declares Main Supply Route TEXAS clear. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 182 (26 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 Feb 91, says secured at 1500Z]

1820 Two soldiers from Company B, 2d Battalion, 15th

Infantry (24th Infantry Division) are killed and two wounded at NU 857337 when a grenade falls off a protective vest and explodes. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals also record this but without giving time]

1840 24th Infantry Division reports "TITUS" (forces on

Objective RED). [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1529Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 63 to OPORD DESERT STORM implements the "on order" task in the OPLAN by

placing the 12th Aviation Brigade under the operational control of the 101st Airborne Division for the period from 25 February until the brigade closes into Forward Operating Base COBRA, and directs the brigade to move to that location.

2000 24th Infantry Division Tactical Command Post moves to Phase Line VIKING.

2038 SCUD is fired; 2123 it strikes a warehouse in Dhahran

at Base K-17 (VK 183117) resulting in casualties to the 475th Quartermaster; launched from vicinity of Ash Shanin. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post Journals]

2225 139th Support Center (Rear Area Operations) reports to

116th Support Center (Rear Area Operations) that the SCUD missile caused an unconfirmed 40 killed in action in the 475th Quartermaster Group. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post Journals]

2245 3d Battalion, 187th Infantry destroys two cargo

vehicles. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

2300 24th Infantry Division reports that Battle Positions

101, 102 and 103 have been secured respectively by the 197th Infantry Brigade, 1st Brigade and 2d Brigade.

2400 24th Infantry Division reports "DONALD" (securing of

Objective RED). [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

2400 New VII Corps/XVIII Airborne Corps boundary in effect.

-- 24th Infantry Division reports "TOM" (main supply route

has been cleared and marked in zone); state that it is known to be clear, but are not sure that it has been marked properly. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals--without any time being given]

-- 212th Field Artillery Brigade shifted to reinforcing 1st Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, on Objective

RED. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

-- 1st Battalion, 24th Aviation, repositions to Forward Operating Base 1. [24th Infantry Division SITREP,

25 Feb 91]

-- 82d Airborne Division reports that it is long Main

Supply Route TEXAS from Objective ROCHAMBEAU back to Attack Position WHEELER with a strength in theater of 15,655; it intends to refuel during the night of 25/26 February at a laager site near Phase Line CALIFORNIA and then make contact on 26 February with the 6th (French) Light Armored Division south of Objective WHITE, eliminating the need to stop at Area of Operations SPRING LAKE and allowing movement directly to Objective GREY. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 202 (25 Feb 91)]

-- 82d Airborne Division reports that the 1st Brigade and

one enemy prisoner of war team went forward during the day into Objective ROCHAMBEAU to assume control of Iraqi prisoners, and that XVIII Airborne Corps assets moved Iraqi prisoners rearward to the Corps Cage. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 202 (25 Feb 91)]

-- 101st Airborne Division has 1st Brigade clearing Main Supply Route VIRGINIA and Logistical Base OSCAR in

zone; 2d Brigade (less 2d Battalion, 502d Infantry) completing movement to Forward Operating Base COBRA along with the Division Artillery tactical operations center and headquarters battery; the Division Artillery tactical command post at MV 931726; and the 2d Squadron, 17th Cavalry, under the 3d Brigade's operational control. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 201 (25 Feb 91)]

-- Team GRADER (326th Engineer Battalion) completes Main Supply Route NEWMARKET to Forward Operating Base

COBRA; Company A, 326th Engineer Battalion, begins survivability missions at COBRA. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 201 (25 Feb 91)]

-- 1st Battalion, 101st Aviation destroys one truck

mounting an antiaircraft artillery piece. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

-- Severe sandstorms ground all 12th Aviation Brigade aircraft. [12th Aviation Brigade After-Action

Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91]

-- XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery Tactical Command Post is

at MU 446671, and the Main Command Post is moving along Main Supply Route TEXAS. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

-- XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery reports having fired

no ATACMS rounds to date. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

-- 18th Field Artillery Brigade is at MU 471692, with the

6th Battalion (-), 27th Field Artillery at MU 413658; it fired over 300 rounds today in support of the French; 6th Battalion (-), 27th Field Artillery also fired MLRS. Brigade counterbattery fires neutralized two batteries today and also destroyed five armored vehicles. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

-- 196th Field Artillery Brigade at MT 480230, moving

towards the tactical assembly area after drawing ammunition from Ammunition Supply Point REGISTER. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

-- 265th Engineer Group reports that 46th Engineer

Battalion is working on Main Supply Route GEORGIA; 52d Engineer Battalion has Combat Trail YANKEE completed twenty kilometers north of the line of departure; 62d Engineer Battalion has Main Supply Route MONTANA completed (six lanes wide) to Main Supply Route OHIO and is starting on Main Supply Route GEORGIA between Phase Lines CHARGER and RAM;and that the 844th Engineer Battalion is completing 1st Support Command survivability missions and has Main Supply Route GEORGIA completed (two lanes wide) from the line of departure to Phase Line CHARGER. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

-- 937th Engineer Group reports that the 27th and 37th Engineer Battalions are heading north on Main

Supply Route TEXAS, and that the 20th Engineer Battalion is due to reach Main Supply Route VIRGINIA by 1930 hours. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 25 Feb 91]

-- 18th Aviation Brigade flies 125 CH-47D sorties in

support of 101st Airborne Division and 82d Airborne Division (Task Force 159). [18th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 25 Feb 91 also projecting that another 100 sorties will be flow in next 24 hours to Forward Operating Base COBRA, 3 to support the 507th Support Group, 5 to support the 12th Aviation Brigade, and an additional 5 CH-47Ds will be prepositioned at Rafha to support the 82d Airborne Division]

26 February (C+203; D+40; G+2)

-- Logistical Base OSCAR deleted from plan; assets programmed for it will divert to Logistical Base

ROMEO. [1st Support Command SITREP 208 (26 Feb 91)]

-- Adverse weather conditions force Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, to cancel planned CH-47D

logistical flights and armed reconnaissance missions. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 202 (26 Feb 91); 18th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 26 Feb 91 states that weather caused cancellation of all UH-1 and CH-47 flights]

-- 2d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, cancels planned attacks to Objective STRIKE or Objective GOLD.

[101st Airborne Division SITREP 202 (26 Feb 91)]

-- 3d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, conducts interdiction of Highway 8 at NV 5847 with light

contact; destroys 15 vehicles and takes 37 enemy prisoners of war; at NV 572421 captures two mortars and assorted small arms. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 202 (26 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 26 Feb 91]

-- 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, moves to MU 47657250. [MFR, 1st Battalion, 201st Field

Artillery, subj.: 1-201 FA After Action Report, OPERATION DESERT SHIELD/STORM, 9 July 1991]

-- Four MEDEVAC helicopters from 229th Medical Detachment deploy to Forward Operating Base COBRA. [1st

Support Command SITREP 206 (26 Feb 91)]

-- 2221st Quartermaster Company moves up Main Supply Route TEXAS towards Logistical Base OSCAR in afternoon.

[1st Support Command SITREP 206 (26 Feb 91)]

-- 35th Signal Brigade deploys four signal nodes across

the line of departure to establish a communications network in the vicinity of Objective BROWN and Logistical Base ROMEO. [35th Signal Brigade SITREP, 26 Feb 91]

-- 502d Finance Support Unit providing finance support to 9,000 prisoners of war in the Enemy Prisoner of

War Camp. [18th Finance Group SITREP, 26 Feb 91]

0128 SCUD is launched from vicinity of Iranian border, impacting 40 miles off the east coast of Doha.

0100Z XVIII Airborne Corps relieves 101st Airborne Division

of responsibility to provide a battalion task force as the corps Tactical Combat Force because the determination was made that no Level III threat existed. [Also see 101st Airborne Division SITREP 202 (26 Feb 91), which identifies battalion at 2d Battalion, 502d Infantry, and states that bad weather prevented its movement]

0210 XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 67 to OPORD DESERT STORM places the boundary changes specified in FRAGO 66

into effect as of 2100Z on 25 February. [Issued 2310Z on 25 February.]

0400 3d Armored Cavalry departs Phase Line RAM to occupy Objective GRAY with 3d Squadron; 1st Brigade, 82d

Airborne Division subsequently relieves at GRAY, releasing regiment to operational control of 24th Infantry Division. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 26 Feb 91]

0430 82d Airborne Division begins movement north on Main Supply Route TEXAS and then east on Main Supply

Route VIRGINIA as road march to Objective GREY. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 182 (26 Feb 91); 82d Airborne Division SITREP 206 (26 Feb 91) which also specifies that the 3d Brigade will make the movement to GREY by air assault on the morning of 27 Feb, that the division aggregate strength is 15,655, and that the division is planning to transfer operational control (OPCON) of the 1st Brigade to the 24th Infantry Division]

0445 101st Airborne Division elements engage ten vihicles on

Highway 8 at NV 5249, resulting in one killed and one wounded. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

0545 XVIII Airborne Corps "White" Tactical Command Post departs for NU 608433 in five M-577 tracked

command vehicles plus support package. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 182 (26 Feb 91)]

0600 6th (French) Light Armored Division begins psychological operations directed against As

Salman. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 182 (26 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 26 Feb 91]

0400Z 82d Airborne Division Artillery locations: 3d

Battalion, 319th Field Artillery in support of the 1st Brigade is all located at MU 128192; 2d Battalion, 319th Field Artillery in support of the 2d Brigade has its Tactical Operations Center at LT 86149469, Battery A at LT 82459698, Battery B at LT 93729195, Battery C at LT 85719676, its radar at LT 85619433, and its trains at LT 76818521; and 1st Battalion, 319th Field Artillery in support of the 3d Brigade has its Tactical Operations Center at LT 467602, Battery A at LT 534578, Battery B at LT 460606, Battery C at LT 535603, its radar at LT 467606. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 200 (23 Feb 91)]

0830 Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery Movement Package #1 departs Corps Marshalling Area. [Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery SITREP, 26 Feb 91]

0845 6th (French) Light Armored Division begins movement into As Salman. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical

Command Post SITREP 182 (26 Feb 91)]

0920 6th (French) Light Armored Division reports that As

Salman is secured. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 182 (26 Feb 91), which gives time as 0930]

0950 6th (French) Light Armored Division XVIII Airborne

Corps G-4 reports that 1st Support Command has decided to bypass Logistical Base OSCAR and concentrate all resources instead at Logistical Base ROMEO.

0957 82d Airborne Division reports that its Main Command

Post is moving and that command and control of the division has been passed to the Rear Command Post; states that it has made contact along the 72 North-South line on Main Supply Route VIRGINIA. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1000 12th Aviation Brigade ground convoy consisting of tactical air control and forward arming and

refueling elements start moving to Forward Operating Base COBRA despite weather delay to movement of aircraft. [12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 26 Feb 91; 12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91, which indicates convoy consisted of 96 vehicles including decontamination vehicles, air defense assets, and six 5,000-gallon tankers from the 101st Support Group, and that route to COBRA covered 110 kilometers; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 182 (26 Feb 91), says that 101st assumed operational control over the brigade at 1000; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 26 Feb 91, says 0700Z]

1000 Trail elements of 171st Support Group depart. [1st Support Command SITREP 208 (26 Feb 91)]

1009 82d Airborne Division reports that the 1st Squadron,

17th Cavalry had established contact with the 101st Airborne Division and is moving east on Main Supply Route VIRGINIA. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 202 (26 Feb 91), says that 1st Brigade, 101st, made contact at 1018 and assisted 82d's movement along VIRGINIA]

1100 24th Infantry Division long range surveillance detachment teams extracted from Objectives RED and

GRAY. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 26 Feb 91]

1130 3d Marine Infantry (6th [French] Light Armored

Division) reports three minor injuries as the result of a soldier mishandling his rifle.

1136 82d Airborne Division reports that the 2d Brigade made

contact with the 101st Airborne Division at MU 725785, and that the brigade had been released from the 6th (French) Light Armored Division. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1200 3d Armored Cavalry comes under operational control of 24th Infantry Division with an on-order mission to

attack from Objective RED PRIME to clear the air base at PU 460530 and to seize Qalib al Luhays Air Base (PU 740600). [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 26 Feb 91]

1200 2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division reverts from tactical

control (TACON) of the 6th (French) Light Armored Division back to the control of the 82d Airborne Division. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 203 (26 Feb 91)]


places the 12th Aviation Brigade under the operational control of the 101st Airborne Division effective 1000 on 26 February; places the 3d Armored Cavalry under the operational control of the 24th Infantry Division effective 1200 on 26 February; releases the 2d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division from the operational control of the 6th (French) Light Armored Division effective 1200 on 26 February; directs the XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery to release the team from the 12th Aviation Brigade from operational control effective 1200 on 26 February; and directs the XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery to detach one towed 155mm howitzer field artillery battalion each for attachment to the 82d and 101st Airborne Divisions effective 1200 on 26 February. Additionally directs the 24th Infantry Division to attack across Phase Line VIKING at 1400 on 26 February to seize Objective GOLD and the 101st Airborne Division to attack not later than 0800 on 27 February to seize a forward operating base in the vicinity of Tallil Air Base. Additionally changes the XVIII Airborne Corps Fire Support Coordination Line to Phase Line RIPPER (which is defined) and makes the on order boundary between the 6th (French) Light Armored Division and the 101st Airborne Division effective at 1500 on 26 February. [Note: Issued out of sequence.] [Also see 12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 26 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 182 (26 Feb 91); and XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 26 Feb 91, which identifies further that 1st Battalion (155mm towed), 39th Field Artillery, was attached to the 82d Airborne Division and the 5th Battalion (155mm towed), 8th Field Artillery, to the 101st Airborne Division]

1230 82d Airborne Division confirms that the 2d Brigade has

departed the location of the 6th (French) Light Armored Division Command Post. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1000Z XVIII Airborne Corps Fire Support Coordination Line shifted to Phase Line RIPPER (the railroad).

[XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 26 Feb 91]

1400 12th Aviation Brigade is placed under the operational Control of the 101st Airborne Division.

1400 1st Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, attacks from Objective RED to Battle Position 102 with fire

support from 212th Field Artillery Brigade. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 26 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 182 (26 Feb 91)]

1400 2d Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, attacks from Attack Position MAROON to Battle Position 103. [24th

Infantry Division SITREP, 26 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 182 (26 Feb 91)]

1400 197th Infantry Brigade attacks from Attack Position KELLY to Battle Position 101; has no combat

casualties but incurs one non-battle injury. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 26 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 182 (26 Feb 91)]

1400 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry, moves from Attack Position KELLY to screen the 24th Infantry Division's left

flank from Battle Position 103 to Phase Line VIKING. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 26 Feb 91]

1130Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 68 to OPORD DESERT STORM directs the 24th Infantry Division, in addition to

seizing Objective GOLD, to seize Objective ORANGE and Objective TIM (Al Gusayyah Northeast Air Field at PU 470517).

1500 3d Battalion, 227th Aviation (12th Aviation Brigade) begins interdiction of Highway 8 sixty kilometers

west of Phase Line CRUSH. [12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 27 Feb 91]

1540 6th (French) Light Armored Division suffers two killed and 23 wounded in an explosion in the As Salman

Fort located north of the village.

1600 3d Armored Cavalry occupies Objective RED PRIME with limited contact and pauses to refuel there. [3d

Armored Cavalry SITREP, 26 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 182 (26 Feb 91), says objective occupied at 1400]

1610 Company A, 27th Engineer Battalion (20th Engineer Brigade) suffers seven killed and one wounded from

an explosion while clearing As Salman Air Base (MU 597898).

1700 12th Aviation Brigade begins moving remaining elements to Forward Operating Base VIPER (lead elements had

continued on to VIPER after reaching initial objective of Forward Operating Base COBRA). [12th Aviation Brigade SITREP, 27 Feb 91; 12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91, which says that distance from COBRA to VIPER is 160 kilometers and that repositioning was ordered by MG Peay]

1700 1st Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, makes contact with entrenched infantry. [XVIII Airborne Corps

Tactical Command Post SITREP 182 (26 Feb 91)]

1715 82d Airborne Division reports lead element of the

division is at NU 1662, moving east. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post Journals]

1800 24th Infantry Division forward line of own troops: 1st Brigade at Battle Position 102; 2d Brigade at

Battle Position 103; 197th Infantry Brigade at Battle Position 101; and 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry, screening from Battle Position 103 to Phase Line VIKING. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 26 Feb 91]


tasks the 6th (French) Light Armored Division to screen the corps western flank from the line of departure (border) to Phase Line RIPPER. Effective 0600 on 27 February is also changes the corps rear boundary to Phase Line RAM, makes Main Supply Route GEORGIA a corps main supply route, and amplifies the trace of the XVIII Airborne Corps Fire Support Coordination Line set in FRAGO 64.

1900 24th Infantry Division initiates attack on Objective

GOLD. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 416 which assesses forces on Objectives GOLD and ORANGE as belonging to the 49th Infantry Division]

1930 SPC Chadwell and SPC Eastman of 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, wounded by cluster bomb unit;

evacuated to 93d Evacuation Hospital. [MFR, 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, subj.: 1-201 FA After Action Report, OPERATION DESERT SHIELD/STORM, 9 July 1991]

1930 UH-60A from 5th Battalion, 101st Aviation, crashes on takeoff from pickup zone in tactical assembly area

injuring five. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 203 (27 Feb 91)]

1630Z XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post cell in

Logistical Base OSCAR achieves communications with the Alternate Rear Command Post in Logistical Base CHARLIE. [XVIII Airborne Corps Rear Command Post SITREP, 26 Feb 91]

1700Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 70 to OPORD DESERT STORM directs the execution of Contingency Plan RIDGWAY

dated 26 February 1991 (directing the destruction of Republican Guard Forces Command positional defenses in place) as Phase III-D. [Also see 24th Infantry Division SITREP, 27 Feb 91]

2100 3d Armored Cavalry conducts movement to contact to vicinity of PU 4652; since start of ground

offensive regiment has capture 48 enemy, most of whom were in hiding and surrendered without firing a shot. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 26 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 183 (27 Feb 91), calls this the initiation of the regiment's attack on Objective TIM with orientation on the airstrip at PU 5245]

2200 Task Force 3-7 Infantry overcomes resistance of a Special Forces brigade, six artillery battalions,

and an air defense artillery battery destroying them by direct and counterbattery fires, and destroying some ammunition bunkers. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 27 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 183 (27 Feb 91), says that the task force and Task Force 4-64 Armor made contact at Battle Position 102 (PU 4097) with tanks on transporters and destroyed fifty-seven; XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 416 says transporters were moving northwest on the main supply route.]

2300 24th Infantry Division reports clearing Objective GOLD, but that area is not yet secured. [Also see 24th

Infantry Division SITREP, 27 Feb 91, which states that at 2300 the 1st Brigade cleared and secured Battle Position 102 (PU 3895) with an orientation to the east, and that 2d Brigade secured Battle Position 103 (PU 2380) and began preparations for attack on Objective ORANGE, and 197th Infantry Brigade secured Battle Position 101 (PU 2010) with orientation to the northwest; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 183 (27 Feb 91), states that Objective GOLD was secured at 2400 when 197th Infantry Brigade completed it portion of the action and provided the grid locations and orientations noted above and estimated battle damage of almost 200 enemy prisoners of war, 72 trucks, and an ammunition bunker]

2400 Iraqi traffic flow shifts west and north over the causeway bridge at 3045N 04718E; bridge

subsequently attacked and flow stopped. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 416]

-- Aviation Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, closes into Forward Operating Base 1 (NU 150150). [24th

Infantry Division SITREP, 26 Feb 91]

-- 24th Infantry Division reports total enemy prisoners of war taken at Objectives BROWN and GRAY as 212.

[24th Infantry Division SITREP, 26 Feb 91]

-- 101st Airborne Division reports destruction at NV 5248 of nine trucks and one antiaircraft artillery gun;

the capture of one 82mm mortar, and the Iraqi abandonment of an additional seven trucks. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 416]

-- 265th Engineer Group reports that 46th Engineer

Battalion has one lane of Main Supply Route GEORGIA completed from Phase Line CHARGER to Phase Line RAM; 52d Engineer Battalion has Combat Trail YANKEE completed to CHARGER; 62d Engineer Battalion has one lane of GEORGIA completed from RAM to Logistical Base ROMEO; group begins work on Main Supply Route VIRGINIA. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 26 Feb 91]

-- 937th Engineer Group has 27th Engineer Battalion

helping French to clear As Salman Airfield; 20th and 37th Engineer Battalions moving to Logistical Base ROMEO. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 26 Feb 91]

27 February (C+204; D+41; G+3)

-- XVIII Airborne Corps G-2 assesses 49th Infantry Division combat ineffective; VII Corps assesses

26th, 31st, 48th Infantry, 12th Armor, and Tawakalna Mechanized Divisions combat ineffective. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 417; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 27 Feb 91]

-- 24th Infantry Division G-2 assesses Al Faw Infantry Division combat ineffective. [XVIII Airborne

Corps INTSUM 418]

  • -- SCUD attack at Dhahran hits 475th Quartermaster, resulting in 27 killed and 96 wounded.

  • -- 3d Squadron, 3d Armored Cavalry at Objective TIM (PU 440488) possibly engaged in fratricide incident

involving five soldiers from the 54th Engineer Battalion (1st Armored Division) who had dismounted from their M-548. One soldier is killed and one wounded.

-- MAJ Thomas Zeugner from the 543d Ordnance Detachment (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) is killed by Iraqi

small arms fire when the Toyota truck he is riding in passes beyond French lines.

0100 Task Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery Movement Package #1 arrives at forward location in Iraq. [Task

Force 2-1 Air Defense Artillery SITREP, 27 Feb 91]

0115 24th Infantry Division reports destruction of 54 T-72 tanks on transporters near Objective GOLD by Task

Force 4-64 Armor; assessed to be a reinforced battalion moving west on Highway 8 to reinforce the Republican Guard Forces Command Special Forces Brigade. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 417; 24th Infantry Division SITREP, 27 Feb 91, which specifically notes no prisoners taken]

0200 XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 71 to OPORD DESERT STORM effective at 0300Z on 27 February extends the area

of operations of the 6th (French) Light Armored Division to cover from Phase Line DOLPHIN to the corps western boundary and from the line of departure to Phase Line RIPPER; concurrently defines the corps rear boundary as being bounded on the north by Phase Line RAM and on the west by Phase Line DOLPHIN; and corrects the trace of Phase Line STRIKER set forth in Contingency Plan RIDGWAY. [Note: Issued 2300Z on 26 February.] [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 183 (27 Feb 91)]

0210 24th Infantry Division secures Objective GOLD. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 27 Feb 91, says secured at

2300Z on 26 February]

0230 3d Armored Cavalry reports securing Objective TIM

without having any enemy contact. [Also see 24th Infantry Division SITREP, 27 Feb 91, which says that the objective, the air base at PU 460530, was secured after light resistance at 0350; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 183 (27 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 27 Feb 91]

0500 1st Platoon, Battery C (HAWK), 2d Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery returns to operational status at

Logistical Base CHARLIE.

0600 24th Infantry Division commences attack on Objective

ORANGE with 1st Brigade firing artillery preparation followed by supporting ground attack and consolidation on objective. [Also see 24th Infantry Division SITREP, 27 Feb 91]

0600 2d Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, attacks to Battle Position 104 and Jalibah Air Field (PU 555796),

overcoming light resistance from airfield guards; Task Force 3-69 Armor destroys ten fixed wing aircraft (including MiG-29s), eight helicopters, and fourteen T-55 tanks at a cost of ten wounded in action; then carries out main effort attack on Objective ORANGE. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 27 Feb 91]

0300Z 1st Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, initiates supporting attack on Objective ORANGE; 2d Brigade

then follows with the main attack, supported by AH-64 Apaches. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 27 Feb 91]

0645 XVIII Airborne Corps G-3 [COL Akers] approves a change in the boundary between the 24th Infantry and

101st Airborne Divisions to allow the 24th (which was already delivering MLRS fires) to order the 197th Infantry Brigade to attack Tallil Air Base. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 183 (27 Feb 91), which says that change was approved at 0630 to place Air Base in the 24th Infantry Division's zone, allowing it to immediately engage the base with long-range artillery fires]

0700 Company C, 3d Battalion, 15th Infantry (24th Infantry Division) has ten wounded in action when an M-2

Bradley is struck by an artillery round near Basrah.

0725 Objective ORANGE secured by 24th Infantry Division. [Also see 24th Infantry Division SITREP, 27 Feb

91, which says that AH-64 support during attack on ORANGE accounted for one tank, two MTLBs, one BDRM, one artillery piece, six trucks, two fuel trucks, and ten enemy killed in action; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 183 (27 Feb 91), says that at 0715 the division's 1st and 2d Brigades encountered light resistance from infantry bunkers at ORANGE and destroyed four towed artillery pieces, fourteen supply trucks, two fuel trucks, one helicopter and one fixed wing airplane]

0900 24th Infantry Division initiates attack to sweep Objective ORANGE oriented on Jalibah (PU 5580).

[XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 183 (27 Feb 91)]

0900 82d Airborne Division closes on Objective GRAY with the 1st Brigade and 1st Squadron, 17th Cavalry.

[XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 183 (27 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 27 Feb 91, calling it 0600Z]

0900 3d Armored Cavalry attacks in right zone of 24th Infantry Division sector to 90 East-West grid

line. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 27 Feb 91]

0923 2d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, conducts air assault to secure Objective TIM (PU 472516);

follows with insertion of forward arming and refueling elements to enable three attack helicopter battalions to begin flying from Forward Operating Base VIPER to strike targets in Engagement Area THOMAS, with another AH-64 Apache battalion prepared for an on-order mission to support 24th Infantry Division operations. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 203 (27 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 27 Feb 91]

1100A(?) "A" echelon of the 46th Support Group closes into Logistical Base ROMEO, twenty-three hours after

departing Assembly Area WALNUT. [1st Support Command SITREP 210 (28 Feb 91)]

1100 Aviation Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, strikes possible Nebuchadnezzer Division force at QU

034839; report 18 enemy killed, and destruction of nine 130mm artillery pieces, four armored personnel carriers, four ZPU antiaircraft guns, one scout vehicle, one jeep, and thirty 2.5-ton trucks. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 417]

1100 Aircraft of 3d Battalion, 227th Aviation, and 5th Squadron, 6th Cavalry, close into Forward

Operating Base COBRA. [12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91]

1130 3d Armored Cavalry has engagement at PU 9055 resulting in destruction of two BDRM, one BMP and two

trucks; and the capture of one BMP, two prisoners of war, and one mortar. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 417]

1130 197th Infantry Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, captures 200 enemy at PV 203020. [Also see XVIII

Airborne Corps INTSUM 417 which says that site PV 203027, and that some of the prisoners were in Republican Guard Forces Command and Special Forces uniforms, but that most claim to have belonged to an antitank unit]

1200 3d Armored Cavalry departs Objective TIM en route to Phase Line CRUSH. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical

Command Post SITREP 183 (27 Feb 91)]

1215 2d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division secures Objective TIM without contact. [Also see 101st Airborne

Division SITREP 203 (27 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 183 (27 Feb 91)]

0915Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 72 to OPORD DESERT STORM relieves the 82d Airborne Division from the

mission to defend in zone to secure the corps lines of communications, adjusts the corps northern boundary and specifies that it is the northern XVIII Airborne Corps Fire Support Coordination Line, and establishes Phase Line CRUSH as the XVIII Airborne Corps Forward (or eastern) Fire Support Coordination Line.

0920Z ARCENT FRAGO #67 to OPORD DESERT STORM 001 announces a

temporary cease fire effective at 0200Z on 28 February.

1000Z Objective ORANGE secure; reported damage to Iraqis of 58 tanks, 8 helicopters, 10 fighters, 2 BMPs, 77

heavy equipment transporters, 2 fuel trucks, 2 BDRMs, 2 MTLBs, 100 artillery tubes, 6 trucks, and 200 enemy prisoners of war. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 27 Feb 91]

1300 2d Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, continues attack to Phase Line AXE. [24th Infantry Division SITREP,

27 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 183 (27 Feb 91)]

1300 1st Brigade, 24th Infantry Division, continues attack in division's left zone to Phase Line AXE. [24th

Infantry Division SITREP, 27 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 183 (27 Feb 91)]

1400 197th Infantry Brigade, 24th Infantry Division,

initiates clearing operations at Tallil Air Base with two company teams. No casualties are incurred while many prisoners are taken and enemy equipment is destroyed (five MiG-29s [?], one helicopter, one T-55 tank, four ZPUs, and two ZSUs). [Also see 24th Infantry Division SITREP, 27 Feb 91, which states that Tallil neutralized by direct fires and artillery, and implies that the two brigade wounded in action this day were incurred here; XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 183 (27 Feb 91)]

1400 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry, moves to Battle Position 102 from its left flank screening positions between

Phase Line VIKING and Battle Position 103; makes no contact. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 27 Feb 91]

1415 4th (Air) Squadron, 3d Armored Cavalry, destroys enemy force of two tanks, two BDRMs, two BMPs, and takes

two enemy prisoners of war. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 183 (27 Feb 91)]

1430- Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, and 12th 1830Aviation Brigade assets attack Engagement Area THOMAS; subsequent analysis reveals that 101st Airborne Division assets destroyed 8 BM-21s, 4 BDRMs, one SA-6 with associated radar, one BTR-60, 2 Mi-8 HIPs, and 23 trucks and that the 12th Aviation Brigade's assets destroyed 2 Mi-8 HIPs, one BMP, 4 BDRM-2s, 4 armored personnel carriers, one SA-6, 2 ZPUs and 23 trucks. [Also see 101st Airborne Divisiion SITREPs 203 (27 Feb 91) and 204 (28 Feb 91) and XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 27 Feb 91; Main Command Post G-3 Journals and 12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91, specifically credit the 3d Battalion, 227th Aviation, with destruction of storage complex, two Mi-8 HIP helicopters, two 152mm towed artillery pieces, an MTLB, a pontoon bridge and twenty trucks]

1500 3d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division, completes air assault into assembly areas west of Objective GRAY. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 183 (27 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 27 Feb 91, says 1100Z]

1500 561st Supply and Service Battalion departs Assembly Area CAMPBELL heading for Logistical Base ROMEO. [1st Support Command SITREP, 209 (27 Feb 91)]

1700 Aircraft of 3d Battalion, 227th Aviation, and 5th Squadron, 6th Cavalry, close into Forward Operating Base VIPER. [12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91]

1715 UH-60 from Company A, 1st Battalion, 159th Aviation,

has a hard landing at LT 605252, but no one is injured.

1415Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 73 to OPORD DESERT STORM directs the 82d Airborne Division to detach one brigade for attachment to the 24th Infantry Division effective 1500Z on 27 February.

1750 UH-60 of 2d Battalion, 229th Aviation, shot down at PU 8688 in the sector of the 24th Infantry Division with seven personnel on board; combat search and rescue assets hunting for downed US Air Force F-16 diverted to begin looking for it. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 203 (27 Feb 91)]

1800 197th Infantry Brigade (less Task Force 1-18 Infantry which remains at Battle Position 101 awaiting relief by 82d Airborne Division) moves to 60 East-West grid line. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 27 Feb 91]

1830 3d Armored Cavalry captures eight prisoners from the Tawalkana Division south of Jalibah near Objective TIM (PU 558612). [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 422]

1600Z82d Airborne Division Artillery locations: 1st

Battalion, 319th Field Artillery has Battery A at LT 534578, Battery B at LT 460606, Battery C at LT 535603, its radar at LT 467606, and its Tactical Operations Center at LT 467602; 2d Battalion, 319th Field Artillery all at MU 181297; and 3d Battalion, 319th Field Artillery all at MU 128192. During the ground offensive operations so far one M-102 howitzer in the 1st Battalion has been lost by a broken base plate and one in the 3d Battalion because of a cracked axel. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 204 (27 Feb 91)]

20003d Brigade, 82d Airborne Division closes into Objective

GREY. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 204 (27 Feb 91)]

1830Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 74 to OPORD DESERT STORM rescinds FRAGO 73. It also establishes (and defines) as "on order" XVIII Airborne Corps Fire Support Coordination Lines ALMOST and FINAL; assigns battlefield coordination control responsibilities for Main Supply Routes TEXAS and VIRGINIA to the 16th Military Police Brigade effective immediately; and tasks the 82d Airborne Division with the responsibility for clearing enemy forces from Area of Operations BRAGG (which is defined) and for destroying all enemy equipment there beginning not later than 1000 on 28 February. Additionally directs the 101st Airborne Division to release one attack helicopter battalion to the operational control of the 24th Infantry Division effective 2000 on 27 February.

1930Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 75 to OPORD DESERT STORM releases Task Force 159 from the operational control of the 82d Airborne Division effective 1800 on 27 February.


announces changes to nuclear-biological-chemical measures.


gives the commander's concept for defensive and security operations in sector, but directs the XVIII Airborne Corps to be prepared to resumes offensive operations. Additionally sets forth rules of engagement to be followed during the cease fire. [Note: Issued out of sequence.]

2300 326th Engineer Battalion (101st Airborne Division) created a crater obstacle on Highway 8 at NV 563479.

2330 326th Engineer Battalion (101st Airborne Division) created a crater obstacle on Highway 8 at NV 631459.

  • -- 24th Infantry Division attack helicopters engage Iraqis along Highway 8 at QU 034839, destroying nine 130mm artillery pieces, four ZPUs, thirty trucks, and numerous other vehicles. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 183 (27 Feb 91)]

  • --82d Airborne Division reports that it has consolidated

into its Phase IIIC locations, with the 3d Brigade completing its airlift from Rafha throughout the day; division strength is 15,658 and it plans to begin moving at 0400 on 28 February to clear Area of Operations BRAGG in sector. [82d Airborne Division SITREP 204 (27 Feb 91)]

  • -- 101st Airborne Division engages series of moving trucks at NV 632464 and NV 572421 resulting in total of four enemy killed, six prisoners of war, and the capture of two mortars. [XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 417]

  • -- 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, releases 1st Battalion, 502d Infantry, and 3d Battalion, 327th Infantry, to 2d Brigade; gains 2d Battalion, 502d Infantry (still in pickup zone posture in the tactical assembly area) from the 2d Brigade; and releases operational control of the 3d Battalion, 101st Aviation, to the 3d Brigade. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 203 (27 Feb 91)]

  • -- 3d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, completes insertion into Area of Operations EAGLE; captures 21 prisoners of war and destroys several vehicles. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 203 (27 Feb 91); XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 27 Feb 91]

  • -- 5th Battalion (-), 8th Field Artillery, closes into Forward Operating Base COBRA. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 203 (27 Feb 91)]

  • -- Battery C, 5th Battalion, 8th Field Artillery, attached to 1st Battalion, 320th Field Artillery. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 203 (27 Feb 91)]

  • -- 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, moves 110 kilometers via Objective BROWN (NU 1862) towards Objective GOLD. [MFR, 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, subj.: 1-201 FA After Action Report, OPERATION DESERT SHIELD/STORM, 9 July 1991]

  • -- 1st Support Command reports that the 316th and 2221st Quartermaster Companies have arrived in Logistical Base ROMEO and are setting up a fuel point; other units closing into ROMEO include elements of the 101st Support Group and the Logistical Task Force of the 46th Support Group. [1st Support Command SITREP 209 (27 Feb 91)]

  • -- 1st Support Command reports that two MEDEVAC helicopters from the 431st Medical Detachment departed for Forward Operating Base #1 to support the forward surgical team of the 5th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital and that three from the 347th Medical Detachment had departed for Logistical Base ROMEO to support the 28th Combat Support Hospital. [1st Support Command SITREP 210 (28 Feb 91)]

  • -- 265th Engineer Group sustaining main supply routes already completed; additionally 52d Engineer Battalion starts construction of Main Supply Route COLORADO and 62d Engineer Battalion begins movement to Main Supply Route PACKARD. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 27 Feb 91]

  • -- 937th Engineer Group has had construction mission for Logistical Base OSCAR cancelled; now has 27th and 37th Engineer Battalions moving to Main Supply Route PACKARD and Logistical Base SATURN. [20th Engineer Brigade SITREP, 27 Feb 91]

28 February (C+205; D+42; G+4)

-- BG(P) Scholes visits 6th (French) Light Armored

Division. [6th (French) Light Armored Division SITREP, 28 Feb 91]

  • -- 3d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, receives three containerized delivery system (CDS) resupply airdrops; secures downed US Air Force F-16 and evacuates pilot. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 204 (28 Feb 91)]

  • -- 2d Battalion, 502d Infantry (101st Airborne Division) closes into Forward Operating Base COBRA. [101st Airborne Division SITREP 204 (28 Feb 91)]

  • -- AH-64 belonging to 3d Armored Cavalry destroys a ZSU

23-4 that attacked it.

  • -- XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery reports that 18th Field Artillery Brigade moved 180 miles to PU 830666; on arrival fired as General Support (Reinforcing) to 24th Infantry Division. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 28 Feb 91]

  • -- XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery reports that the 196th

Field Artillery Brigade (with an on-order mission to provide General Support [Reinforcing] fires to 24th Infantry Division) is moving from Area of Operations TEAK to the vicinity of Objectives PURPLE and TIM and is fully operational in zone. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 28 Feb 91; XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 28 Feb 91]

  • -- XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery reports that the 212th Field Artillery Brigade at PU 933501 is acting as force artillery headquarters for the 24th Infantry Division for the attack to Objective ORANGE. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 28 Feb 91]

  • -- XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery reports that the 6th

Battalion, 27th Field Artillery, attached to the 18th Field Artillery Brigade but charged with the mission of providing General Support (Reinforcing) fires to the 24th Infantry Division, moved from the French area of operations to PU 819701 and fired seven ATACMS rounds in support of the division's deep operations. [XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 28 Feb 91]

  • -- 1st Support Command reports that Logistical Base ROMEO activity includes issue of one day's supply of rations for 18,000 personnel; 110,000 gallons of water; receiving and reissuing Class III requirements for the 24th Infantry Division and 3d Armored Cavalry; and carrying out graves registration processing for two individuals. [1st Support Command SITREP 210 (28 Feb 91)]

  • -- 1st Support Command reports that the "B" echelon of the 46th Support Group arrived at Logistical Base ROMEO. [1st Support Command SITREP 210 (28 Feb 91)]

  • -- 1st Support Command reports that additional elements of the 101st Support Group arrived in Logistical Base ROMEO. [1st Support Command SITREP 210 (28 Feb 91)]

  • -- 1st Support Command reports that 7th Transportation Battalion closed into Corps Marshalling Area this evening. [1st Support Command SITREP 210 (28 Feb 91)]

  • -- 1st Support Command reports that 328th and 838th Transportation Detachments are on station at the Start Point of Main Supply Route GEORGIA. [1st Support Command SITREP 210 (28 Feb 91)]

  • -- 1st Support Command reports that 431st Medical Detachment has relocated from Forward Operating Base 1 to Division Support Area III. [1st Support Command SITREP 210 (28 Feb 91)]

  • -- 16th Military Police Brigade reports that the 759th

Military Police Battalion is performing battlefield circulation control on Main Supply Routes VIRGINIA and TEXAS; that the 503d Military Police Battalion is moving its enemy prisoner of war operations to Logistical Base ROMEO and that it has moved 550 prisoners to the Theater Cage; that the 519th Military Police Battalion is performing battlefield circulation control on Main Supply Routes OHIO and GEORGIA (to Phase Line RAM) and that it has escorted 64 prisoners to the Theater Cage; and that the 160th Military Police Battalion is performing battlefield circulation control on Main Supply Routes OHIO, TEXAS and DODGE, as well as in the Corps Marshalling Area, and that it has taken over the corps temporary enemy prisoner of war facility at Rafha. [16th Military Police Brigade SITREP 164 (28 Feb 91)]

0010 On instructions of 44th Medical Brigade, patients in 109th Evacuation Hospital don protective masks as a precautionary measure. [1st Support Command SITREP 210 (28 Feb 91)]

0110 XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 77 to OPORD DESERT STORM announces the new ARCENT-directed trace for the XVIII Airborne Corps Fire Support Coordination Line effective 1530Z on 27 February. [Note: Issued 2110Z on 27 February.]

0145 XVIII Airborne Corps receives notification of a

possible cease fire to co into effect at 0200Z.

0515 ARCENT FRAGO 68 directs attacks to continue until 0800C at which time a cease-fire will begin.

0320Z XVIII Airborne Corps FRAGO 78 to OPORD DESERT STORM announces that a cease-fire will begin at 0500Z on 28 February, but specifies that units are to continue offensive operations to destroy enemy armored vehicles with a maximum use of AH-64 helicopters and Air Force aircraft. Additionally specifies that the cease fire does not prohibit the destruction of bypassed equipment and facilities. Also directs a maximum effort to be made in refitting the force and planning for on order offensive operations after the cease fire.

0730 First serial (wheeled vehicles) of XVIII Airborne Corps "White" Tactical Command Post departs Assembly Area MAPLE (MT 473086) and proceeds to forward location in the vicinity of Sha'in Ash Shanunu, Iraq (NU 622424) via Main Supply Routes GEORGIA and VIRGINIA. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 185 (2 Mar 91)]

0800 CEASE-FIRE GOES INTO EFFECT. [XVIII Airborne Corps SITREP, 28 Feb 91]

[0800] 5th Squadron, 6th Cavalry, is on station preparing to attack Republican Guard Forces Command elements in support of 24th Infantry Division operations when attack cancelled due to cease-fire. [12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91]

0800 At cease-fire, 24th Infantry Division poised along Phase Line AXE to engage Hamurabbi Division at Phase Line CRUSH, with 1st Brigade positioned on left, 2d Brigade in center, 3d Armored Cavalry on right, and 197th Infantry Brigade in center after completing refueling at Objective ORANGE; 2d Squadron, 4th Cavalry, in position behind 1st Brigade. NOTE: 24th Infantry Division Artillery with support of 212th and 196th Field Artillery Brigades fired up until cease-fire. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 28 Feb 91]

0800 At cease-fire, 101st Airborne Division assumes defensive positions in Forward Operating Base VIPER (PU 472516) and Area of Operations EAGLE (NV 5847). [101st Airborne Division SITREP 204 (28 Feb 91)]

0925 3d Armored Cavalry initiates recovery operation of destroyed UH-60 which had had ten casualties, employing two squadrons as a security force. [3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 28 Feb 91]

0930 12th Aviation Brigade ground convoy from Forward Operating Base COBRA closes into Forward Operating Base VIPER after completing 518 kilometer road march in 49 hours since crossing the line of departure without loosing a single vehicle. [12th Aviation Brigade After-Action Report to V Corps, 9 Mar 91]

1000 82d Airborne Division crosses line of departure with

1st Brigade driving for Objective ORANGE and 3d Brigade driving through Objective GOLD to reach Tallil Air Base.

1014 3d Armored Cavalry scouts identify one T-55 tank, one multiple rocket launcher and dismounted infantry; when elements of the 2d Squadron come under fire from a bunker complex at QU 0163 they attack. By the time that the position was consolidated at 1300 150 enemy were captured, a considerable amount of equipment captured, and four ZSU 23-4s and five T-55 tanks destroyed. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps INTSUM 419 which adds that were searching for downed helicopter when made contact with estimated company of T-55 tanks at QU 158837; 3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 28 Feb 91, says that 2d Squadron made contact while screening to east of recovery operation at PU 9664 from tank company and remnants of artillery battalion at airfield at QU 0260; by the time clearing was completed at 1514 the destruction was eleven T-55s, 17 artillery pieces, 7 ZSU-23-4, 9 air defense artillery weapons, and 165 prisoners of war; regimental commander states will need an engineer battalion just to destroy captured equipment]

1050 24th Infantry Division elements take incoming artillery fire from two different directions an respond with counterbattery fire.

1156 3d Armored Cavalry tanks destroy six artillery pieces

at QU 1156 by main gun fire.

1230 82d Airborne Division elements enter and begin clearing Area of Operations BRAGG.

1515 3d Armored Cavalry destroys a T-62 tank and a BMP at QU 125475.

1535 Personnel of the XVIII Airborne Corps "White" Tactical Command Post depart in two CH-47D Chinooks from the "Blue" Tactical Command Post in Assembly Area MAPLE. [Also see XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 185 (2 Mar 91)]

1345Z XVIII Airborne Corps Warning Order #3 directs preparations for the execution of Contingency Plan ABRAMS (withdrawal from Iraq) with an anticipation of commencement on 1 March.

1650 XVIII Airborne Corps "White" Tactical Command Post assumes command and control of the close battle at NU 622424; "Blue" remains "cold" in Assembly Area MAPLE. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 185 (2 Mar 91)]

1600Z XVIII Airborne Corps Warning Order #4 alerts 101st

Airborne Division for the on-order release of the 12th Aviation Brigade from operational control to allow it to displace to Assembly Area SPRUCE, and for the 82d and 101st Airborne Divisions to displace one brigade each to Assembly Areas PEAR and PLUM (respectively) with anticipated execution on 2 March.

2125 Wheeled vehicles of XVIII Airborne Corps "White"

Tactical Command Post arrive at NU 622424. [XVIII Airborne Corps Tactical Command Post SITREP 185 (2 Mar 91)]

2300 2d Battalion, 7th Infantry (1st Brigade, 24th Infantry Division) stops two busses and one flatbed truck at PU 999852; Iraqis open fire and resulting engagement results in six enemy killed and six wounded with no friendly casualties.

  • -- 24th Infantry Division cumulative totals to date: 88 tanks, 163 other armored vehicles, 10 helicopters, 10 fighters, 4 other fixed wing aircraft, 161 wheeled vehicles, 108 artillery pieces, and one theater ammunition dump. [24th Infantry Division SITREP, 28 Feb 91]

  • -- 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, released from attachment to the 18th Field Artillery Brigade effective 1 March and attached to the 196th Field Artillery Brigade (VII Corps Artillery). [MFR, 1st Battalion, 201st Field Artillery, subj.: 1-201 FA After Action Report, OPERATION DESERT SHIELD/STORM, 9 July 1991]


24th Infantry Division<1>

1st Brigade PU 7740

2d Brigade PU 873751

197th Infantry Brigade PU 749860

3d Armored Cavalry<2>

Regimental Command Post PU 106609

XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery<3>

Tactical Command Post PU 467496

Main Command Post NU 308613

18th Field Artillery Brigade PU 830666

196th Field Artillery Brigade Moving from Area of Operations TEAK to vic. Objectives PURPLE and TIM

212th Field Artillery Brigade PU 933501

6th Battalion, 27th FA PU 819701


<1> As of 1500. SOURCE: 24th Infantry Division SITREP, 28 Feb 91. NOTE: this source also states 3d Armored Cavalry was at QU 015619.

<2> SOURCE: 3d Armored Cavalry SITREP, 28 Feb 91.

<3> SOURCE: XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery SITREP, 28 Feb 91.



January 16, 1991: Address to the Nation on the Invasion of Iraq