37.33592°N 97.00712°W: Highway 77 KS

One of the many road signs for Highway 77 as it runs its way through Kansas.

NUFORC Sighting 13708

Occurred: 1997-07-15 01:20 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2000-08-08 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 8-10..sec.
No of observers: 3
Location: Winfield, KS, USA
Shape: Light
Summary: Extremely bright light moving at Moc 12 North to South from Wichita Ka to the So. Horizon in less than 8 sec.

“We were travelling so. towards Winfield Ka. after midnight riding in the back seat of my wife's fathers car. I was sitting on the left, east, side of the vehicle. A extremely bright light caught my eye from the rear window of the vehicle it descended from the North side of Wichita Ka. above 20,000ft. leveled off about 1-2K feet above the ground headed directly towards Wellington Ka. AS it flashed by the car on the west side my wife saw it also. It continued in a straight line with the exception of one very little jump up and back down, maybe 500ft, until it approach my visual horizon then it shot straight up out of sight. This entire display lasted less than 8 sec. The outline of the craft was hidden behind the brilliant light, it did not light up the area as it travelled above the ground, as a bright conventional light would do. No sound was hear, conventional aircraft moving at that speed and altitude would have a signature boom. The speed would have been in the Moc 12.00 range. The object did not change color as it went vertical, It did not repeat.”

Posted 2000-08-19

“Line Birds” on a power line that runs along Highway 77. Line birds have often shown up when unusual things happen to me and other members of my family, dating back to the first anomalous event I experienced in the early 1980s. When line birds show up at a site that I’m exploring-I go where they take me.


37.481833°N 97.644229°W: Viola KS


37.23974°N 96.99559°W: Winfield KS