37.51948°N 96.97827°W: Flint Hills KS
Expedition 37: An Easter weekend synchronicity while en route to investigate the location of a UAP sighting in the Flint Hills of Kansas.
Location: 37.51948°N 96.97827°W
Summary: UAP investigation and an Easter synchronicity: places of peace or malevolence.
Occurred: 3/30/24 18:00 Local
Duration: 45 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: East of Douglass, KS, USA
Field Notes:
While many people concentrate on the ‘nuts-and-bolts’ aspects of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) and debate if they are secret technology, alien craft, or even if they are real, my expedition has led me to a different realization. Some facets of The Phenomena seem to transcend the physical realm, touching upon the spiritual or religious. This insight has deepened as I’ve dedicated more time to exploring the sites of reported UAP sightings.
Standing alone in a field, disconnected from my phone and other distractions, I focus solely on the experience of being present. It’s in these moments that, at times, an almost indescribable sensation comes over me. It’s akin to a profound peace, a sense of unity with nature, and of humanity’s place within it.
I felt this sense of peace when I shot this photograph. En route to photograph a UAP sighting location in the Flint Hills of Kansas, I saw three crosses in a field. It was Easter weekend, and I immediately knew why I was on that road, at that time. It wasn’t to visit the Flint Hills. I felt compelled to stop and shoot this photo, so I could share it and my experiences during Expedition 37 with others.
Being on the road to the Flint Hills on Easter weekend, then seeing three crosses on a prairie hill was no coincidence- it was a synchronicity.
However, this sense of peace is not always what I experience. At times, a deep unease takes its place. In some locations where UAPs have been sighted, an evil feeling lurks. It is reminiscent of the malevolence I encountered as a soldier in places like Iraq and Bosnia, where humanity showed its darkest side. When I feel this apprehension at locations of UAP sightings, it is like walking a forgotten battlefield where evil claimed victory over good.
The destination of Expedition 37 remains unknown to me. Yet, I am certain it lies far beyond the realm of the tangible, the ‘nuts-and-bolts’. Despite this uncertainty, I continue onward, knowing that this journey I’ve started will almost certainly have no end.
Written 3/31/24