34.50786°N 96.96834°W: Sulphur, OK

Field Notes:

Last week, Expedition 37 veered off its usual course when I took a trip to Dallas, Texas, to visit an old army buddy of mine. While I had no specific plans to visit sites known for UFO/UAP sightings, it was just a great opportunity to catch up with a good friend of mine from ‘back in the day.’ However, in anticipation of the trip, I plotted several UFO/UAP sighting locations in my mapping software, and if the opportunity presented itself- I would stop to explore and photograph the locations.

     The trip was remarkable for many reasons. Not only did I get to spend quality time with my army buddy, but I also managed to visit some of the locations I’d marked out. This post is about one of the sites I visited- Sulphur, Oklahoma.

     My army buddy is an extraordinary individual. His career in the US Army was exceptional; he rose to the rank of Sergeant Major, serving in some of the army’s finest units. Even after retirement, he continued to serve his country as a military contractor, undertaking crucial missions and overseeing projects related to national defense. He is a man of profound and unwavering faith, possessing an open mind that often serves as a sounding board for my ideas. He listens attentively to my stories about The Phenomena, both my personal experiences and those related to the investigation of the sites I visit. Our conversations often last hours, covering a wide array of topics, including The Phenomena, faith, and the potential interconnections between the two. He has often said to me, “who am I to say what God can, and cannot do?”

     Our dialogues are genuine dialectics. He fearlessly presents reasoned arguments against some of my ideas while attentively listening to my opinions and counterarguments. Our goal is not to win in a battle of ideas, but to gain a deeper understanding of something that may ultimately be unknowable.

     The two-day drive to Dallas and back was a small price to pay for the chance to spend a few days with this extraordinary man. The opportunity to visit UFO/UAP sites along the way was simply the icing on the cake.


     As of the time of this writing, Expedition 37 has afforded me the opportunity to visit UFO/UAP sighting locations on fifty occasions since its start in February of 2024. The discoveries I’ve made starkly contrast with consensus reality, the narratives propagated by mainstream media about UFO/UAP sightings, and the reports issued by government agencies such as the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).

     Mainstream media often portrays UFO sightings as events that happen in remote locations, under dubious circumstances, and involving individuals of questionable credibility. Although I acknowledge that the tone has somewhat improved following the 2017 New York Times article by Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal that revealed the existence of covert government programs studying UAPs, stories about UFOs on the nightly news are still frequently presented with a tone of mockery by the anchorman or anchorwoman.

     Reports from AARO, detailing sightings by highly trained pilots and other military personnel, don’t question the credibility or capability of the witnesses. However, they do reinforce the narrative that UAP sightings occur in distant places. Their reports exhibit sensor bias, meaning that the UAP encounters they investigate and subsequently report on occur where the military is training or operating- often at sea or overseas in conflict regions. Once again, AARO’s reports reinforce the idea that UAP sightings are events that transpire in far-off places.

     My personal experience, derived from ‘boots on the ground’ exploration of sites where UFOs and UAPs have been reported, is in stark contrast to the reporting of both mainstream media and the US government. What I’ve discovered is that UFO/UAP sightings have occurred and continue to occur all around us, involving very normal people.


     I started Expedition 37 by extracting reports of UFO sightings from the National UFO Reporting Center’s (NUFORC) online database. Initially, my focus was solely on UFO sightings that occurred along the 37th parallel in Kansas and Missouri- the regions where I’ve had my personal encounters with The Phenomena. I dedicated a week to data-mining information from the NUFORC database and importing it into an Excel spreadsheet. Subsequently, I conducted a data analysis to identify trends such as: locations with multiple reported sightings, peak times of day for sightings, descriptions of the reported objects, monthly counts of sightings, and so on.

     After completing my data analysis and plotting nearly 960 UFO sighting reports into my mapping software, I quickly realized that UFO sightings were not isolated events happening to people in distant locations. In fact, dozens of sightings had occurred within an hour’s drive of my home, reported by a diverse range of individuals. The reality is that UFO sightings have occurred and continue to occur all around us.

     My ‘boots on the ground’ exploration has just reinforced what I saw in the data. The locations I’ve visited are very normal, even if the sighting itself was not. I’ve visited river crossings and the shores of lakes and reservoirs. I’ve explored well-tended farm fields, pastures on rolling hills, and wild forests on the sides of steep hillsides in the Ozarks. I’ve driven on interstates, highways, country roads and walked along trails and alongside railroad tracks. My journey has taken me to many towns, both large and small.

     This report is from one such town- Sulphur, Oklahoma. As I neared the town, driving south along Highway 177, I was once again struck by the unsettling “vibe” I often experience when I encounter a UFO sighting location. I hadn’t planned to visit the town; it was merely one of the many towns I passed through en route to visit an old army buddy. However, as I drew closer, the “vibe” intensified, hinting at some underlying occurrence in the area. Upon arrival, I discovered that the town had recently been the epicenter of a major catastrophe.

     Sulphur, Oklahoma was hit by a large tornado on the night of April 27, 2024. The tornado was rated EF3 on the Enhanced Fujita scale, with peak winds estimated at 165 MPH.

     When I arrived in the town, I was confronted with a level of devastation I hadn’t witnessed since my days in the army. The damage was staggering, and I’m uncertain if my photos truly capture the extent of it. I spent over an hour walking the town’s streets, shooting photos, and talking with the storm’s survivors. The entire time, I was overcome with the same emotions I had while walking through towns devastated by the war in Bosnia during the 1990s.

     It was an experience I will never forget.

     You might be wondering, what does all this have to do with UFO sightings? For me, it serves as a stark reminder that UFO/UAP sightings aren’t confined to remote, far-off places or experienced by a select few. These sightings have occurred, and continue to occur, among everyday people in ordinary towns like Sulphur, Oklahoma- places that have experienced both the best and worst of times.

     This is in no way a platitude. Having visited Sulphur, Oklahoma, my heart goes out to the residents of this town. They are not only grappling with the emotional aftermath of the storm, but they are also in the difficult and long process of restoring their town to its former beauty. My thoughts and prayers are with them during this challenging time.



Location: 34.50786°N 96.96834°W

NUFORC Sighting: 115456

Occurred: 2014-11-18 19:37 Local

Reported: 2014-11-18 20:15 Pacific

Duration: 20 seconds

No of observers: 1

Location: Sulphur, OK, USA

Shape: Other

Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura, or haze around object.

     “Upside-down V-shaped lights on top of no noise dark as night I could see through it.

     It was a v shape. Huge in size it had 8-9 lights they were dim. It was see-through like you are looking through a glass. It moved super-fast. It had moved from position from straight up and down where I could see how huge it was too flat. It started over the northwest side of my house over the highway over my neighbor’s house and then went behind tree toward my southeast direction.”

Posted 2014-11-21


37.85191°N 94.01162°W: Bolivar MO (Part 2)


37.39108°N 93.84533°W: The “Dumping Ground” MO