37.85191°N 94.01162°W: Bolivar MO (Part 2)
The rolling hills, forests and farms typical of the rural area around Bolivar, MO.
Field Notes:
Stockton Lake, Missouri, is a hotspot for UFO/UAP sightings, with an extensive collection of reports in the National UFO Reporting Center’s (NUFORC) database. These accounts date back to the 1970s, marking the inception of NUFORC’s operations.
In preparation for ‘Expedition 37: Stage 2’ in April 2024, I gathered over 70 reports from the towns bordering the lake. There were numerous additional reports, but due to time constraints, I was unable to download, format, and print them all. The desire to complete more research and preparation before embarking on fieldwork is always there, but my departure date was non-negotiable. This was to ensure my arrival in Poplar Bluff, MO by April 8th, to witness the awe-inspiring solar eclipse of 2024 in its path of totality.
Prior to my departure, I managed to print 13 reports specifically from Bolivar, Missouri. My plan was to dedicate a full day to exploring the vicinity of the town. However, unfavorable weather conditions cut short my field time.
This report is just one example from dozens of reports from the town of Bolivar and the area around Stockton Lake.
Dark, stormy sky over the rolling hills in the rolling hills around Bolivar, MO.
NUFORC Sighting: 111202
Location: Bolivar, MO, USA
Occurred: 2014-07-04 23:03 Local
Reported: 2014-07-06 14:12 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Bolivar, MO, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Color. Elliptical shaped fireball.
“At 3 after 2300 I noticed what I thought was an ember floating behind the trees as it cleared the trees its shape was elliptical it looked like it was burning and at times it looked translucent it flew slower than the Life Flight heli and at about the same height and it was a little longer than the heli.
I shined the flashlight at it, but it kept going. There was no sound at that distance I would have heard the heli. within 5 min after the object passed two commercial jets came from the northwest heading east. the object came from southeast of bolivar heading northwest approximately 5 miles north. of town the color was orange to amber that is what made it look like fire burning.”
Posted 2014-07-11
Editor’s note: I’ve edited the written report by replacing “n.w.” with northwest, etc. No details were changed.