37.56433°N 97.35226°W: Haysville KS
Field Notes:
When I started Expedition 37, I envisioned it as a unique approach to investigating UFO/UAP sightings. My aim was to merge my passion for documentary photography with my interest in the Phenomena. I hoped that this fusion could contribute something novel to the field - a collection of compelling photographs captured at the locations where sightings had been reported, a mix of art and investigation.
To transform this concept into a workable project, I needed precise information about the locations where UFO/UAP sightings had been reported over the years. Without these specific sites to explore, there would be no Expedition 37.
Then, in a moment of synchronicity, something remarkable occurred. Just as I was wondering how to identify these sites, the National UFO Reporting Center published an interactive globe on their website. This globe displayed the locations of reports from their database, spanning across the US and the world. With this detailed information, Expedition 37 could go from an idea to a reality.
I spent a caffeine fueled week scraping data off the NUFORC globe, compiling it into an Excel spreadsheet that would serve as my roadmap for the expedition. As I worked with the data, I discovered it offered more than just the geographical coordinates of the sightings. It was a treasure trove of information, including links to the complete reports of sightings in the NUFORC database and a wide range of other details, including the timing of the sightings.
With over 960 reports in my spreadsheet, I worked on the task of transforming this raw data into actionable intelligence for my fieldwork. In a short time, I had generated charts that revealed trends in the reports: the descriptions of the UFO/UAPs, hotspots where sightings were reported in clusters, the months that recorded the highest number of sightings, along with other insights.
As an Experiencer, I have had decades of encounters with the Phenomena. While many individuals have positive experiences with the Phenomena, my encounters have always been negative. I don’t know why, but each interaction, including three distinct incidents in 2021 that resulted in physical, bloody injuries, has been disturbing. I intend to delve deeper into my personal experiences in future ‘Field Notes.’ However, for the time being, it suffices to say that I have no desire for further contact.
Upon collating the data from the NUFORC database, I found a line I was unwilling to cross. My analysis of the data, corroborated by reviews of conclusions drawn by other credible sources, revealed that UFO/UAP sightings peaked at 10 PM. Expedition 37 would happen, but I would always be out of the field before 10 PM.
Without exception.
Last Sunday, I consciously disconnected from the digital world, turning off my computer and silencing the notifications on my phone. In the quiet, I realized something: true exploration doesn’t thrive in the confines of known territories. Progress is achieved by daring to venture into the uncharted and potentially perilous realms.
There was only one way ahead, I would have to cross my uncrossable line.
Two days later, I packed my cameras and went out into the night.
NUFORC Sighting: 71977
Occurred: 2009-08-30 22:47 Local
Reported: 2009-08-30 21:04 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Haysville, KS, USA
Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object. Twelve red lights in sky went from circle to V shape formation and went south to north in a matter of seconds.
“My wife and I were standing outside smoking a cigarette on our porch looking south and seen approximately twelve solid red lights that went from south all the way north in a matter of seconds it was too fast to even get a camera. They started out in a circle and ended up changing into a V shape. By the time I got downstairs to go look on the other side of the building they were completely gone.
By far the weirdest thing I have seen.
If anyone has any suggestions what this may be please let me know. Thanks.”
Posted 2009-12-12