33.44647°N 96.92295°W: Trend Analysis- Water and UFO/UAPs
Field Notes:
I shot these photos from a bridge spanning Ray Roberts Lake, placed between the towns of Collinsville and Pilot Point in Texas. This large lake, located just north of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex caught my attention on a drive to visit a good friend, so I stopped there to take some photographs. The pictures remind me of snapshots I took with Kodak disposable cameras on weekend trips with my family.
However normal they seem, these photographs reveal three recurring elements I’ve observed at UFO/UAP sighting locations: the presence of water, the peculiar sight of dead trees amidst thriving vegetation, and a notable abundance of bird activity.
Recognizing and reporting these trends at UFO/UAP sighting locations is crucial. It paves the way for the hypothesis I’m currently formulating. This hypothesis, I believe, will shed light on some, though not all, aspects of the Phenomena associated with UFO and UAP sightings. I intend to delve deeper into my theory in upcoming ‘Field Notes.’ But as with any substantial structure, the foundation must be laid before the house can be built.
At the time of writing this, I have made 55 trips to various locations where UFO/UAP sightings have been reported. These sites span across Kansas, Missouri, Texas, and Oklahoma. While a significant portion of Kansas and Missouri, along with the entirety of Texas and Oklahoma, fall off the 37th parallel, the accounts from these areas align with those I’ve examined along the usual path of Expedition 37. Because of this, I incorporate them into my data analysis.
Among the three patterns I’ve discerned in relation to these sightings, the most statistically significant is their proximity to bodies of water. This post will primarily focus on this trend. The remaining two patterns, which are intrinsically tied to the unique “vibe” I experience at certain sites, will be the subject of a future post, as they warrant individual attention.
To conduct a statistical analysis, I’ve established two key parameters: the definition of a “body of water” and the concept of “proximity.”
A “body of water” is defined as lakes, reservoirs, rivers, and creeks that maintain a year-round water supply.
“Proximity” is determined as a range of three to five miles from the location of the UFO/UAP sighting. This range is based on my experience from hundreds of hours of field investigations and over a decade spent in the army. From most of the sites I’ve visited, it’s evident that on a clear night, an observer should be able to discern the lights of a standard aircraft flying at low altitude within three to five miles. The same should hold true for the unusual lights commonly reported in UFO/UAP sightings.
Out of the 55 sites I’ve visited, a striking 100 percent of these locations fall within the three to five-mile radius of a body of water.
While it’s a known fact that human settlements often occur near bodies of water, this doesn’t fully explain the figure. Not all towns or cities in proximity to water bodies report UFO/UAP sightings. Yet, all the sites I’ve visited align with this pattern. This was a surprising revelation when I began compiling my data.
I maintain a record of the sites I’ve visited in a spreadsheet. Initially, this spreadsheet did not feature a column for ‘proximity to water.’ However, upon observing that a significant number of the sites I’d visited were situated near water bodies, I added a column to track this data. I then revisited my maps to determine the number of sites near bodies of water.
My initial assumption was that around thirty to fifty percent of the sites would be near water. However, as I methodically checked each site, a pattern emerged - all the sites were in close proximity to water.
While the data from 55 sites may not be sufficient to definitively establish a definitive connection between UFO/UAP sightings and water, it does suggest a potential link between the two. I acknowledge that this trend may not be consistent in other regions along the 37th parallel, particularly in areas like the American Southwest. However, based on the current findings of Expedition 37, I can confidently state that there appears to be a significant correlation between UFO/UAP sightings and proximity to water.
There are seventeen sightings in the National UFO Reporting center’s database that are within a three-to-five-mile range of Ray Roberts Lake, Texas- five are from Collinsville and Pilot Point. I’ve selected two that are representative of these reports.
NUFORC Sighting: 150398
Occurred: 2019-11-03 13:30 Local
Reported: 2019-11-04 08:23 Pacific
Duration: 6 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Collinsville, TX, USA
Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Emitted other objects, Aircraft nearby, Animals reacted
“My son and I were outside and noticed white objects that looked like birds flying erratically. It seemed strange because they seemed much higher than birds usually fly. My son thought it looked more like debris blowing around at a high altitude. He then noticed another much larger object appear. It was a reddish color, and it appeared to be hovering near the other objects. It appeared to be diamond shaped. I ran in our shop to grab binoculars, but before I was able to get back out, my son said it was taking off. When I got back outside, it had already disappeared to the south. This happened in a very short period of time. The object would have had to accelerate to extremely high speeds to be out of sight by the time I was back outside. We had a clear view to the south.”
Posted 2019-12-01
NUFORC Sighting: 177418
Occurred: 2023-08-07 11:32 Local
Reported: 2023-08-07 17:14 Pacific
Duration: Appx 5 sec
No of observers: 1
Location: Pilot Point, TX, USA
Location details: Sitting in car, in gas station parking lot, out passenger window
Shape: Circle. Perfectly circular black orb, in northern sky
“I parked in the convenience store parking lot and looked out my passenger window, toward the northern sky, noticing quite a few aircraft contrails, blinked, and there was suddenly a perfectly circular black object, in my line of sight. I did not see it approach—one moment it wasn’t there, and the next it was—in the span of one blink. I could tell it was quite a distance away and at enough of an altitude that because it was at the top of the visible sky, through the passenger window, with me sitting in the driver seat, the size proximity was roughly that of a half dollar, indicative of a fairly sizable object, at a great distance. What struck me so eerily was that the object completely lacked a 3-dimensional shape. It was the darkest black I have ever seen, almost appearing as though a hole had been cut in the sky. There were no discernible features of any kind and, as mentioned, and was so dark in contrast to the sky that it made my eyes physically feel strange, and immediately gave a sensation that “this does not belong here”. It stayed stationary for approximately five seconds and then shot directly upward and out of field of vision, at a rate of speed that it almost appeared to vanish as quickly as it appeared.”
Posted 2023-09-10